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at it in the mirror when
I’m undressing and wonder
what it would look like without any hair like when I was a baby. Sometimes I sit at the edge of the bed and spread my legs. And stare into the mirror and wonder what others see. Sometimes 1 stick my finger in my pussy and wiggle it around the dark wetness and feel what a cock or a tongue must feel when I’m sitting on it. I pull my finger out and I always taste it and smell it. it’s hard to describe it smells like a baby to me fresh and full of life. I love, rny pussy, it is the complete summation of my
life. It’s the place where all the most painful things have happened. But ii has given me indescribable pleasure. My pussy is the temple of learning.
1 had sex with someone who wasn’t grossly obese but lie was pretty overweight. 11 was the lirst and the last lime. I really liked this guy a lot. 1 le was handsome but he was overweight. I wanted to be unbiased because I really liked him, but the only way I could fuck him was on top because he crushed me. I had to sit on him because his stomach was in the way. That must be what it's like to fuck a pregnant woman.They always say that women aren’t into appearance as much as men are, but it’s not true. 1 think women are just as moved by appearance, but they are willing to accept a situation where the man is less attractive because of the who earns the bread situation. There are so many women with the ugliest guys. I swear to God, if they didn’t have money, forget it. Two hundred fifty pounds, five seven, bald, disgusting misogynist pigs. Deep down inside these women know, but they ain’t gonna tell nobody. If 1 see someone who’s not necessarily conventionally beautiful, I can still be attracted based on their intellect or whatever. But fat is a big problem for me. It sets off something in my head that says “overindulgent pig.'
completely naked. It • тах.-Гт slkditlv djm
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■ji A j'Sjl | heal «'(lining oil Ш) 1 | |
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. JVly skin Ljj
I it mJ\* 111,11 I must |Л
I C l I I I V/ | M./I I . I ,1111 Mil CB I slltcll MFotrupe ami jaMiiiiir and a -Ii.mIow loom'- owe*
■uvigirl. skin glistening with nil. I -<»nir hair and a st4 г* I * hln.
sre^P^finkaY. Sim kneels down beside me Inn I pretend Гш sleepingI She pttts her ear on nn breaSt and listens. Satisfied w ith my hcafl • risf. hunter eye is caught by my ruby earrings glistening in die чт;^Я| to imiefi on on my ear like a drop of blood.
and I eaifi'ej and her suuij
niekly grab her hand. At first she’s startleiUyit: when I smile she. laughs, ten pretending. She doesn’t movfe away. 0116 II10V6S (‘1086Г ter soft breath on my skin. I he flies are buzzing and the skv is golden intoxicating. She doesn’t lake her eyes away from mine. ^ . J &ifГш ail right.und I tell her I m thirsty so she playfully grabs a nffrid-nd splashes it on ui\ fare. I pull her down on the sand with me and I in a fit of laiu'hter, and before J ran blink she has leaned up and
stils expanding in my belly. 1 stare into her eyes and she i< feArl ess.
■as in a abort
Гш on all fours now and the sun is beating down on m\ bank and ihA She doesn’t move so 1 shift my weight and I'm straddling small beads of sweat trickle off my neck. One lands on her k ii off. Again I am met by a penetratiug stare, iikungg №
idngrilv. taking (urns to explore one another’s uiUfl
“Cood, ’cause I'm dying <n iliirsi and I waul to drink your pussy juice! She starts i.o mb faster and faster plunging her linger in and nni of me. soincliines tickling m\ asshole. I devour her iliondi, and f plav wiili.llie nipples of her small, boyish breasts.
I in just about lo come and she tells me she
wants to taste me, so I crawl up to her nioiilh and lower my pussy on to her lips and her tongue touches my clii and she begins t<> suck and I am destroyed.
I ler hands hold mv ass as I rock back and forth on her lace.
Strange sounds route out of my throat like a haby crying as I pour the purest part ol myself into her. I fall back on the sa(pl exhausted from the heat and the alcohol and the
excitement. She tells me how sweet my pussy tastes and i hi her
to take off her T-shirt and lie on her stomach.
__ I I pull myself up and stand over her, staring at her he.aij^Uul
iug m set and circling seagulls have become \o\eur1?» M\ ami I rub ii and she bei^ns to moan and purr like a filth* dove. "Put your finger inside ini'." she begs; but I (ease, her and say aNo, lirst I TuM* make an offering to the sea.” I continue to spread her legs out so her asshole and pussv are open wide, ready to he locked b) nature. I ler hack is arching and the muscleslM her ass are straining and she begs me to make her come, so I tell her to turn over and keep her legs spread. She docs and I -at there staring at her beautiful cunt, trembling to the rosy light. I crawl toward her until mv nose ь almost touching Iter and I smell deep I \—the ыга. the heliotrope, her animal scent that reminds; тле of musk and vanilla. First I kiss her inner thighs and lick il6T 0Ut6I I IDS lasting the >ali of the Then I ki.-> her clit hut very gently brruu.-e it - engorged with blood and erect a? cock I’ve? ever seen. JBMMl , : гЛ
"Suck my pussy, baby, she says to me like a pra\er. and I do. I plunge my tongue into her -oft wetness. I ler pelvis starts gyrating and she starts to groansв*н! Sly' tongue goe^ hark to her « lit licking faster and faster. I lake mv fingers, first one then two
tailllCQ ciSS and long legs. I part Iter legs with my feet and marvel at the pink wetness of her pussy, railing to in) knees I wet tin finger and start tickling her asshole, making little circles and occasionally biting her ass. Site asks me what I inr doing and 1 say, "\\ hat you want me to do.
The sunfinger finds her |
>eeau-e she is so open and I linger fuck her light little gash while sucking on her clit ;ы«т arid harder until •tilT^iltl )S life hack ill inv head and nulls it into her ihissn.
she cries oflit like tin
seagull- circling above ns. I ler body shudders again and again and l drink in every drop ol her sweet nectar. I lien I crawl up next to her and kiss her geiulv letting It» r iii-t< In i nw и pu--\. ''In '-miles «mil I notice she has a spare in her leethlik» mil»*- I hill
W j
onto mv back and look into fli
I am content|
I find I