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"See you in the office a minute, please, Fletcher?" she said crisply.

Carefully sober-faced, Clark meekly followed the beautiful ass, again feeling the delicious stirring in his balls. Man, wouldn't it be some beautiful something to be fucking this sex-bodied broad again? Wouldn't it be some beautiful something to be fucking anybody again!

Karen seated herself behind the desk, motioning Clark to the asschewing chair directly across. She cast a glance through the block window to make sure everybody, including her husband, was still occupied and turned back to Clark.

"Okay," she said bluntly, "your swimming's been the greatest but what is it that's been bugging you personally all these months?"

"Hunh-h?? Nothing's been bugging me."

"Clarkie, you and I have been friends for a long time, wouldn't you say? Something more than friends, maybe?"


"You don't have to be so cautious. I didn't bring you in here to scream of being the neglected mistress. I don't even remember that the first day of April was the last time you and I made out together."

Clark rolled his eyes, grinning with Karen. "Man-n," he leered, "I-I do."

"Yes-s, I'm sure you do-o. Particularly since it was early in June when we were down in Los Angeles. That must be so-ome great new girlfriend you've got this time to have you all strung out like you've been."


"Come on, Flet-cher! Two people can't be as emotionally involved-two people can't have f-fucked together as beautifully as you and I have fucked together without learning something about each other. I would guess, knowing you for the little sex maniac you've always been, that you've either gotten hung up on some little broad who isn't putting it out for you and you don't know what to do about it, or the two of you are making it and it's gotten to be too serious for you to handle."

Clark's eyes and mouth popped open. Karen's healthily handsome face again broke into her sardonic grin. "Sure, sweetie," she chuckled, "you'd be surprised at how much we old folks might understand even if we can't always come up with the right answers."

"…. 0-kay, teach, learn me all about it."

"No, baby, you tell old Mama. And be serious for a change. Sometimes it helps just to talk about it. You don't have to name any names if you don't want to. Who is she?"

Clark's eyebrows shot up. "Hey, you just said-Aah, you did that on purpose, too."

"I'm only jealous."

Karen giggled with him and, with that undercurrent of seriousness still there, it did open the door to let it all hang out… To someone who really might understand if anyone ever would. Without naming names.

"It is some little broad, isn't it," Karen helped gently.

"Well… but not exactly like you said, you know? You see this girl'swell-awful young. What really happened, I think-What it was was that she was… like curious to see what it would be like, you know? But then-well, it really happened instead and now she wants-we both want it with each other all the time. I think it's only because I was her first guy, but she thinks she's in love with me now and she doesn't even want to try it on with anybody else to find out."

"And she wants the same kind of exclusivity from you."

"Yeah-well, no, not exactly. I sort of promised her I wouldn't with anybody else until she herself wanted out, but then-well, her sister caught us and I sort of had to do it to the sister-"

"My G-God, y-her oth-her sister, too??"

"Well, don't make it sound like tha-at, Karen. This isn't something freaky, you know. When Cissie saw us doing it she needed it, too, just like anybody would, but these are both great kids we're talking about."

"Oh, honey, I didn't mean to imply- Clarkie, I know you well enough to know you wouldn't associate with anybody but good kids. Let's assume that now, okay?"

"…No. I don't want to talk about it anymore, anyway."

"Oh, please, baby, you must. Just sit there a minute and get your head straight and then finish telling me. You need to."

"Well… That's about it, anyway. I did it to the sister, too, to get her-you know, like involved so she couldn't squeal even if she wanted to, and now the girl doesn't mind that I do it to the sister, too. In fact, she really likes it when all three of us- Oh shit, Karen, this… gets too private. For other people besides me."

"I think I've got the picture anyway. I take it I'm the first adult you've had the opportunity of discussing this with?"

"You're the first anybody I've had the guts to talk about it with."

"Hey-y, let's don't be putting yourself down now. It's your protective instinct, not any lack of guts, that's kept you from talking it out with anyone. This sort of problem isn't all that unusual, you know. More girls than you think-and guys, too-get carried away and make it with-th-anybody who happens to be handy."

"I-thought you might do a lot of moralizing. About me doing it to such a young girl, I mean."

"Me-e?? I'd be a great one to moralize, wouldn't I? How old were you when we first discovered that fantastic swimming potential of yours and got carried away in our own celebration? Fourteen?"

"But your economy-size baby you always called me. I wasn't so tiny and I wasn't-I'd already done it a lot."

"I rather doubt that makes the difference though I have always heard that a girl stays in love with the man who… popped her cherry."

"Oh, man, thanks a lot!"

"Well, hey, buster. That bit of vulgarity was supposed to brighten your sad life, not accentuate it. What is it then, that you feel you'd be deserting the girl if you were to start up again with somebody else?"

"God, no, I'd like to. And I'd like her to, too, to-you know, cover us up. Everybody's already noticing for months now that I haven't been out with anybody else and if I could do it to somebody else even just once in a while they'd think I was finally over my new girl and stop worrying about it."

"Why don't you do it then? Surely the girl would understand your reason once it's done."

"I… well, I can't with anybody else anymore. If she only would then I could but until she will, I can't."

"Oh, honey, that's only in your mind."

"No-o, it-s true! Everything's going great with some girl, then I start remembering those dumb promises and everything just goes zonk. Tannsy's always been such an absolute nut about keeping promises herself she thinks everybody else is the same way and it always like takes her by surprise and hurts the hell out of her whenever somebody breaks one to her and I just can't do it even when she's away."

"Maybe if you were to try it with some more experienced woman who could help-"

"I tried that, too, and it's the same thing as with girls. It's worse. One of them… even made me go off without it ever coming up and I felt even lousier. I just can't do it with anyone else anymore."

"But if it should happen by accident-"

"I can't make an accident happen, Karen! God, can't you understand?? I can't get it up-p! For anybody!"

"Oh, baby… I knew it had to be something more serious than being limited to once a month sex. You were uptight long before the girls went to school this year."

"-Hey-y, how did you know she comes home from school every month?"

"Simple, you ding dong. All the girls in your set go to the same school and they all-l come home once a month."

"Oh yeah, right… Aah, we might as well forget that, Karen. I'd be pretty dumb if I didn't think by now we both know it's Tannsy and me we're talking about. I… hey, you know that's right? I'm not minding that you know about us. You'd never think it was only dirty."

"Thank you for that, baby. And it will be easier to work something out now that we don't have to do all the careful hedging around. Are you sure your depression isn't a matter of feeling you'd be deserting Tannsy in some way by getting it on with someone else? That it's become-oh, maybe like a duty now instead of a pleasure because you don't want to desert her?"