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The head of Clark's cock slipped into Tannsy's slippery-wet cunt and Clark forgot about other girls. Tannsy stopped to think for a moment, then raised herself up on her heels, moving her hands to Clark's hips. She began a slow searching, squirming her hips in careful circles, biting her lip in concentration. Another fraction of the big throbbing dick slipped into her stubborn cunt but it still wasn't right. Tannsy carefully lowered herself to the bed, bringing Clark down with her. The movement eased another bit of the cock into her. She scootched a bit further under her brother and tilted her hips a little more.

She suddenly found the right direction and the whole mammoth supershaft began slowly to slide into the fight warm sheath of her cunt. Sliding, stopping while Tannsy adjusted herself to the new length, sliding again and stopping. Finally the long turgid cock was all the way inside the hot little woman-hole and buried snugly hair to hair as a man and a woman should be. Tannsy lay back with her heels resting on the backs of her man's legs, her crooked little smile of triumph radiating all over her face.

"Finally did it right, didn't we, man," she murmured huskily. "Told you we could."

A rush of emotion flooded through Clark and he crushed his mouth to his sister's smiling lips. "You little monster," he said, swallowing, "this might be the only time you and me'll ever have together but, by God. I'm going to give you a weekend you'll remember for the rest of your whole entire life. I'm going to give you the best f-f-fuck-king you're ever going to get. It doesn't hurt anyplace?"

"Oh-h, no-o way-Y, baby. It's fan-tastic. For you, too?"

"For me, it's beautiful!"

"For me, too. Let's just lie here a while then and then I'll put my legs up around your back, okay? That's what I'm supposed to do now, isn't it? Now we've got it in?"

"Aw, honey, forget about the book now, huh? You're supposed to do whatever feels best for you, not what some dumb book says to."

"Ah-h, then kiss me again, that's what feels best for me-e. Kiss my boobies again."

Clark slipped his arms through Tannsy's armpits, cupping one hand to the back of her neck and the other to the little round ball of her head. His mouth found her wildly eager lips and Tannsy's warm hands crept to the cheeks of his ass and clung. Her heels tugged urgently at the backs of his thighs to mash his hairy pelvis harder into her own wide-spread crotch. Clark nuzzled wet sucking kisses down her neck to her pouting breasts and into the moist fragrance between them, bunting his cock inside her cunt in teasy little circular motions. Tannsy's tummy gave like a little burp and a super-exciting velvety warmth seemed suddenly to line the full inside length of her hot tight cunt channel.

As Clark drew one of the straining nipples of her breasts into his hot mouth, sucking it hard and deep, a surprised squeal of rapture pealed from Tannsy's throat. Her chest arched crazily against Clark's face, her arms clamped around the back of his head. Her velvet cunt muscles tightened spastically along the entire length of his burgeoning cock and everything started going out of control just as it had this morning.

Clark forced himself to stop moving, to turn his mind off until he became accustomed to the unbelievable tightness, the unbelievable hotness of the tiny velvet-lined cunt. When he started moving again, he tried to be gentle, but as he pulled his cock back in her squirming body, the tightclinging lips of her sucking cunt seemed to grasp at the shoulder rim, demanding that the great huge thing be back in there as deep as it would go and like right now. He pushed into her, feeling the velvet muscles give way and then cling to the bulging length of his dick, hearing the faint squushing sound of Tannsy's hot juice squeezing tightly along the swelling, throbbingstiff barge pole sinking to her throat and back.

Faint moaning sounds began coming from beneath him as he stroked his barrel cock in and out of Tannsy's unbelievably tight cunt, her unbelievably hot cunt, faster and deeper, deeper and harder. He knew he was hurting her again, but he couldn't make himself slow down and wait for her to adjust any further.

Tannsy's hips began flowing up to meet his every frantic thrust and Clark dimly realized the little moanings were sounds of pleasure, not pain. Pleasure or pain with Tannsy, Clark's own body betrayed him right then and he knew nothing more.

It was over so quickly for as beautiful as it had been. Clark lay atop Tannsy, gasping, cursing himself for twice now being unable to hold out for this great little broad like he could for any ordinary cunt since he was twelve years old. Like this morning, that dumb bastard cock of his didn't have sense enough to go soft in the super tight little pod that fitted so perfectly to the curve of the big cock stuffing it, that gripped so wetly to every line of it in spastic little grabbings and clung so warmly to every ridge, every dent, every little crevice between the pulsings with such gentle insistence. He abruptly raised his chest and looked under himself to see Tannsy's head tilted up to his, an anxious tentative smile on her pretty little pixie face.

"You okay?" she whispered.

"Well of course I'm okay. Why in the world would you ask anything like that?"

"Well, you… acted so crazy again. Did you like it this time?"

"Hey-y, how could anyone help but like it with such a great little broad as you? Both times."

"I was great?? How? Why? Prob'ly just because it's us, don't you think prob'ly?"

"Whatever. It was still the best I ever had since this morning."

"You big nut," Tannsy giggled. "You couldn't have done it with anyone else at all since this morning. "Hey-" Tannsy's hips gave a questioning nudge around the big post still pinioned between them. "Is it-the book says the guy's thing gets soft after. Yours is still hard, isn't it?"

"That's only because the dumb thing knows it boobooed and went off before it made it good for you, too."

"God, I don't see how it can feel any better than it did before you… stopped. God, everything still feels so crazy inside me you'd never believe it."

"That's what I mean. That time it was just for openers. Like a warm-up. This time I'm going to make you come if it takes me all night."

"Didn't I come before? I must have. Or at least it felt real crazy. Like I had to pee real bad and then all of a sudden it cuts loose and feelss-oh, like real real good?"

"Oh, maybe a little ordinary one you got but this-s time I'm gonna make you get a great hu-ge one like Missus-"

Tannsy grinned. "Which Missus, hey, baby? Your coach's wife? Missus McClurg? Bobbi Den-ton's mother?"

"It doesn't matter. None of them mean anything anymore anyway."

"Aw, hon-n-ney! That's the sweetest thing you ever said to me." Tannsy crushed herself to her brother for a deeply emotional kiss and then dropped back and let him fuck her.

"Oh man, honey, that's ju-ust the way I love it," she crooned. "You shov-vin' it in, in-n 'n out, slo-ow and sweet like that." Like remembering, suddenly, Tannsy linked her heels behind Clark's back and started moving with him.

Clark slugged his cock into her so hard it jarred her whole tiny body. With both elbows he knocked her legs from himself. "Forget about that damn book," he cried. "Let your body learn how without your mind getting in front of it all the time."

"Well, honey, I don't know anything to do-o yet without remembering from the book. What do you want me to do then?"

"It's not want-ting you to- Oh, honey, just lie there and let me do it until you feel something real, okay? It's just your mind's so full of what the damn book says you're supposed to do and feel it doesn't leave any room for you to feel the real it. You'd be a really cool kitten if you'd only forget everything else and let it happen."