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essed in identical filmy yellow~ shortie night-gowns with matching bikini panties, Lorrie uneasy as hell about showing so much body without a robe but the teasing little fun grin was constantly in Tannsy's green eyes. God, how could there beso much difference in two girls only three months apart in age-and Lorrie the elder yet. Lorrie was tall, skinny, and homely, straight as a piece of spaghetti all the way up and all the way down and using iron~on patches for a falsie brassiere. Tannsy, a petite and beautiful little witch, had a tiny little body straight from God, just like her mother's. All curves and vibrant living warmth and with sweet little breasts of just exactly the perfect proportions to match everything else. He'd give two hours of his life with the straight one for thirty minutes with the curved one right now. -Hey-y, why n-not take both girls out to the pad. Erma, too, if she wanted to come. He sure as hell wouldn't have any trouble handling only three right now. The sly grinning look in Tannsy's bright gamin eyes interrupted Clark's speculative glances between the two younger girls. Her tawny head was slowly wagging back and forth, back and forth. Clark cut out at the next commercial, surre~ptitiously pinching Tannsy's soft-firm bottom harder than he should have. Outside, all his ends loose except that one perpetual, plaguing, son-of-a-bitch, his mind went ranging over the roster of former Firday night availables. It was too much. He was getting too hung up on his own little sister and it was dumb. He thought of Mrs. Coach Somers and the many times and the many varied ways she had so wildly taken care of that hardrock cock-in the back of their VW bus, often, with all the shades drawn, if Coach happened to be home. As he was tonight but with Mrs. Somers gone. Leaving the Somers', Clark thought of Mrs. Denton who had breasts like smooth warm mounds of chocolate souffle with ripe purple plums for nipples. The inside of her mouth and the inside meat of her cunt were purple~olored, too, just like her daughter's. He thought of tiny Bobbi Denton, herself, but dismissed that one before he even considered it He wasn't about to chippy on Tamisy 'with anyone in their own crowd wherethe word would most certainly get back to her and hu~ ~ her aguin. He thought then of Mrs. Mcclur~, the perpetual rapee. Tha-at was exactly what he needed this nigh~ A fight and a ~ck both at the same time. The first time he had copped that one had been the most puzzling of his whole ~cking career which hadn't been all that extensive at the time. Mrs. M~lurg had taken him into the library of her luxurious home to talk buying magazine subssri~ tions the very first time he'd ever called on her, ~ acting familiarly sneaky-sexy-like as if she wanted some young ass just as Mrs. Compton had done before she fucked him the first time. Yet Mrs. M~lurg had held him off. She gave off the feeling of only teasing, but she backed off every time Clark tried to move in on her. Exasperated, he had finally grabbed her and started unbuttoning her dress at the throa~ Immediately, Mrs. M~lurg had grabbed his hand but had h~d it tight closed on the buttons even as she tugged back from him. The top button ripped off, then each next one until her dress was gaping wide open. Clark got the dress over her shoulders and off, but then he had to fight the brrrrnere and panties off her in exactly the same way until she stood naked. Mrs. M~lurg let Clark push her to the double reading lounge then, fighting him every step of the way but teasing, too, if he started backing off, and then just lay on her back, her hands at her sides, her legs tightly closed, cold as a -TV dinner as he threw himself atop her. She refused to open her legs and she kept her eyes tight clenched, a look of genuje terror all over her flushed face. Frightened himself, Clark tried to back off. Mrs. M~lurg grabbed him with both arms to hold him on top of her but then he had to open her legs for hissself. By that time he had such a crying hard on he didn't give a shit anymore what he had to do to get it into that hot wet cunt. He rammed his ballooning dick as deep into her as he could get it with her flat on her back that way and then he even had to lift her knees for himself to get that deep, hair.~hair connection that was the best feeling in the whole goddam world. Deep into her cunt or not, the odd wanting-but-wondering had half kept his mind off how good a cunt wrapped around his dick could feel, and put him through a long period of hard, sweaty, pounding. Mrs. McClurg's body had suddenly stiffened beneath him. A thin whining sound started out of her mouth around cords in her neck that came on like suspension cables on the Golden Gate Bridge. She yanked Clark's head down to her big tits and went into a frantic wild wiggling, slamming her cunt up at him, twisting and rolling her body, spreading her legs and straining as if she would bend his body double and stuff the whole thing into her blubbering gash. They hadn't even liked each other. There had been no play before flicking and no loving afterwards. There had been.nothing but that dirty. nasty smirk of hers, but Mrs. McClurg had taken only one subscription, anxious to get rid of him now but ordering him to come back the following week while she thought over what other magazines she might want to buy. They had gone through the rape scene all over again the following ~ week and every week since except when Mrs. M~lurg had the rag on. "Clar-rk, how very rn~how great to see you," Mrs. M~lurg bubbled, the fuck flush instantly suffusing her face. "I was just this minute sitting here wondering where you've been all this time?' Clark faked a happy grin and followed 'L~. McClurg's slim, exaggeratedly rolling hips int6 the luxu~ous McClurg living?oom. He still didn't like her but overflowing the dislike was the ~ memory of what great pieces of cunt~those rapes always turned out to be, even if they were always one shots. "Now then, which of my subscriptions is due to run