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"You don't like that, birthday boy-y??" she drawled in superamazed disbelief.

In spite of himself, the son-of-a-bitch began to fill in Tannsy's teasing milkmaid fingers. And then to stiffen and stretch more rapidly than ever it had before in his entire life. Tannsy teased at it, just the head in her warm mouth and milking it with her hand, until it was finally and undoubtedly her favorite rigid straining toy.

Tannsy held it triumphantly out in front of Clark for the guests to see, grandly swooping her tiny hand from under it to show how the big thing would stand out there by itself. "See, Virginia," she said sweetly. "All it takes is a little tender loving care. Of course all you girls must realize this is only normal hard. Just before he goes off in you it gets like hu-uge. Watch."

Tannsy dropped to her knees before Clark again, tweaking Big Peepee on the nose and then taking the monster staff into both superwarm fists. She pulled the foreskin hard back, squeezing with both hands to make a shiny redpurple plum on the end to flaunt at the girl guests. She leaned forward to touch the tip of her wet pink tongue to the little lips on the end of the throbbing prong, then thrust her tongue full out, slopping lots of spit around on the shiny red plum, making it that much more shiny and ferocious looking.

Flashing her eyes up to Clark's, Tannsy crouched lower on her haunches. Clark knew exactly what the little shit was planning to do next and there wasn't a damned thing he could do to stop her, not even plead the no go signal.

Tannsy sniffed another of her smiles and pulled the foreskin forward to cover as much of the knob of Clark's cock as it would stretch over. She wet her lips with her tongue and applied her mouth again, this time with her vivid red lips barely opened. She started in on Clark, letting the contour of the head of his dick force her lips apart, revolving her flushed face in gentle little circles as on top in bed she would be teasing her hips as she worked his cock into her tight cunt. With her little sword swallower trick, she suddenly tucked her head back and slammed home, sucking the whole entire rigid curving shaft down her throat.

To prove that she was no way faking, Tannsy held her arms straight out from her shoulders, shuffling her brother around in a full circle while moving her lips to the end of his staff and slowly back in to show her lips mashed into the hair at the root and her nose flattened on his lower stomach.

There was not a sound in the room. Not a camera flashed. Everybody's eyes were glued on baby sister. Not one person in the room could possibly think this was the first time little Tannsy had ever done that to her big brother.

"G-God!" somebody breathed.

Six stiff cocks strained into the gulping silence. Six pairs of nipples strained like individual little flagpoles stabbed into six pairs of passion swelled breasts. Virginia Compton took a stumbling step backwards to feel her bare hip graze against another nude body. Her eyes an unseeing glaze to everything except little sister squatting in front of the brother, her hand crept blindly out, grasping the first stiff shortarm it came into contact with, not even knowing whose prick she was fondling and not caring. She was lucky, Clark thought, that it was a cock her hand first met; she would have grabbed just as spastically at the bulging lips of any hot cunt she might have happened to touch.

Arrogantly defensive of his impetuous brat sister, Clark stood and stroked gently behind Tannsy's ears in the way she especially liked it whenever she was working his cock over with her self-educated mouth. He watched the lust-ugly faces grouped around himself and Tannsy, all of them slack-mouthed and breathing in erratic puffs of breath. Some of the faces showed yearning envy, some unconstrained excitement. Some faces showed jealousy of Tannsy or of himself, and some exhilarated horror.

He blew irritated at the phony horror-stricken faces and right then decided that if his sister was gutsy enough to demonstrate this special love of hers, he could do no less. The two of them together as she had always wanted it. As they had always been.

A spot of renewed worry over his brat's reputation dissipated quickly. Nobody here would ever breathe a hint about his sweet little sister making it with her own brother. In addition to every bastard in the place willing to give his two left nuts for the chance of making it just once with this perfect little woman regardless of what her hang-ups might be, there was not a family represented at the party whose livelihoods did not depend directly on his father's or mother's political connections.

"You ready, baby?" he whispered down to Tannsy.

"For anything you want," Tannsy returned between ostentatiously lascivious thrusts of her mouth onto his rod. "What… did you have… in mind?"

"I dunno. Let's just give these phony meatheads a real show of some kind. Something new."


"Stand up here and talk to me. You're not about to lose that thing now."

Tannsy obediently stood erect but instantly raised to her tippy-toes to wrap Clark's rocker arm between her warm thighs while she pressed her warm tummy to his… Exactly, Clark noticed, the way sister Cissie was holding her boyfriend's yard. Tannsy's crotch was already like flooded.

"What new?" Tannsy asked. "There's nothing we haven't done, now, is there? You and me?"

"There sure is," Clark said with a sudden inspiration straight from the Olympics preliminaries he and Tannsy had been studying on film at the Club. "You get a chance to practice your gymnastics."

"Hey-y, great think-king, baby." Tannsy laughed, kissing a quick, excited kiss at Clark's mouth. "Let me go first, okay? I've already got an idea."

Tannsy twisted in Clark's arms, moving his hands to her hips. She spread her own arms to their audience, thrusting her throbbing breasts outward, the nipples extending under the twelve gulping gazes. Tannsy bent her lithe body double in front of her brother, then, holding her legs perfectly straight, momentarily wrapping her arms around her ankles like in her preliminary loosening up exercises. Her flushed face grinning up at him from between her own two legs, Tannsy reached both hands behind her bottom and grasped at Clark's rigid cock.

Clark's eyes followed her nimble fingers as if hypnotized as Tannsy spread the reddening lips of her juice-flowing cunt, so prominently stuck out back there and so flatly wide open. Tannsy fed the bulging head of his cock into her wide open cunt and swayed back against him, letting the big round cylinder slide through ten encircling fingers one at a time.

"Okay," she whispered when the warm cheeks of her behind were pressed firmly into Clark's belly. "Now you."

Clark put his hands on Tannsy's hips and Tannsy let her upper body hang loose, arms dangling. Clark used her like a big rag doll, pushing her forward and bringing her back, fucking her limp body back and forth on his big stiff dick, holding his pelvis forward and turning Tannsy in a full circle as she had done so everybody could see everything.

A smothered giggle sounded from below him suddenly, and Tannsy reached up to tease feathery fingertips across his balls hanging in their crinkly red-brown bag directly above her face.

"Jeez-zus, honey," Clark gasped. "Don't do th-that or we won't have any show to give them."

Tannsy laughed happily and started to straighten her body erect. The unbending lever of Clark's cock anchored so solidly at the mouth of her tight cunt wedged at too sharp an angle way up there in her tummy someplace and a grimace of pain flashed across her face. Carefully, she pulled her cunt completely off her brother's log before standing up to wrap herself once more into his arms.