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Inti liirning pink arid \inlet.
it s \our name?*

I don’t think you have to have a language in common with someone to have sexual rapport. But il helps if the language you don’t under-stand is Italian. I practically come listening to people speak Italian and 1 don’t understand it that well. When they say, “Are you hungry? Let’s go get some spaghetti,” it sounds like they are coming on to you. It’s really arousing. Sex can overcome the language barrier because it’s all body language anyway. But if you’re talking about having a long, meaningful relationship, forget it. I was really into this Italian guy and I had this fantasy about him. He lived in Rome with his mother. I sat there with a dictionary piecing together sentences and I finally realized that he was madlv in love with me in three days

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and he wanted me to stav in Italy and marry him and have a baby right away. That wasn’t too appealing, but the sex was good. Sometimes when you can’t speak it kind of frees you up. They’re whispering all this shit in your ear and they could be talking about the theory of relativity for all you know. They could be calling you a cunt bitch whore from hell. They could be saying, “As soon as you come I’m going to kill you,” and you’re yelling, “Yes! Yes! ’

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Irving пп clothes in tin- dressing room of Kalpli lanimi, Ivo mole off Ills slacks. Looking in the 3-way mirror In* realized lie was hard. 1 odd u the lovely Cuban salesgirl who brushed up against him in the sales aisle? Could it he the hot haliny afternoon that made his clothes heavy and made the hack of his neck moist? Can't Ralph Lauren afford an air conditioner? <h inn\be ii wa- tin du nii ми - from Dr. Zhivago filling the store. The thought of Julie Christie never failed to arouse him. In any case lit* stood helpless and hard, his boxer shorts protruding like a pup tent. I le felt like buying a new pair of chinos but for some reason he ended up in the dressing room with everything Inn. Linen jackets, denim shirts and a wonderful leather belt, lie took lib time unbuttoning hi- shirt. Staring into the mirror lie caught himself smiling. Suddenly, the Cuban salesgirl was near the dressing room, calling to him. "Do you need any help?*' it seemed like a trick question. Her voice was deep and throaty like something was caught ill it. Oh d*.»r. !.• aid m .m* • l! lie was tempted to

answer the question in a most lascivious manner, lint instead lie said. "The shirts are awfully big. I d like to try a size 38." Off she went on a hunt, leaving a trail of Giorgio behind her. Cheap perfume always aroused him. He believed that cheap cologne smelled luxurious on people with dark skin. Ivo had lost all interest in trying on clothes. Standing in his boxer shorts, he found himself dizzy from tin* humidity and the lurid scent. So he sal down and considered masturbating while watching himself in the mirror. Mavhe he could do it before tile salesgirl came hack. She didn't seem to he in a hurry. The idea of her walking in as he ejaculated made him even harder. I le stared at the belt he had chosen, lying on the floor. I le liked it hut didn't want to buy it. Belts reminded him of his father. Suddenly her voice was at the door again. '*! have your size 38. Are you decent?

HI i. »l \ • hi onl\ к и» he said to himself. Without thinking he told her to come in. She opened the door nervously and, seeing him sitting there flushed and dreamy, she tried to avoid looking in his eyes or below his waist. ' It s very hot in him*. I wash they’d fix the air conditioner." Her words hung in the air. He didn't respond. I le just sat there staring at her. She didn’t move hut clutched the size 38 to her breast. Ivo could hear her breathing. He noticed she was wearing an ankle bracelet w ith little red stones that must have been glass. Her perfect brown toes peeked out of her sandals. Me wanted to lick them. Aren't you feeling well? she asked."I ilnn!. tin I •• • i i lie lied. “Put your hand on my forehead and tell me if I have a fever."

She stepped forward, hailing the crisp shirt up in one hand, and reaching out to his forehead wrifh the other. She touched his skin lightly and felt a definite heat hut couldn't tell who it belonged to. Ilcrr hand moved without instruction, first to his cheek. Then his neck, to report on tin* temperature there. ~lfs hard to tell, ’cause it's so hot in this place hut I think you’re normal.” "Hli . lie sounded disappointed. "I hope not. lie prayed to himself, lie stared at her fl\ for a long time. Then slowly he reached out and touched the V formed hv her legs and crotch. She didn't flinch hut stood (here crushing the shirt into a tight ball, lie pushed his finger in and out of the Y and fell moisture there. Will mu .1,1,1 she dropped to her knees, letting the shirt fall from her hands. Her face came to rest on his lap and he stroked her check. She wore no makeup and her head was beautifully shaped. She had the most magnificent mouth and its proximity to his erection tormented hint. As if she were reading his mind, her hand went into the leg of his shorts, found his cock, and slid it through his open fly into her mouth. He watched her suck. Her nostrils flared as her lips pulled on him, sending him far away. Shopping never felt so good, lie noticed the dimr wa«* open a crack but he made no move to close it. He was transfixed by this dark-haired Lolita, who worked on him so effortlessly, so innocently; he had no reason to mistrust her. Looking up at him with her lazy brown eyes, she made him feel drunk. She held the base of his cock with one hand and his halls in the other, and through the strains of *Larus Theme" her heard little sucking sounds. Sometimes lie played with her hair and sometimes he used his hands to guide her iiioudi on him. I ler mouth . . . her mouth was genius. She knew what she was doing and she did it. Ivo caught himself in the mirror and noticed Imw his face glistened with sweat. "You’re beautiful.” he said out loud, not quite sure who lie was talking to. Suddenly he felt as if lie would explode, lie threw his head back and moaned ttOh yes, you are so beautiful,” as his blood rushed to the base of his spine. I le heard his ow n heart pounding in his cars. I lis hands massaged the back of her neck as she sucked faster and faster and faster. I In .hr. And his come