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"Sure, there's plenty of time," said Erica, also grabbing her clothes. "You're still young, you're just a teenager."

The two dressed quickly in their identical cut-off jeans. Erica, instead of wearing the same small blouse that she had worn before, borrowed one of Marylou's halters. It was more comfortable than the blouse, but it still revealed a lot of tit-meat, more than Erica wanted revealed. After all, she didn't want to be responsible for giving that old man a heart attack. And she also didn't want to give Joe Bob or Jasper any ideas.

Nevertheless, the halter was the largest thing Marylou had to offer, and so Erica tied it on and walked out of the room with the girl. But even as she walked, she realized the halter wasn't her only problem. The shorts were so tight that the fabric worked its way up into her asscrack and pussy lips, making it difficult for Erica to walk without gasping.

"Well, here come the sleepyheads," said the old woman. "Everybody else is finished eatin', but I saved some for you! You two must have been pretty tired, huh?"

"Yeah," said Marylou, giggling and patting Erica on the ass. "We were tired, all right."

"Well, go on and eat! And hurry up! I got to finish my cleanin' this mornin'!"

As Erica ate, she looked out the window and noticed that the sun was now shining brightly. She ate quickly, anxious to see Jasper and find out if the road would be dry enough to travel on. She wanted desperately to contact her husband and mother and to find out about her stolen property.

When she had finished, she ran out the back door and headed toward the barn, thinking that the men would be there since their truck was still parked outside. Marylou said nothing. She watched Erica leave, then continued eating.

The barn door swung open easily, and Erica entered. The place smelled worse than a zoo, and Erica was forced to hold her nose as she walked through the building, looking for Jasper. There weren't many animals there as far as she could tell – only a milking cow, a few chickens, and a donkey. But Erica was a city woman, not used to the odors of barnyard animals. She gasped for air as she picked her way across the straw-laden floor, peering into the many stalls.

A few rays of sun filtered through the one large window near the roof, illuminating the rank interior. Still, she had a little trouble seeing. She stumbled over a few scattered pieces of broken down machinery and bumped into a big sack of oats, bruising her tits. She nearly killed herself when she stepped on a partially hidden pitchfork that protruded from the straw in one of the stalls. She kept looking, however, hoping to find one of the men.

She even checked out the hayloft, climbing the ladder and scanning the piles of straw, but it did no good. The men were nowhere in the barn.

Hoping to find them outside somewhere, Erica turned to leave, anxious to breathe fresh air again. As she walked around a stack of hay, a strange contraption caught her eye. It was situated in one of the stalls and hidden from view by the haystack. She was curious about what it was, so she walked closer to get a better view.

It was made up of several containers, some glass and some metal, all connected with copper tubes running in every direction. Beneath this collection of tubes and pots was a small wood stove that was still warm to the touch. Erica had seen pictures of stills on television, and she had read about them in magazines, but she still wasn't convinced that this strange-looking device was a still. After all, she thought, what would a still be doing here?

She studied it for a few minutes, wondering what else it could be, when all of a sudden she noticed something dripping from one end of the copper tubing. It was a very slow drip, but she was able to stick her finger under it and collect a few drops. When she placed her finger to her nose, she detected the distinct aroma of alcohol. Then, tasting it, she realized it was, indeed, alcohol.

"I'd better get out of here," she whispered to herself, not wanting to get involved in anything illegal and not wanting the family to know that she had uncovered their secret. But as she turned to leave, a sudden thought came to her, maybe the still wasn't illegal. She remembered reading how some farmers had begun to make their own gasoline to help cut down on the high fuel costs. Maybe that is what the people were doing. After all, they were nice enough to help her when she was in trouble. She had no right accusing them of anything illegal.

Deciding to mind her own business and to forget about the still, Erica hastened out of the stall and ran towards the barn door. In her haste, she stumbled over the chickens, and they began squawking and flying about her ankles. Because of their loud racket and of her subsequent fear of being discovered, Erica panicked and ran blindly into the donkey. It kicked her in the ass and sent her flying head over heels.

She landed on her ass in the haystack, unhurt but dazed. Her spill had caused her shorts to split open and her halter to fall completely off. There she was, lying spread-eagled with her big tits jutting out and her golden-haired pussy peeking through the split in her pants.

"Oooooooooh!" she moaned, searching for her halter. "My poor aching ass!" She crawled around in the haystack, searching for her missing halter, but she couldn't find it. However, she did notice something buried beneath they hay. Digging with her hands, she uncovered a glass jug.

Guessing its contents but wanting to be sure, Erica pulled out the cork and raised the jug to her lips. Sure enough, it was whiskey. She dug around some more and found several more jugs hidden in the pile of hay.

"So! They are making whiskey! Well, I'll be!!" she said out loud, still digging. In all, she uncovered two dozen jugs of moonshine whiskey, all hidden beneath the haystack. "Those sly sons-of-bitches!"

"Yeah, we're sly all right! But you're dead, bitch!"

Erica turned around at the sound of the man's voice and stood facing the entire family – the old man, the old woman, Jasper, Joe Bob, and even Marylou – all standing in the doorway, eyeing her suspiciously. At first, she was embarrassed, standing there with her big tits jutting out and her shorts slit open down the middle. She threw up her hands and covered her tits. Then she crossed her legs to hide her exposed cunt.

But as they slowly walked towards her, her embarrassment turned to fear. She had inadvertently discovered their still and their cache of whiskey, and she had no idea what they would do to her. She understood now why the family had behaved so nervously the night before when she had suggested that she spend the night in the barn rather than put them to any trouble. They were afraid I'd find out their secret, she thought. And I guess they were right.

"What are you doin'?" asked Joe Bob, staring at her big tits. "You spyin' on us or something? Are you a revenuer?"

"Of course not," said Erica, now surrounded by the family. "I just came in here looking for Jasper, and I accidentally found your still and your whiskey! But I won't tell anyone! I promise! I just want to leave so I can contact my husband and the sheriff. I told you, I was robbed!"

"How do we know that?" asked Jasper. "You just showed up here and told us that. We don't know it for sure. You been paradin' around here with your tits and ass hangin' out tryin' to make fools of us. And all along, you been really interested in our moonshine. Now ain't that right?"

"No! Of course not," said Erica as the family closed in. "Why won't you believe me? I'm not interested in your old still. I don't care what you do with it."

"Who sent you?" asked the old woman. "Tell us who sent you! Was it the sheriff who sent you? Huh? Huh?"

"Dag blame it! This is your fault, Marylou!" said Joe Bob as he pressed closer to Erica. "You were supposed to be watchin' her."

"Well, gosh! I thought she was just goin' to the shit-house. I didn't know she was comin' in here!"

"Never mind," said Jasper. "She's here, and that's all that matters. She knows all 'bout us."