ic nest way for
roniiniitngMjiis scenario in thejd ^nrl to gelmcked without an гип^кшуе vour puSsv any wav yc or shallow and \on <vfy lie s.iir
nvers scat. In v digital mani Ш want. You a Byonr ( lit is r vfeTghfcoiijWj) о !y .1 matter of s
n, cause you his cork rfeep
w Ik* mi fird. W fall on top/of Inn my l.over’sl
l/II 111. VIU I IV* .ПОИЛ oil I M » .71 KJ •
*ii he-slaps myliss. Not too h«n*d и in heat I drat my clit on tllit. lis dick. I am nainting him wfth ;ing. lie,grans |on to my ass like g his flnjfers iillo my flesh. imlv-nd faster. I le lays, Tin gonna i^ I love t hat) helpless sound jin eyek wlien he Ironies. I waul Ho uenf Ы surfendcr when he loses ualh щи ready! I Id 11is train to inside k»f In ijussv. fucking ilir waking ml ill nCighI>orllondi I
badly that yon break up laughing and iou just can't go through with it. У had a boyfriend who laugjned even' time he came. Some people know Ihowto talk and some people don iL Witn some people it s an affectation and the}' mink mat s what you want, maryou need that. Other people know' how to do it aud it just clicks, it's like phone sex. Some people know how to do it and some don t. PVione sex can he exeelient. Ш s an absolute necessity: if y ou 're separate<i ‘ body'you love., YVmmlk Bern. Screaming and making really annoys me. Y hate it when‘guys come and don t make amy noise and you can t tell if the} ' came or not. iBut one time Y was"
Willow Talk? Some people dp it any well. Some people do it so
аск mm. r wa ighborhood ccom |
A- wJb awr !-шьь №&=шт ftjo iJ|| .^Pd ЦОИ W. Х((Л |Ж & овд .мг.^ ‘tef" ^ ^
^ cbMjXclila^ Ж ^^Шс.Ьа^--2<ютхю-M. Kid ^Ur£lK^l6}№~dD-JpfIWlK Cdtfao'Uwr vvvvqd? . Af be asVcn dau^ wc лку^с
When I was a child J used to sit on the toilet backward and wait for the burning sensation between my legs to go away. I did not understand that if only my finger had found it’s way to my pussy the aching would have subsided. That all the twisting and pulling and rubbing and scratching of my arms and my legs would not satisfy my hunger. That the wetness iii my underpants had nothing to do with my mother overdressing me. But as a child 1 did not have the words to ask, so I stayed on fire and burning, tormented and yearning until mat glorious dav
hen Ti
inger found flesh and with legs spread open and back arched^ honey poured from my 14-year-old gash and l wept.
Doctor Tell mo about your dreams.
Dita: I never know when I'm going to have a sex dream. They just come out of Ihe blue. I usually have lesbian sek dreams with people l know. Once in a while a stranger steps In. but generally It's people I know and generally it's With people I would be just horrified to have sex v Doct
On your face? Should I go on?
!$; go ahead please.
i*t talk when you have that look or
will be gone in a few moment#.
(V'l was in Paris and I was getting et on a plane. I'm standing on a
to escape and they cdme in going to let you hang out with b prisoners now." So they JM 3^om. a big huge room wITn '^C^sTtke in an orphanage f,l®S4>ws and each bed has
How could you do that to i do that tome?',‘Vte says. “ the only person I fucked. I I said. "You fucked my mail pig' How could He said, "Not о Seymour." M So I started bdj started doing a tines...this! know...
Doctor: Pie,
Dita: So he hand self t
ш doing?1 'm free*Js
pnd I looked up a dolng*th|s to me. wasjittracled to л sex dream I rehia Doctor- How londj her?, i Dita: Actually.
ex dream about your
, In fact I Just fired her her because of the
Fall ot a sudden I'm surrounded by ice and they are saying. 'We are ime, but we are going to have t3 г I said to my manager. “They’ve jidding. I didn't do anything. What bing to arrest me for? It must be a aid. ‘Well, you have to go, but / Y we'll get you out. It’s a mix-up.J bk me in to the police station, th^y Ihed me and took me into the stfpw rubbed me. Гт totally freaking out. ling, “I haven't done anything! This mean joke!"
Uhrow me in a cell and slam the uijjng there really upset trying to
oh who occupies Lbed that has my nii^see that he's
3 hands!
hands!! he floor' l said,j*'What ar free-jacking, mj 'Whatfe free-jal _ don’t know me rwas free-jackjng b met me and Г pi doing it now.' And Г humped the floor.
I got realjyk* realty upset and I ran in other room and I saw a pay phone «
called uQ jfiv manager and I said. to get таяиГоГпеге! Don’t you rea a publicity stunt?itiaaenly so the Fr< have sojnetflmglowrife about in thi pers fo|tbe poxt^ouoie of months.! done afljfnipg Gpt nle out ol hereJ HesaiЬ ‘VJt'l^be'thfere. We'll do vl сап. Тювгё^ц |pt offbureaucracy.M So uadi reiiy-mad and I hung up® aqp l,3at ijownin t^Is chair and I Ml
ifbody was rub| ling me and ina Jhnd saymgffi^ to be alright Kind of resaprid it was my ■№& d then I
maid Arid lhaU
^ViMai^Voicoia^ it s"
I thon>{ht
У naive И and ncers wante
a dancer
at the time, I was
at di^istirm fl
>S^tajk0j ^yo?Teaij
О ^тисГагоцпсР у» У wa
of scare
Oi to me? _ I dance for
could the
oy were always
gtwas easIigBSTI Imy^hcroarcj
a jfreat tmiewfferil Ир1ас»»Гь1га»йПЦ W* arioso guystan
t« amd bad bar»
place» are dis
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^t.u^wu afrJL
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Do Not Touch Curtain When You Dance on Stage
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IW' JrlcwicQ wfrvfc&J 4о^1Ж-
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