"…. So. What do we do now?"
"Ri-ight. What we do now is either you talk with Tann about making it with somebody in some way she can get caught at it or I'm going to have to."
"I'd better do it then. She'll understand it better from me, I think, don't you?"
"Probably, but I want you to do it right away, okay? Like tonight, even?-Hey, Virginia's mom arranged the hotel manager's private gym for the girls' team to work out in tonight. I'm sure it won't be too hard to talk Virginia into throwing a swappie instead of exercising if I tell her you're coming and you can bring Tannsy down. Maybe seeing somebody else getting it will turn her on high enough to want it with anybody that's available and we won't have to force anything on her. Like it always does me-e."
"Aw, Cis, I hate to do that to her."
"Well, I do, too, but what other way is there? It has to be done tonight. Period. Before Gin crawls in with Jerry. Hey, it's about time, isn't it? We'd better split."
Tannsy was waiting in the pool compound with both swim teams, imperious to the rules barring non-swimmers as the proud little sixteen-year-old queen she was. Dressed in street clothes, she was no longer so much special little brat as stunning little woman.
Tiny but beautiful all dressed up in a vivid pink mini-suit with an expensive rose-colored silk blouse barely covering her perky breasts beneath it. Her beautiful bare gymnast legs shaped out of the outfit, running girlpink-tan clear down to the tiny pinch pacs that matched the rest of her ensemble. Her graceful neck merging from the open throat of the blouse melted softly into her pretty little glowing face with its huge green, always excited eyes, and Tannsy carried her excitingly windblown golden-auburn hair as haughtily unaware of the adoring peasant stares surrounding her as her own beautiful look-alike mother would have carried hers. She was more exciting, fully dressed, than the seven members of the girls' first team clad only in their stretchy nylon tank suits that so outspokenly described the nipples of their tits and the slits of their cunts.
"Hoo-wee!" Tannsy murmured, dancing the last few steps to meet her brother and sister and grinning at Cissie's sex-softened face. "I wish I'd been there to see that one."
Man-n, some dumb fucked-up world they lived in where a guy had to con his own sweet little sister into getting it on with some guy she might not even like. Judging from the pained look in her evasive eyes, sister Cissie agreed.
Cissie opened the door of the private gym at the first touch of Clark's knuckles.
"Man, I'm glad you guys came," she whispered. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't."
"I almost backed out, but Tannsy said she'd rather do it this way than to stop with us. let's don't be pushing her, though, hey."
"Hey-y, look who's here," Willie Cameron shouted. "We finally get to find out who little Superstar's been making it off with so sneaky-like all this time, hey? How 'bout saving me some after, Tann?"
"Fu-uck who she's been-n making it with," Donnie Donahue blustered. "How 'bout me being first, Tannsy? Like right now."
"God's sakes, you guys," Tannsy laughed. "Give a girl a minute to get used to things, can't you? This is my first orgy."
Seeing no other place to sit, Tannsy sank onto a large leather couch near the door, nervously pulling Clark down with her for protection. As her insatiable curiosity began to overcome her timidity, Clark began to relax with her.
He glanced around the small gym, his eyes immediately lighting on hot little Bobbi Denton, almost as tiny as Tannsy herself and almost as good to have his stiff cock spiked into. Reginald Theodore Calvin the Third's white ass was already pounding into Bobbi's undulating black middle. Bobbi's beautiful black thighs were clamped around Reggie's back, urging him on and in. Her flush-heated chocolate face, coming no higher than Reggie's chest, was already darting all over that hairy expanse, teasing, biting at tit nipples, nipping at hairs, sucking up violent little hickeys all over the place.
Clark's cock came up to a nice comfortable hard-on in his pants but he felt no particular raging desire to yank Reggie out of that circle of legs and insert himself in there as he once might have. Though he hadn't tasted it in his year with Tannsy, he could easily remember that hot little body melting to sweet chocolate pudding under his own and urging him on just like that. With a big wide grin, he remembered the acute embarrassment Bobbi had one time caused him among both swim teams. They'd been alone when he fucked her, of course, but when she came, she had clamped her beautiful white teeth onto his left tit and the only way he'd been able to get loose was by forcibly pulling his tit from between the sharp edges. The tit had gotten all raging red and swollen to twice its normal size and stayed that way for over a week. And that had happened during a biggie meet in Los Angeles with the hugest spectator attendance he could remember.
Looking back to Tannsy, Clark noticed her eyes on Jerry Shipley's stiff cock disappearing into Carmella Reiner's unabashed mouth, appearing again looking wet and slippery and exciting. As the gulpy look crossed her pretty little face Clark didn't know whether it was relief he was feeling or lostlike jealousy.
By adding a third member to the team, Carmella and Tommie seemed to have come up with a new twist to center attention on their usual public display of kinky brother-sister exhibitions. They and Jerry Shipley had lowered a big leather vaulting horse to the level of Carmella's hips. Carmella was bent forward at the waist, her legs spread to the floor beneath. Her brother was standing between her legs, Jerry was sprawled in a metal folding chair with his knees flopped over the vaulting horse, his hands casually behind his head and his stiff cock buried to choking in Carmella's mouth. Each time Tommie came up on his toes to ram his cock into her dead cunt, Carmella's beautiful white ass would hump upwards over the slippery leather pivot, her feet leaving the floor beneath. Carmella holding her neck stiff, her head would go downwards, her puckered lips sliding down the stiff prick Jerry was diligently thrusting up to meet her. Finishing each upward lunge, her brother's hands on her hips would force Carmella's feet back to the floor and her mouth to the end of Jerry's prick. After every third or fourth stroke, Tommie would squat down to tongue more spit into his sister's cunt. Carmella's face was as expressionless as it had been the one time Clark had fucked her.
Tannsy giggled nervously beside Clark. "God," she whispered, "isn't it crazy how such a dirty thing can turn you on like it does? 'Specially after such a beautiful one as you and me just had upstairs? -My God, look over there."
Reggie and Bobbi thought they were hidden by the rowing machine in their private corner. Virginia Compton, on a floor mat in an opposite corner of the gym, knew damn well she wasn't. The Superstar of Fucking had borrowed Cissie's man, the biggest cock in the whole crowd, and was lying languidly across his hairy belly, her own legs spread to show off her beautiful silver- blonde cunt muff to its best light reflecting advantage directly under one of the inset ceiling lights. Almost indifferently, Virginia fondled at Roger's huge swollen cock, bending it towards herself every once in a while and flopping her head to glop her mouth onto the massive red-purple knob on the end. Her free hand covered Roger's at the top of her cunt where, Clark knew, hid that oversize, masochistic, clitoris. As if she knew Roger would never squeeze hard enough, Virginia's own beautiful long fingers were manipulating the sausage clubs of Roger's hairy hand.