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Opening his locker door with one hand while pulling at the tie of his trunks with the other, Clark froze as he felt a silent step behind him. Immediately he felt a warm body press against his ass but a hard cold something poke into his side.

"Don't take those trunks off, buddy," a gruff, surly voice ordered.

He knew who it was, of course, but his sluggish mind couldn't get into what kind of crazy thing she was pulling on him this time. As he turned, Karen burst into a fit of girlish giggles, stretching to put the starter gun on top of the lockers. In the same fluid motion, she stepped against Clark, slipping her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to hers, and squirming her warm soft-firm stomach sensuously snug into his.

Almost immediately Clark became lost in Karen's soft searching lips and her big luscious breasts mushing so warmly against his bare chest. Then he felt the lips quirk into a mile-wide smile under his. Surprised, he snapped his eyes open to meet hers and, even as he did, his own feelings centered super-thrillingly on the reason Karen was grinning. He had a great big enormous erection straining into her crotch through their swimming suits. A great huge wonderful glorious gigantic stupendous hard-on. Not in the torturing aloneness of his pad at home, not with some stupid overanxious broad who was afraid she was fading, not in the first nervous-making stages of getting it on with some new young broad. He had a great, big beautiful hard-on right here in the privacy of an empty locker room with a ready, sexy, woman who was always so much more than willing to do something about it with him.

Without a word, Karen pushed back from Clark. She dropped to her back on one of the padded benches, a nasty-dirty little kid grin all over her ruddy-flushed face, lifting her gorgeous legs high and spreading them wide, one hand invitingly pulling the crotch of her stretchy nylon tank suit to one side. The clinging material caught the hair on one side of her cunt, momentarily showing the red gash inside, already wet and shining with juice, ready and waiting for his tingling, throbbing, beautifully hard superprick.

"Hit the line, Goliath," she murmured huskily, her lush breasts rising and falling in her own quickening breathing. "-No, baby, don't take 'em off. Just slip that magnificent piece of cock to me before I die. That beautiful sexy bod of yours has had me like screaming ever since you kissed me in the office. Before that. All day-y."

"My-y beautiful body!" Clark laughed. He eagerly straddled the bench between the full warm thighs but then, grinning happily, he dared to test it, standing there teasing Karen with the sight of that big hard old red-headed cock glaring out in front of him.

Frowning fiercely, Karen scrambled upright to yank at it with both hands, pulling Clark with her as she lay back down. With her own sly grin, she held him back just as the head of his dick touched the crisp tickly hair of her cunt. She scrubbed the cushiony point up and down her slippery slit a couple of times, tilting her own hips to bunt it against her throbbing clitoris, and then, placing just barely the tip end of his cock at the mouth of her cunt, dropped both hands over the sides of the bench, grinning up at Clark, tacitly inviting him to take over from there.

Bending his knees in a half-squat, Clark rolled his hips back and rammed his bulging cock at that teasing cunt, hitting the edge of her cunt but then slamming so deep into her it lifted Karen's hips completely from the bench. He gasped, almost blowing his nuts on that very first thrust. Karen's cunt felt like boiling water after the cold encasement of his wet swimming trunks.

Karen pulled him down on top of her and nipped his shoulder, hard, shocking him out of his too quick blast off. "Th-there ya go," she murmured when she felt him relax inside her. "Now you can fuck me with that great big hard prick and not be in such a hurry about it. Hey, no, Fletch, I said don't take your pants off."

"Well, why not, now you've got it in you? You never wanted it with clothes on before, Karen. What's with you all the sudden?"

"I still like it best with no clothes on, hey, baby, but I like staying alive to get some more of it, too. What if somebody-say like my superpugilistic husband?-should walk in here. Being alone together might be some damaging even as coach and swimmer but I would like to be in a position to get our suits straight in case of such an emergency and have the evidence at least a lit-tle less incriminating, wouldn't you?"

"Pshit! The way we are when you and me get going we'd never hear anybody come in in the first place."

"We will this time, baby. When I came in I just happened to see a mop bucket sitting there handy. Anybody comes through that door before we're through, he's going to make one helluva clatter, believe me."

"Get outa here, you ding dong. This joint's got the best janitor in the business. He'd never leave any mop bucket lying around."

"I th-think I only said handy. The broom closet ain't all that un-handy from the door, is it?"

Clark burst into happy laughter. An exaggerated grimace wrinkled Karen's nose as his stiff stiff cock wiggled inside her. Her hips bumped up at him.

"Hey," she said, "you think we've talked enough now so we can fuck and still have that big old thing last a while?"

Clark burst into laughter again. "Ah-h, Karen," he said, "you're really so-ome kind of woman, you know it? You really really are the greatest person I know."

Karen suddenly swallowed something hard to get down. "Then you'd better kiss this kind of woman and start the hell fucking, don't you think?" she finally got out. "And stop it with all the silly chatter?" She wrapped her legs around him and settled into a gentle loping motion, humping Clark in sultry little rolls like he was riding a rocking horse. Or backwards, maybe, like some specially built rocking horse was straddling him from below.

Clark held fast against Karen for a moment, kissing her again and then staring intently into the sultry green eyes that went so prettily with her clean-shiny red hair. He realized with a start that Karen's eyes were almost the exact same color as Tannsy's. They even had the same glittery glint of excitement Tannsy's got when they were trying some kicky new thing together.

Karen began coming on heavy all of a sudden, her slitted green eyes fairly glaring at him. Her breathing grew thick and gulpy, her rocking motions stronger until, at the top of each new rock, it felt as if her warm grip on the cheeks of his ass was pulling like the whole curve of his groin into the juicy cove between her flailing legs. Gradually, her eyes turned fuck-misty and her fluid hips began to flow into that final, rubbery, lashing at the end of each greedy stroke that nobody but she and Mrs. Compton had ever come on with when they were fucking him.

Karen broke out in a stifled gasp suddenly that dragged out into a faint moaning. The tight circle of her legs clamped onto Clark's waist high above his hips, her hot hands moved down to the backs of his thighs. Squeezed into her from above and below, there wasn't an inch Clark could move externally except to ride with her. He could feel his cock wig-wagging inside her, up and down and around like a railroad signal gone mad.

Frantically, Clark's fingers clawed at the top straps of Karen's tank suit to tear them over her soft round shoulders and free her marvelous breasts. His hands cupping the firm rounded sides of each of them, his face in the sweaty valley between, the image of Tannsy's huge green eyes finally began to fade.

About two strong sucks on her stiff-straining nipples and Karen crested, breaking into a loud keening wail and rioting up in a squealing heave that would have sent Clark flying over her head had she not been holding him so tightly. The walls of her voracious cunt strained tight around the piston of his dick, sucking hard at it on the straining backstrokes and, as Karen ground it back into herself, pumping noisy grunts of cunt juice along the entire length to squirt past the tight lips and tickle into the hair at the base. The walls of Karen's cunt collapsed, sucking the juice back into her sheath with an extended slurping sound and the terrible tickling started buzzing into Clark's balls from clear back around his asshole.