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When he became aware of anything else, Clark felt even worse.

Three of the naked guest couples had dropped into a daisy chain of white and tanned bodies, each guy on his back, each girl on flexible knees, her body pumping like an oil derrick. Down with her head to engorge the stiff cock in her mouth; up with her front end and down with her ass to scrounge her cunt on the uptilted mouth of the guy next behind her, and on around the circle, all six surging to each other in almost perfect waves of motion as if they were performing a ballet to some symphony orchestra in the background. The precisely timed writhings, twistings, and surgings of those white asses and dark and darker cunt patches told as bluntly plain as Tannsy's first action on her man's cock that this was no way the first time those three couples had worked together.

Carmella Reiner was laid out with her ass boosted high over the arm of the swivel rocker, her legs spread apart and dangling loosely from the knees, her eyes vapidly taking in the whole scene. Tommie Reiner stood between Carmella's legs, lacklusterly moving his stick in and out of his sister's…

Clark squinted a closer look at the Reiners. Carmella's pink cunt was spread wide open but it was an unbroken tight-stretched slit. Fruitlessly trying to fill some weird need to outdo the Fletchers, it was Carmie's asshole her brother was running his cock in and out of. And it was obviously as boring as her super-tight cunt or her passive dead mouth and nobody was paying them any attention, including themselves. Even as he was banging his sister in the ass, the sister was idly tweaking her own clitoris and Tommie's eyes were longingly following every writhing move of Cissie and Big Roger, making out like crazy almost at his very feet.

Cissie was worth watching. Her lush body was humping around the massive length of Roger's huge pole of cock like some hyperactive caterpillar; legs, hips, tummy, and tits, legs, hips, tummy, and tits. Roger's face tightened in ecstatic pain even as Clark watched. He reared back and began jack-hammering what must have been a fifty-pound load into Cissie's writhing cunt. He went dead and collapsed gasping on top of her with Cissie still humping beneath him, straining for more.

Cissie pushed Roger from her body and looked around for a moment surprised at all the action going on. She saw the Reiners above her head, his long skinny dong sliding in and out of the tight hole below the disinterested pink cunt lobes. A puzzled expression coming over her flushed face as it had Clark's earlier, she scrambled to her feet to see better. A slight look of distaste coming over her face, she pulled Tommie away from the sister

Tommie looked scared to death at being faced with so much woman but he swallowed hard and reached for Cissie. Ignoring his very existence, Cissie elbowed Tommie aside and thrust her already thumping hips between the sister's legs.

Carmella came to life with a surprised squeal of delight. She wrapped both arms around Cissie, crushing their two shapely bodies breast to breast and mouth to mouth, raising her legs ceilingward to bring her cunt up hard into Cissie's in a violent squushy smacking. With the abrupt move, the swivel rocker tipped, dumping both girls to the floor in a writhing tumble of arms, legs, tits, and asses.

The two girls came back together almost before the tumbling motions had stopped. Their bodies slithered end for end like a pair of hot-to-go boa constrictors and their faces slammed between each other's gaping white thighs.

As the girls began voraciously scrubbing their mouths at each other's slobbering cunts, moaning aloud with pleasure, Tannsy twisted a look over her shoulder. She and Clark exchanged grins, shaking their heads in wonder at this sex-mad sister they shared.

"Talents we never knew about, hey?" Clark whispered.

"Maybe I'd better switch to Stanford, too, hey?"

"Maybe you-u better stay right here driving back and forth to Davis every day with me-e, hey, baby."

Tannsy wrinkled her nose and twisted beneath her brother. She bent one leg up along her body and rolled, moving the leg between her body and his. She settled into a voluptuous little cushion beneath him without ever pulling his newly stiff cock from her tight warm cunt, on her back now with her arms cradling his ass and both much more comfortable for watching everything.

Virginia Compton had gotten her best and had collapsed spread-eagled on the rug but Jerry Shipley was still plugging at her dead body frantically trying to get his. His eyes caught Cissie and Carmella. Without a second thought, he pulled his stiff dick out of Virginia's squishy cunt, leaving a loud trailing sucking sound behind him and leaving selfish Virginia lying on her back, her legs wide open, her tangled muff sopping wet and smeared all over her cunt, the lobes of her cunt pulsing wearily straight out in public view.

Jerry scuttled across the floor on hands and knees. He rudely bumped aside Tommie Reiner who was indecisively contemplating the quivering white cheeks of Cissie's exciting ass, the crinkly brown ring of asshole dimpling in and pooping out with every writhing move as Cissie slushed lustily back and forth over his sister's face. Jerry raised his baton and with one huge lunge, jammed it to the hilt between the quivering white cheeks.

Cissie's back humped high in the middle and her ass rotated violently for a moment. Then Cissie, without even breaking the rhythm of her mouth on Carmie's cunt, reached one hand back to Jerry's hip, tacitly directing whoever it was with his cock stuck up her ass to be still on his knees while she herself carried the action.

"That one you-u taught her," Tannsy giggled, whispering.

"That one she taught herself, using me as the machine when she couldn't wait for her period to be over."

"God, don't remind me what you were doing to me while you were doing that to her that time. She's already got me turned on so high I can hardly stand it and I want to watch. G-God, honey, 1-look at her."

Cissie was squashing her flooding cunt hard across Carmella's greedily sucking mouth, grinding her asshole hard down on Jerry's director's wand. She moved her sinuous body forward until the knob on the end of Jerry's cock was stretching the rim of her asshole from her body. She came back on the gleaming pole, humping high and screwing the rounded, sweat-shiny cheeks of her quivering ass hard into Jerry's flat athletic stomach, wallowing her own face in Carmella's gushing cunt, Carmella an insane sex-broad now, pounding her cunt in heavy up and down jabbings against Cissie's face and pounding her face like a vulture in Cissie's cunt.

Tommie Reiner looked at Big Roger Boehm lying alone on the floor. His glance flashed to Cissie sucking away at his sister's cunt and then back to Roger. The indecision in his face turned suddenly to timidly determined resolve. Dropping to his knees, he picked the big floppy dog from Roger's hairy thighs and began working the sleeve up and down in the closed palm of his hand. Soft, Roger's cock was as big as any of the other guys in full bloom.

Roger made a motion as if to swat a bug away with the back of his hand, but then lay back with a shrug, putting his hands behind his head and letting Reiner have it.

Boehm's cock didn't come up fast enough, though Tommie's was now a raging, prancing, warhorse. Tommie abruptly bent his head and clumsily stuffed the limp mass as far into his mouth as he could get it.

He gloried sordidly in the mass swelling in his mouth for a moment but then, impatient again, and mindless to anyone else who might be present in the room, he straddled Roger's hips, squatting on his heels. Working around his own throbbing hard cock that was bobbing and straining out in front of himself, Tommie hunched down, trying with the fingerpads of both hands to stuff the half-hard mass of Roger's cock into his asshole, looking like he was trying to force a big pile of his own shit back into himself.

"Oh, y-yluck!" Tannsy cried, her whole body shuddering. She scrambled out from under Clark and went dashing across the room to tear Reiner away from her sister's favorite boy cock, yanking at him so viciously Reiner fell back on his haunches.