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The hose was snaked over her clitoris and now he-it-was winding its velvet-like texture across the flat of her panting stomach and under and around her breasts. She held the warmness to her, relishing the texture, the heat, and he-he was cock-ass screwing her, brush-cunt fucking her, and at the same time blowing the top of her head off. He whirled and turned the gyrating airbrush and yanked it out and ground it in with harshly twisting screwing, Lord yes, SCREWING-her trunk squirming, legs kicking, head rolling, fingers clawing, her insides blowing apart into fragmented bits, bits pinching pounding pummeling her interior from crotch to cranium, biting bustling bristling snakes and spiders crashing creeping climbing into her over her through her. And now bigger hunks of her, huge pieces of her clashing cymballing in her ears and clanging with sound and light and the mass reassembling reforming in odd unknown unexperienced symbolic shapes which then again reformed into one huge and recognizable God, it was that medical symbol thing, that staff with serpents wound around it like a screw-yes yes SCREW!-and the things puffing up like pricks' heads and, Lord, when that thing blew and when those serpent fangs bit into her like she knew they were going to going to going to SSSSSSCITWAMMMMPPPHHH! and now receding, disappearing, shriveling, unable to take the light of the bright glow that was within her from stem to stern, moving completely out of her as she felt the tube end and real cock end slide-slip from her interior gates and the warm flow of the air how playing over her settling-down exterior as he grinned down upon her watching his spent cock drip its last drops onto the carpet, thinking oh well what the hell, we've at least got the proper equipment handy to clean it'up…

Chapter 7

"A new vacuum cleaner?"

Larry looked at her with a question mark on his face. His Thailand trip had been a short one. He'd cleared things up in two days there and was gone a total of six. Normally-or at least in the past-Gert would have been glad to have him back so soon, but a change was coming over her. A change that was none too subtle, though she resolved to keep it to herself for the time being. This none-too-subtle change had slammed into her mind with full force three days earlier, the morning after the Day of the Vacuum. She had been awakened by the sound of the door bell and, hastily throwing on a robe and running to answer it, opened the front door to find "Ah-ha-ha! Ready for a little more house cleaning?"

Concealing her sudden disgust for super Salesman's slicked-down hair and corn-fed laugh, she quickly put a finger to her lips.

"Shush up, you damned fool! My husband's home!"

"I thought he was in India or some place," he said, abashed.

"Thailand. He's back. He'll be back for a month."

The man at the door frowned. "But I move to a new territory in three weeks."

Tough titty, Gert wanted to say. Instead she repeated, "Shush."

"Okay, okay, no more action, I get it. But what about my machine-the cleaner I left with you yesterday?"

"Shush!" Gert said a third time. Then, because it looked as if Greasy was beginning to doubt her story, she cocked an ear toward the ceiling behind her. "It's no one, dear-just a solicitor for magazines," she called loudly. To the man at the door she said hastily, "Quick, get out-of here. He'd jealous as hell and he keeps a.357 Magnum loaded up there-and he's got a roomful of trophies for marksmanship!"

Greasy was down the path and into his station wagon before Gert could say, "Ah-ha-ha!"

Fully awake now and moving back toward the stairs, the thought automatically came to her that it would be nice if Larry were up there waiting for her in bed. That was when the slam came-in waves:

Nice, bullroar. You're lucky he's away. Lucky? But But what? So he's off to Bangkok, right? And when he comes home what happens? He displays the Big Bangkok Bang. Big Deal!

But it is a big deal. I happen to like Sure, you like the going, but look what the waiting has done to you.

Hmmm. But that really hasn't been all that bad, either. Has it now?

So you've enjoyed yourself, but haven't you realized anything yet about that husband of yours? The big lie he palmed off on you?

Lie? What lie?

He complained about your lack of inventiveness, didn't he? But think about it? Just how goddamned inventive is he?

He-He, darling, sits around on his flabby ass and lets all those broads do him, that's what he does. Then he comes home and acts the part of the Big Teacher. Do you think for a minute that he ever initiates anything with all those foreign broads? Well, do you?

Larry does not have a flabby ass! She replied to herself. But the rest of it was…

And he had the fucking nerve to talk about her!

But she hadn't let herself dwell upon the thing. She'd kept herself busy with house chores and some honest-to-goodness clothes-buying until the day Larry came home unannounced.

It was not like him, not like their usual routine at all, but Gert didn't ask why. She was glad in fact that he had surprised her. Because when she thought about it, which she did right after he entered the house, she also got a none-too-subtle thought that if he had told her in advance when he was coming home that she might have arranged to be out somewhere. Anywhere. It was all rather disturbing.

He, of course, was not surprised to find her doing something other than waiting for him in bed. He was surprised however, to find her using a new vacuum cleaner in the dining room.

"What was the matter with the old one?" he asked.

"Not a thing, but this one's a demonstration model." She smiled at that, but inwardly. "And it came to next to nothing. And it's got a better assortment of attachments than the other one, which we can use in the garage for the cars or something. You don't have anything against cleanliness, do you?"

He smiled an old-style Larry-tvpe smile. "I'm glad you asked me" that. Upstairs to the bathroom. Now."

"The Big Bangkok Bang?" she asked. It just slipped out.

But he missed the tone, if in fact there had been anything to miss. "Come on. I'm ready."

"Pot?" Gert asked, over the sound of the shower water.

The shower had been running its hottest a full force for an hour with door and window shut. Upon Larry's call, Gert had entered the steam-filled room, Larry standing before her, bowing low from the waist, his hands clasped together at his chest. Both wore short Thai silk Kimono-like robes of striped pink, blue and purple. As she hastily closed the door behind her, she noted that on the bathroom floor Larry had arranged two throw pillows. Indicating that she was to sit down on one, he with a ritual somberness lowered himself to the other in a lotus position, like a sitting Buddha. She followed suit.

"Good?" he asked.

She inhaled the steam deeply. After the initial assault of the heat, the skin-and lung-soaking was pleasant, nice. She nodded. "Good."

Larry also took a deep breath and let the air out slowly through his nostrils. "Cleanses the body and relaxes the mind," he said. "This too is for the mind."

He reached up to the sink and fished out something short and white. Reaching in again, he brought out a cigarette lighter. He lit the cigarette and passed it to her.

"I don't feel like smoking now," she had told him, also noting that the cigarette had no filter. She couldn't remember when she'd last tried a non-filtered "It's a special weed." Larry had said. "And part of the scene at today's smoke house in Bangkok."

"Pot?" Gert asked. "But why?" She looked at the thing with doubt. She'd often wondered what smoking pot would be like, but right now she wasn't sure…

"Breathe like this," Larry told her, again taking a deep gulping breath, letting the air out slowly. She imitated him, but still held the cigarette away from her lips, gingerly.