out this time?" Mrs. McClurg cooed. "I-I…" Clark swallowed. "That was last year, Missus McClurg. That I was selling magazines for school?" "M-m-m? Well then?9" '' "Are you saying you just plain came to see me?? On-n-ly to see What the hell was he supposed to say, f'r chris'sakes. As if he lladn't come just for fucking every week. Before Tannsy. "You dear, dear boy, how ni-ice you are. Say, Mister M just got some new books in that I'll bet you'd like. Wanna see 'urn?" The book Mrs. McClurg took from the trick wall panel in the library was no way new. It was the same old book she used to tease him with every ~ week; a book of pictures ranging from kissing tec~ques to aticking a foot long cock into a gaping red cunt through the lattice work of a bedstead, and all in f~ living color. Mrs. Mccurg was at least twenty~ight or twenty-nine years old, a vain, babied kind of broad, but with a body lush enough to warrant both the vanity and the;babying. And high class. She was the refined lady type lady common to the neighborhood, a lady who would never willingly. consent to flicking-to in-ter-cour~with any man other than her chubby husband. If she got raped, of course, she couldn't help that. She turned on step by step as Clark ripped her clothing from her piece by piece. When Clark had her naked and cringing, his cock in his pants showed all the strength of a wet graham cracker and what was the point in fighting for a flick if he couldn'~ In her surprise when Clark stopped hassling her, Mrs. M~lurg forgot to cringe away from him. She took one look ~ his worried face and quickly put her hand to the front of his trousers to check on the outline. With her various armor platings removed, her slim body didn't seem all that slim anymore. Or as enticing, even with the anxious com~fuck-me look on her face. "Oh. hey-y," she said in sickening coquetry, failing as always with the kids' words, "what's with my favorite boy, hey, man?" "I'm sorry, Mrs. M~lurg." Clark turned to leave. "Oh hey, Clarkie, I didn't say you had to g-split" "Well…?" Clark shrugged. "Oh, I guess I-couldjustthisonceseduce~make the scene for my young lover," Mrs. McClurg cooed, dying now for what might be denied her. "You-u need m~ for once, don't you, darling. Now-w of all-l times… Come on, it'll be fun-it'll be real cool seducing you. Kicky, hey?" She reached, playfully sneaky, to start the unbuttoning process, a weird smile on her face a~d kissing each piece of skin she bared until she got down to the cock she loved so much. That, she careflilly avoided with her overbright red mouth. Both naked, finally, Mrs. McClurg stood them ~ in front of the full length door mirror to show the excitement of a naked woman body and a naked man body together like in the front of her hook, facing Clark with a coy look, tittering like a spastic idiot at her own great daring. Clark suddenly noticed that while the upper swells of her fish-belly-white breasts did slope excitingly down to her protrhding brown nipples; the undersides sloped sloppily down, too, almost laying against her midriff before rounding out into the big bulbs that used to feel so excitingly soft-hot _ in the palms of his hands. The snarled tangle of coiling hairs spread so abundantly all over her lower stomach was exciting to look at like always-but… well, it was kind of messy looking, too. Not neat and nice. "Oh, man, honey," Tannsy was again whispering against his mouth, her neat little cunt squirming around his mammoth hard prick, "isn't this the greatest thing ever happened? Us, I -mean?" Mrs. M~lurg hunched her ass, pushing herself close to let Clark aetually~see them actually doing it in the mirror. Reaching between her legs from behind, she pulled his jelly roll up against her hot wet gash of cunt and held it, coming on with that idiotic giggle again as she sluffed back and forth on it. Clark noticed in the mirror that Mrs. M~lurg's stomach was a… like belly. And felt all mushy4. ike against him. Compared to his forbidden little sister's hard-soft, flat-round tummy. And her ass that always used to be so… The cheeks weren't excitingly rounded and scooped out-like from her back and like cute 'under a tight yellow stretching of bikini pajama panties. Clark scooped his hips under Mrs. McClurg's rounded belly. Dammit, he needed this slug body. To break the dumb spell of that other tight, hard, socially forbidden, little body. His cock didn't even bother to respond. Three flops in a row. Man, was he never again to have any woman other than his sweet, socially forbidden, little sister? As a last resort, Mrs. M~lurg dropped to her knees in front of Clark like the book showed. Her mouth was hot and sloppy wet, it was the first time she had ever covered his bomb with it, she was certainly earnest enough about sucking on it. A sudden creepy feeling stayted up and down Clark's naked back like Taunsy was right now standing there watching Mrs. McClurg and himself. Watching and with a look of shocked disgust all over her sweet little pixie face, horror in her green saucer eyes. In desperation, Mrs. M~lurg remembered to slap one hand between Clark's legs to cup his nuts in the palm of her hand. She squeezed too hard, her hot fingertips nuzzled the ridge behind too hard, her fingernails scratched the sensitive skin. Mrs. ~ McClurg sucked too hard, slooping like the gulping gourmet. Without even bothering to get hard, Clark's cock gave a like chug and started dribbling into Mrs. M~lurg's sucking mouth. For a second or two after she felt the warm glob on her tongue, Mrs. M~lurg squatted in front of Clark with a disbelieving frown on her ashan face. Her reflection in the mirror looked as if she wag holding a fat white worm in the abruptly silenced lips that were a vivid circle of red against the ~ superwhite pucker of her mouth. She fell back on her hands, furiously spitting the white stuff over chin, still not believing, staring in the utterest distaste at Clark's cock dripping drops onto her expensive library car~et as it dropped limply between his legs and swung back and forth a time or two.