“The last time I made a speech, I got into terrible trouble. It was the beginning of the end of a cycle◦– and the start of something new◦– and I’d like to thank each and every one of you, because you’ve all been travellers with me on this new journey.
“I’m not going to pretend that I wasn’t afraid. That I wasn’t crippled by the past. But I learned, I’m still learning, that the past is something that doesn’t exist anymore. In fact, it had stopped existing for a very long time. But my journey has not only been about letting go, it’s been about letting go with love. It’s about acknowledging that whoever was in my life was there for a purpose, and that whatever has happened in my life has happened for a reason.
“I have untold love, gratitude and affection for absolutely everyone whose life has touched mine◦– even that of my ex-husband, John. The result of our union is our two beautiful children: testimony to a bond and love that once existed.” She turned to them. “And it is because of you that I have no regrets.”
She continued, hoping to keep the tears at bay for just a little while longer, “As most of you know, I love music. And while I love you Myron,” she said, blowing him a kiss, “and you, dear friends, I adore Zucchero. His song ‘Flying Away’ perfectly encapsulates my journey so far. What life has meant to me.
“I hope you’ll indulge me while I read a few lines of the song’s poignant lyrics, and when I’m finished, Pete will play it for us, because it’s so much better sung than read. As I said, this song resonates with me because this is exactly what I have tried to do on my life’s journey.” Jen swallowed some champagne before she read the lyrics.
“I have ‘left the sorrow and the dark memories behind’ and I have kept the good, because there has been so much good. And in so doing, I have done what Zucchero urges us all to do: ‘Sweep the rest behind’.
“Right now, dear friends, not only am I flying. I am soaring.”
As Jen concluded her speech, Zucchero’s voice wafted hauntingly through the speakers. Myron walked up to Jen, took her hand in his and led her to the dance floor, where, together, they moved to the slow rhythm of the ballad. His body pressed tightly against hers, their eyes locked. The guests soon followed. They all moved to the music that spoke of her life. And Jen realised that this was one of those moments that would be forever etched into her memory. She had ‘blessed her past’, but not walked away. She had danced away. And, oh, how she loved to dance.
At 7:28 the next morning, as Jen was slowly becoming agonisingly aware of the hangover, her phone beeped her into consciousness.
Myron lay asleep beside her, his delectable body rising and falling like a baby’s in contented slumber. Still facing her man, and feeling ‘hashtag-blessed’, she grabbed her phone from her bedside table.
Number unknown.
Jen sat up. She glanced at the message, then re-read it. A deep flush of heat gathered from deep inside. “Morning Jen, Wishing you a happy birthday from beyond the grave. Hope you’ve been dancing. Remember to tango your way through the next fifty years.”
Before she could react, the message was deleted.
Melinda Ferguson, my publisher and risk-taker
Thalia, Maria, Catherine and Carina: the fabulous four who read my manuscript from its inception (sagapo)
Penny Hill, my astute grammar guide and grammar geek◦– your jist the best ;)
Claire Strombeck for her valuable first edit and Jenna Barlow for her invaluable guidance
Shelagh Foster for her final edit and Linda for the final proof
Dom, for believing I could
My team of feisty and sometimes ‘wined-up’ cheerleaders, as well as my wonderful girlfriends and family (too many to mention) for pushing the should
Simona and Andi for seeing the bigger picture
The team at Jacana Media for allowing me to pitch my manuscript and then directing me to Melinda at MFBooks Joburg
Sexy Stellenbosch◦– a backdrop like no other
And to my daughters◦– strong, feisty and brave, you anchor me always
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Share your saucy insights and thoughts on Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch with me, the author, Eva Mazza. It will be fun to join you for a virtual glass of wine and some page-turning gossip. Whether you’re an official book club or an unofficial group of friends, set up an online session with me by emailing slsxbookclub@gmail.com.
About MFBooks Joburg
MFBooks Joburg is an imprint of Jacana Media, headed up by best-selling author and award-winning publisher Melinda Ferguson. Established in 2013, Ferguson has published a groundbreaking list of new South African non-fiction, including the 2016 Alan Paton Award winner, Rape: A South African Nightmare by Dr Pumla Dineo Gqola.
Books published by MFBooks Joburg
Forthcoming titles 2019
First published by MFBooks Joburg, an imprint of Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd, in 2019
10 Orange Street
Auckland Park 2092
South Africa
+2711 628 3200
© Eva Mazza, 2019
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-928420-40-8 (d-PDF)
ISBN 978-1-928420-41-5 (ePUB)
ISBN 978-1-928420-42-2 (mobi file)
Cover design by Maggie Davey and Alexandra Turner
Editing by Shelagh Foster
Proofreading by Linda Da Nova
Set in Sabon 11/16pt
Printed by CTP Printers, Cape Town
Job no. 003429
See a complete list of MFBooks Joburg titles at www.jacana.co.za