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When the timer pinged and everybody had scattered and Clark himself had made the wild dash to the light switch, Tannsy was lying in front of the couch, sexily disheveled and looking as thoroughly fucked as she truly had been. Her blouse just barely covered the nipples of her perky little breasts. Her miniskirt was way up her tummy and completely exposing one soft smooth hip with a huge splotch of drying come on one thigh but her neat little golden- auburn cunt patch was just barely, tantalizingly, out of sight. Clark suppressed an outright chuckle as he noticed that both he and Tannsy had forgotten to take the cute little pink pinch pacs from her tiny feet.

"Oh wow," Tannsy moaned, "I don't know who it was gave it to me so good but I su-ure got it."

Every male face in the room looked at every other male face and then each one came on with a smug, knowing, look as if it could have been nobody but himself who could have given it to tiny Tannsy good enough to make her look as sexy as all that.

"I sure as hell know who I-I got," Clark said, looking pointedly at Virginia Compton from the light switch clear over by the door. "Great again, hey, Gin?"

A puzzled look blanked Virginia's features. "If it was you who got me," she muttered skeptically, "you sure have changed a hell of a lot."

Cissie stared long and hard at Tannsy's sweat-bubbled but smugly contented face and then turned the same intent inspection to Clark's. She frowned dubiously for a moment and then, as Clark grinned brightly, tightened her mouth and rolled her eyes to high heaven.


With a savage thrust of his arm, Clark threw his half-eaten hamburger at the trash can. Jerry Shipley's spoiled rich-brat face was supposed to be kidding while he exaggeratedly ogled Tannsy's breasts but the dirty old man drool was too obvious and he couldn't hide it all. Stupid idea letting Cissie talk him into the super-daring topless swim party for Tannsy's birthday in the first place, even if it was in their own back yard.

He threw a tight-lipped look Cissie's neat bare back still at the electronic barbecue grill with quiet little Pete Fleming, and threw himself into the water for three, then five, and then seven furious laps across the regulation Olympic-size swimming pool. Exhausting himself, he stayed in the pool, treading water, thinking about getting off by himself someplace away from the whole sex-mad mob of them. Tannsy didn't have to enjoy it all that much even if she hadn't been letting Jerry touch them.

A shadow fell across the water and two rows of female toes curled over the edge of the high diving board directly above him. The prominent cunt slit in the tight white bikini bottoms could be anybody's, but the exuberant thrust of that particular pair of bare, pear-shaped tits, hard and full and no sag against the background of bright blue sky, could belong to nobody but Virginia Compton.

Virginia posed her tits for everybody to admire for a moment, then bounced high on the board and arched into a beautifully perfect swan dive that emphasized the thrusting breasts all the way down to the water. She did a complete fishtail the instant the small dimple of surface water closed over her dive, her streaking body blundering like blindly into the front of Clark's legs. She crawled up his body hand over hand, a little careless, sometimes, where her hands might grip.

"Hey-y, superstar!" she said, as if surprised at meeting him, of all people, in a swimming pool. She arched her breasts again but this time for Clark's private view almost against his chest.

"Hel-lo, mermaid," Clark said lightly, throwing another glare past her shoulder towards the table from which Tannsy and that son-of-a-bitch "best friend" of his had so suddenly disappeared.

Virginia snapped her head to follow Clark's face but she saw nobody she didn't know well enough to know she wasn't the one. She paddled herself up against Clark, subtly grazing her breast tips across his bare chest, looking up into his face with the sneaky-dirty little kid leer that had already begun to turn him off even before Tannsy. "I-I can still remember when touching you like that was enough to send you sneaking me off to the nearest dark corner, can't you-u?" Virginia said petulantly. An angry look flashed across her pretty face as she saw that coy-making wasn't cutting it, either. "You s-sonof-a-bitch," she hissed, viciously twisting one of the nipples on Clark's chest, "I throw myself at you like some common slut and you s-still turn me down. I wish to hell I knew who it was got you so pussy-whipped, I'd punch her out but good."

Small Tannsy was suddenly there beside them. And then like in between them. Holding to Clark's shoulders with both hands with her toes gripping firmly on this thighs, she humped her firm little fanny like by accident into Virginia Compton's gut. Virginia came on with an unladylike "Oomph!"

"Oh-h, Gin-n, I'm so-o sorry," Tannsy said, sweet contrition cutting off her girlish, squealing laughter.

Virginia glared at her and then turned the glare back to Clark. She turned in a sudden huff and swam away.

"Whew!" Tannsy grinned in an intimate whisper. "Thought I'd lost you that time."

"Aah, she's all right, honey. She just doesn't know how to stop trying on something she can't have."

"…. Okay. Hey, how 'bout my special birthday present."

"Right now??" Clark pointedly rolled his eyes around the howling mob in the pool.

"Well-l, I hadn't especially thought about doing it right out here in front of them or anything, but if we don't go in pretty soon-n, you just might ha-ave to."

Tannsy's eyes grinned at Clark's sudden sneaky glance to see if anybody was near them. "We do have to get an early start today, you know," she went on. "After all, you have to do it to me seventeen-no, we have to do it eighteen times, don't we. One for each year and once to grow on?"

"G-get outa here, you dumb little shit," Clark laughed.

"Hey-y, glad you see it my way at last. Three minutes head start be enough, you think?" With a saucy little grab at Clark's middle, Tannsy pushed away from him. "Come to think of it, maybe you'd better stay in the water a little longer than that, hey," she sniffed over her shoulder. "You let all tha-at hang out, you in a heap a'trouble around here."

Intensely irritated when he couldn't find Cissie to take his place in hosting Tannsy's party, Clark cut out anyway. He eased himself through the well-oiled door of the garage apartment, holding the lock knob to ease the bolt into place instead of letting it snap, in case anybody should be in any of the cars in the garage.

Tannsy had already tossed aside her green bikini bottom. She was lying on the bed with her head turned sideways watching Wide World of Sports, her proud young breasts swelling toward the ceiling like two exact halves of the same white velvet grapefruit. Her legs dangled over the edge of the bed, comfortably spread. The soft shiny golden-auburn honey curls centering the white triangle of skin above her sturdy brown legs gleamed like a welcome mat, the superwhite little cavity below her cunt waiting like Allstate's cupped hands to cuddle his nuts.

Clark nudged Tannsy's legs apart, grinning widely as her jerk of surprise attested to his success in silence. Instead of slipping his hardrock cock into her tiny pink cunt, he slid it down along the moist cleft of her behind and laid forward atop Tannsy, wriggling his own ass a little to spread the lobes of her cunt and let the base of his cock touch her clitoris.

"Oh yes, honey, that's go-od," Tannsy murmured, slipping her arms around him. "I wasn't wanting to do it as much as I wanted to be do-ing it with you. Does that make sense? Like it was real great being at the party but even better to come home and he alone together?"

"Makes beautiful sense."

"Good. let's just lay like this a while then, okay?"

"N-n-if we're going to lay like this you'd better let me get on the bottom so I don't squash you too long."