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Elaine was left kneeling in a momentary tableau with parted but empty arms and a blank look of surprise on her juice shiny face. "Let me finish," she wailed. "I almost had it."

"After, you can," Tannsy promised over her shoulder. "Let me do it with Clarkie first, okay? You and me both had one and he didn't and look at him, he's miserable. Besides, it'll really flip him out to do it to me in front of somebody outside-"

Again there was that sudden hush in the room as after the first jarring discovery as Tannsy tried to swallow her booboo.

"…. Why you horny little bastard, Clark," Elaine finally said. "I should have known that if you were making it with one of your sexy little sisters you'd be getting into the other as well. Tannsy, it does appear that we have again shocked the spine out of that sensitive creature in Clark's middle. I'll have to suck it up for you before you can fuck him."

"Hey-y, n-no!" Tannsy cried, grabbing Elaine's arm and darting ahead of her. "We don't let anyone do tha-at around here but me-e, hey, Clarkie?"

She dropped to her knees between Clark's legs, flashing her sniffy little smile up to his face. By the time she got her head bent, his cock was already in straining full bloom for her. Tannsy took it tenderly into her mouth anyway.

She teased around the head of it a little, working some spit down the shaft so there would be no uncomfortable friction. Her huge green eyes glinting the knowing smile up to her brother's face, Tannsy began working her own face in neck-wobbling circles, holding just the head in her mouth. Then she started down, gradually tucking her head back into the little sword swallower's trick she had taught herself. Her hands slipping under the cheeks of her brother's ass for leverage, her mouth went down and down and down on the big spit-wetted cock, looking like she would never stop and stopping only when the huge curving pole was completely buried in her throat. Her green eyes again twinkling her precocious grin, she tilted her face sideways so Elaine could see her lips nipping at the hairs around the base of Clark's huge cock and her cool little nose touching his lower stomach.

"My w-word, Tannsy!" Elaine gasped. "How in the w-world do you ever do that!!"

"Lots of practice," Tannsy grinned, then quickly glopped her mouth onto her brother's prick again before Elaine should want to try it.

Elaine couldn't stand being left out of it. With her own sudden grin, she stepped behind Tannsy to squat lewdly over her rear end. Thrusting her hands to Tannsy's hard young breasts below, she teased her blonde patch of crisp tickly cunt hair into the crease of Tannsy's soft round ass.

The very dirtiness of what she had intended as an erotic joke turned Elaine's ultra-refined lady face lust-ugly. Sliding back to hold Tannsy's hips with both hands, she began bucking her hips, grinding her cunt like crazy into the cleft of Tannsy's warm buttocks, working down to Tannsy's asshole and then down as close to Tannsy's cunt as she could get her own cunt.

Nasty-dirty as it was, it turned Tannsy way on, too. And Clark. Tannsy lifted her head from Clark's rod but only long enough to pull his legs together and straddle them backwards. Elaine darted her head in, trying to get her mouth onto Tannsy's cunt even while Clark's huge swollen staff was stuffing it so fully. Both her hands flew to Tannsy's hips and, Tannsy fighting her every inch of the way, she finally succeeded in lifting the tiny body completely clear of the brother's raging dick.

"Wait, honey," she cried. "Wait, now." Reaching to her own supersaturated cunt, she scooped out a fingertip full of juice and smeared it on Tannsy's behind. "This won't hurt if you'll completely relax," she gargled, her trembling hands pulling Tannsy's hips forward. Squatting lower to tilt her head and watch, she placed Tannsy's asshole on the point of Clark's cock straining head high between her trembling legs, bunting it too carefully.

"'T's okay," Tannsy choked. "I know-w how, Elaine! Clarkie and me do it this way a 1-lot!"

Impatiently Tannsy twisted her hips in Elaine's grip, wriggling violently until the head of Clark's dick had plocked into her pinch-bag asshole. Then she surrendered and let Elaine help her, Elaine's both hands working her hips carefully downward until the cheeks of her bottom were resting solidly in Clark's sweating belly.

Already high on the long teasing build-up and scoured now by a torpid man-cock in her tight ass, crisp pubic hair torturing the tingling globes of the cheeks, two hot hands mashing her swollen breasts, and a girl face working deep in her boiling, bubbling cunt, Tannsy started over the hill almost at once. Her hips humped forward in an underslung grind to meet Elaine's face only to be brought up short by the mass of Clark's bone cock pegging her so solidly by the ass.

Elaine came forward on each attempted surging, driving the point of her chin deep into Tannsy's drenched slit, spinning her tongue on Tannsy's clitoris, wantonly driving her nose down to force open the cunt lips and suck at the mouth of Tannsy's tight-stretched vagina. Revolving her whole face in luxurious debauchery, she sucked at the hole and then scourged back up to start the whole routine all over again.

Tannsy's tiny body stiffened back against Clark's chest, her breasts arching wildly into his cupping hands. Her little ass humped up and down on the brother's spindle like a weaver's loom gone out of control, her cunt bucked like a nut tree shaker at the guest's sucking mouth. Echoing a moaning wail from deep in her throat, a long, blurting pent-up load burst from her straining loins, Tannsy's tummy convulsing under the strain, her feet rising high from the floor. Her hips rolled violently around Clark's monster cock. Audibly hissing spurts of juice boiled out of her cunt like a rapid-fire repeating rifle. Elaine sucked and sucked, not bothering to try to swallow it all because she could never work any voluntary muscles anywhere near as fast as Tannsy's automatic inside pump was working.

Noisily sucking at Tannsy's cunt, and even Clark's balls as she moved, Elaine twisted her own body over Clark's instep to scrub her cunt viciously on his ankle in wild rhythm with every squirt she sucked out of Tannsy's cunt. Gradually she worked backward until her cunt dented in to, then twisted sideways to close over, Clark's row of toes. She came, flooding his foot so copiously, gorging so heavily, it seemed as though she must go on next to take the whole foot into her blubbering cunt.

Everything died in little jerks and tremors. Never really knowing whether or not Tannsy had finished hers, Elaine fell backwards, her arms flopping weakly out on the rug. Her sweating thighs still clamped tightly to Clark's leg, her cunt beating like a live heart against the ball of his foot, her eyes closed and she appeared instantly to be asleep.

"Too much," she moaned suddenly, her beautiful breasts billowing and collapsing, "you kids… too much for me. Fu-uck each other. Go ahead and fu-uck each other. You're… too-o m-much…" Then she was completely still.

Tannsy lay limply in Clark's arms, her lips parted softly against the side of his neck. Muscles inside her ass pulsed softly around his cock as her cunt pulsed weakly in the wet warm cup of his protective hand.

"Happy Birthday, baby," Clark whispered when her misty green eyes flickered open. "How many does that count for?"

"Don't know, buster," Tannsy murmured, drowsily content, "but you're not off duty 'til midnight so don't get away from me."

She smiled sleepily, stretched to kiss her brother's mouth and then went to sleep in his shoulder hollow, moving one leg to cuddle crosswise on his lap but never, never disturbing that great big beautiful hard dick buried so deep in her snug little ass.


… No night light in the garage?? No sounds of music coming from the pad, either, and no bar of light showing beneath the door when on his birthday Tannsy or Cissie, or more likely both, would surely be waiting for him?