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It was too much to ask of any man. Clark felt his balls shrink to peanuts and then swell up to basketballs and then come on surging with the greatest power he had ever known. His whole body went numb in a great humming buzzoom, centering on the huge stiff cock slashing in and out of the tight, hot, slippery, wildly sucking girl hole. His cock erupted like the burst of a rocket, blasting bolt after bolt of thick lumps of boiling oil up the splitting tube and deep into his tiny sister's brand new cunt channel, filling the tiny chasm full and squirting back out through the tight-clamping cunt lips to blister into the hair and mingle with the heat of Tannsy's own little depth bombs.

Insatiable Clark kept driving his unrelenting prick into her until his trembling legs would support him no more. His arms collapsed and he lay gasping and sweating, his full dead weight on the tiny, helpless sprawled-out body, feeling Tannsy's heart pounding through the soft firmness of her mashed breasts, matching beat for wild stabbing beat with his own.

Exhausted as he was, he had never felt so much the big hero, the big male he-man. He placed a tender kiss into the sweat-soaked hair plastered across Tannsy's face and lay atop her, unable to remove himself yet, wincing against the sporadic little snappings Tannsy's cunt kept coming on with for long moments after the big surprise.

Tannsy's eyes drifted open, huger, greener, mistier than ever, the frightened confusion in them still not completely dissipated. "Oh-h, man-n," she moaned. "I n-nev-ver heard there could be anything like tha-at for the girl." Her eyes groggily closed again.

"You okay, baby?" Clark whispered.

"Oh man-n, am I ev-ver. Still kinda floating-like, you know?" Tannsy managed the beginnings of a weak little smile and then her eyes popped open.

"Was it that good for you, too, Clarkie?" she pleaded. "As good as with anybody else?"

"Oh man, baby, it was the best best b-best lever ha-ad. Stop worrying about it now. We're great together, you and me."

"M-m-m. God, if it does this to you every time you go off I don't see how you can sta-and it as much as everybody says you like to do it."

"Well hell, it isn't always… I don't usually go off th-that hard, you know."

"Real-ly, Clarkie?? You did that just for me?"

Clark choked back a huge laugh that at the same time made him somehow feel like crying. "It was because of you, sweet thing," he said gently. "I never felt it that hard with anybody before. So… complete-like or whatever."

He struggled, still weak, finally getting his weight rolled from her only because Tannsy helped. Tannsy held herself tight to him as they rolled, her tiny cunt clinging around his slippery half-limp cock as fiercely as it had on the full-on, superblasting, behemoth. Her tiny warm hand caressed gently back and forth across his sweating ass and down over his thigh, exploring.

"Was I really all that good for you, Clarkie?" she asked dubiously. "Or are you just saying it to make me feel good because it's our only time?"

"Honey, you're a real fireball. My own personal little fireball. You were absolutely fantastic…. Honest."

Tannsy's soft green eyes searched Clark's face closely for a moment longer, then she gave a little nod of her head.

"'T's all that counts, then," she whispered, kissing him softly on the mouth and mothering the hair back from his sweat-drenched forehead. "Hey, can we go to sleep this way, you think? With it in?"


Virginia Compton's boneless body flowed around him, smooth as a puddle of fresh semen. Before they crossed the floor even once in the old-style togetherness dancing the Royal Oak Country Club Orchestra featured, Clark was sporting an erection that would have been the envy of the Jolly Green Giant. "My, my," Virginia murmured in wide-eyed wonderment. "Wot dot hop'nin' down dere, hey, mQn?" "I don't know," Clark said, hiding his annoyance at her silly baby talk. "Want to sneak out to the nineteenth hole and find out?" "N aow-w, Da-dee?? Before it even gets aw dar-rk and scew-w-wy out, ev-un? Hey, how come I haven't seen you around in almost a month?" "Almost a month!! How come you would specify a month, particularly? Or any specific time." "Because, hey, baby, it's been like that long since you stuck that big thing in me that you're poking into my belly right now. Three weeks and five days if you want it exact. Nobody's seen you around and I know that because I've been asking around, baby." "You-u??" Clark resisted the urge to snap an anxious look at Tannsy. "You-u asking for some particular guy all of~a sudden?? I've been right here at the club every day." "Right, and you haven't even tried to sneak a grab at a singl~ tit during practice in all that time, either. On any of the girls." "Ma~n, I must've been out of my cotton pickin' mi-md." Clark ogled Virginia's low~ut, brassie~ less, party gown. "Yes-s," Virginia agreed, "and driving me out of -mine. God. anybody'd think you'd gotten married and was keeping it all in the family or some equally repulsive something. What have you done, found a better one than mine?" "Oh-h, I could nev-ver find one better than yours-s. "Oh, man. Beautiful, straight, informational answers I'm getting, aren't I? You do remember ~, then? Vaguely?" "How-w could I ever forget-t?" "So stop flipping me off, then, or stop talking." -A real cunt hound, Virginia Compton had always been, and one of the best. A tall, slijiiy, silver-blonde girl with a matching silver-blonde cunt that was super-hot, super-tight, super-. educated and super-wet… at the first touch of a finger on her clit. Virginia liked it rough for getting going. Real rough, not just love play as the books called it. She liked to have her tits bitten until sometimes he thought his teeth must surely break through the -satiny skin. Between the puffy lobes of her silver- _ blonde cunt there hid an unusually large clitoris and Virginia turned on by having it pinched. Not just fingers, but pinched hetween thumb and finger hard enough to send~other girls screaming for mama. For a first flick, once her motor was running, she would make him crawl on her without moving while she maneuvered his cock into her fluid body without touching it with their~hands. That part of it was the greatest. With the first thrust of the mighty prick, Virginia would fling those long sleek legs around his back and hold him deep inside, her hands on his ass still demanding that he remain motionless. Early in the long period when they flicked a lot exclusively, she had developed -a peculiar way of moving the hot soft cheeks of her ass like caressing his balls in her two hot soft hands while working the educated muscles of her hot soft cunt along the full length of his dick, all the time grinning super-lewdly into his ~ce and still not letting him fuck her. It might sometimes take thirty minutes or more for that first silent battle, but she could always bring him to violent orgasm without letting him move a muscle, her own body building up and exploding, always, at exactly the same time his did and it was always for real, never faked. He never had been able to figure out any way to combat that complete mastery of himself short of fighting her, and fighting would have broken the rules. After filling that crazy need always to win the first round, Virginia Compton became all cunt. One of the wildest and most tireless flicks of all the girls in the younger set, and his number one favorite. Until Tannsy. Virginia bumped her cunt into Clark's middle, startling him. "I see you do-o remember," she snickered. "But you know sump'n, Da-dee? You'd better stop with the beautiful hand on my tail or you're just liable to have like instant pudding all over the front of your panties. Hey, how 'bout you and me cut out of here, okay?" Clark suddenly noticed Tannsy dancing by, watching Virginia like a little eagl~eye. And growing more up-tight with every slithering ripple of Virginia's body though nobody but he would have guessed it the way she was smiling so littlekiddishly up while Reiner talked suavely down to her superanimated face. He didn't much like Tannsy dancing with Reiner in the first place. "My parents are out of town for the night, baby, hint, hint, and-d they took little sister with them, so we can have that whole big house all-l to ourselves. Hours-s of it, we can make."