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Clark stood for several seconds staring back into the blank darkness from the door of the apartment before it hit him that the little shits were probably pulling some kind of surprise party on him. Instantly unweary, he prodded his brain for some way to turn their surprise back on them. The steady hum of the clothes dryer from the laundry room across the garage came through to him and an idea convulsed his stomach in a suppressed chuckle.

His eyes were already accustomed to the darkness from three trips across the pitch black of the garage, but in the exaggerated silence of the pad, Clark allowed himself to blunder noisily into a kitchen chair, for good measure throwing in a couple of muttered curses. The apartment exploded into a sudden blare of lights, accompanied by a roar of laughter and a cacophony of mixed voices screaming "Hap-py Birth-day-y, Clark-Fletch-… cher??"

The noise blanked into an aching silence as if it had been lobbed off with a great huge sword. Everybody stood with gaping eyeballs and chest-level chins. Nobody could think of anything to say.

Nobody except brilliant Tannsy who burst into wild, pleased, laughter. "Well, it's his birthday, isn't it?" she screamed. "Why shouldn't he run around in his birthday suit if that's his bag?"

She sprang forward to press a happy Happy Birthday kiss on her brother's lips. Cheers and laughter from the six couples behind her and kisses from everybody-kisses from all the broads-and Clark swallowed some kind of lump in his throat. The sweet little brats had rounded up only the old gang. There was not one guest from any of their various colleges at his party.

"If he can, we can," Cissie slurred after her kiss, pressed as tightly as her sister's against Clark's nakedness.

Clark looked at her curiously. The little shit was half smacked already. Juiced up on Papa's private stock again by the looks of the bottles sitting on the kitchen table.

"Right on, baby." Tannsy was the first to tear her clothing off and drop it in the middle of the floor. "Anybody too chicken can't come in the pool with us."

Cissie's eyes followed every move of Tannsy's tiny body as it became progressively bared and then her own clothes followed. And like right now they had a topless and bottomless thing going and without even wasting the time to work up the nerve for it.

Unsophisticated erections were hastily shielded as everybody had to play follow the leader to those unpredictable damn Fletchers who always got something going so quickly even after so many months of not seeing one another. Bunches of pointy pouting breasts came into reluctant view and it was impossible to keep everybody's back to everybody else. Nobody dared even look directly at anyone else, much less go close to anyone else.

Again excepting Tannsy who, already beautifully nude and at ease in her beautiful nudity, was bringing Clark a glass of the heavily stiffed punch. She openly pressed herself against him for another happy face kiss.

The symbolism of the swimming party for the swimming star got lost someplace. The underlighted water gave up some pretty exciting, weirdly haloed silhouettes of shapely bare girl bodies but nobody but Clark seemed to notice. Everybody, quickly familiar with everybody else's nudity and dangling again more than sticking out anyplace, was crying to get back to the more intimate privacy of the apartment.

Safely in the pad, the wiseass cracks began to be heard, tentatively at first as at any mixed group thing even naked ones like this, then more boldly and funnier. The dares and challenges began to be thrown. Polaroids came out of hiding to take flashes of nudity, then of nude togetherness with various couples and then of nude couples doing super-daring things to each other.

"Hey, let's take a picture of birthday boy pretending to actually make it with one of the girls," Roger Boehm shouted. "For his special birthday present."

"One of his sisters," cried somebody else. "Be more kinky with-hey, both-th his sisters. Like a Sultan."

"Me," screamed Cissie's number one best friend, brave in her booze. "I'll really do it with him if he wants to and you can take all the pictures you want of the real thing."

The back of Tannsy's neck abruptly stiffened. She spun from the snack table where she had been fixing herself and Clark another pair of drinks. She stood for a moment, haughty and proud, a miniature Goddess Diana, her vibrant five feet two inches of soft bare woman more unintentionally provocative than any other naked body in the place.

Tannsy's warm little body was nude, the others were naked. Tannsy's hips were a bit more trim, the gentle parenthesis just a trifle more pronounced. The perfect straight line of her inner thighs topped with its vee of curled golden-auburn spun silk was ten times more exciting. Tannsy's flat tummy with its deep-set tummy button merged into a waist just that much narrower, her firm round breasts, contrasting more breath-takingly with the pouting rosy-brown nipples, jutted more proudly from the natural arrogance of her habitual straight-shouldered, chin-high stance.

Hers was the only body Clark couldn't tear his eyes from over Virginia Compton's soft naked shoulder.

Placing the drinks carefully on the snack table, Tannsy wove her way to Virginia and Clark, undulating her super-graceful eighteen year old body in twice exaggerated hip swingings. In spite of the bright smile on her innocent pixie face, there was a look in her slightly narrowed green eyes that promised a wild wild excitement of some kind or other. She humped her rounded hip against Virginia's, glaring from her smile, moving naked Virginia aside whether or not naked Virginia wanted to go.

"Shee-it, gur-rul," she crawled contemptuously, directing her words to Virginia but looking straight into Clark's face, "this cat needs a woom-mun to do a job like that, not an inexperienced gur-rul."

Clark swallowed. Frantically he gave Tannsy their squint-eyed "no go" signal. Tannsy ignored the signal, dropping her eyes to his dangling dogie.

"Why hail-l-l," she cried in astonishment, "we gotta git thet li'l ol' sumbitch up-p 'fore we c'n git it e~in, don't we, 'n thet theah li'l ol' job hoppens t'be mah spaish-ul-tee, don' it, lov-vah."

Everybody cut loose in nervous laughter at Tannsy's cute little Southern Belle skit. Clark openly shook his head, holding Tannsy back from himself. She brushed his hands from her arms, lazily one at a time, looking straight up into his face, her limpid green eyes begging, "Please let me show her. Once and for all, honey, please let me show her."

Clark lost and Tannsy knew it. Whether or not he had never thought of things going this far, it was his own dumb joke that had started it all. Whether he let Tannsy show them or not, the word was out whether they all realized it yet or not. With her precocious wrinkled nose sniff, Tannsy melted to her knees in front of him.

The crowd shouted in encouraging laughter, admiring the daring little nut of the neighborhood. Six mammoth unthinking erections erupted into full bloom like pressing one instant on button.

"Places every-wan," Jerry Shipley the wag called, framing his eyes like a movie director. "Pornie cam-rahs! Akshun!!" He, too, could have used his cock for a director's wand.

Tannsy picked Clark's hanging pleasure purse from between his legs and the laughter husked into one long communal gasp as the guys and gals saw a FFletcher sister actually-really-touch her own brother's sex equipment.

Tannsy held the dusky-white wienie flat on the palm of her hand, grandly waving her other hand and moving her body to allow everybody to see and admire. Holding Clark's cock in dainty thumb and fingertip, flourishing it, she flexed her neck muscles, stretched her mouth muscles wide and exaggeratedly, and pooped out her cheeks. She darted her pink tongue in rapid little thrusts in and out of her moist red lips and then flexed all the muscles all over again like a concert pianist preparing for the command performance.

She skinned the foreskin back on the unwilling cock, looked in awed, wondering, curiosity at this strange-looking prey, and crouched like a growling little tiger cat. She pounced with a ferocious snarl to gobble the whole flaccid head into her mouth in one massive snorting bite. Heedless to anyone but Clark, Tannsy raised her twinkling green eyes to his with his unswollen cock pouting her sweet little face and gave one sudden, violent, suck, collapsing her cheeks tight around the diminutive length of it. Her eyes and the corners of her mouth quirked into her sly grin as she felt Clark's body lurch and the cheeks of his ass clap together.