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Several researchers have noted that swingers prefer to meet in a bar or club and go on from there. It may be the camaraderie so often found in groups that aids and nourishes the swingers culture.

Bartell notes that: "… Novice swingers are almost invariably eager to find a club and experienced swingers have frequently told us: 'It's better than driving to meet, another couple. If they turn out bad, you're just out of luck.

At a bar or club there is more variety."

The water-bed vehicle in this Chapter is just that, a vehicle; a new thing to try; a fad for those swingers who can afford it, it can, according to the narrator in this Chapter, "be an extremely enjoyable and kicky experience." We also find that their home, as many researchers will agree from survey data, is furnished and arranged to provide for the most hedonistic pleasures with maximum privacy. Aside from the fact that Drew and Marge are film buffs and have added that "extra," their home is an extension of their own personalities.

We find in this Chapter, as we shall In Chapter Five, a touch of voyeurism, that gaining of pleasure while peeping at some scene or material. Drew and Marge enjoy their films-this latter includes not only voyeurism but also a bit of egocentricity as well as narcissism, the love of self.

Bartell contends that: "… the big surge in spouse-swapping came in 1963 and 1964, which was about the time when the use of birth-control pills became widespread." This author tends to disagree and instead propose that spouse-swapping began with man himself, without the assistance of any sort of fad or artificial motivation.

Certain cultures, not the least of which are the Eskimos, have been known to trade wives for a friend's pleasure. In their culture, one man's wife is another man's honor. In our culture, one man's wife is another man's hanger-on.

The difference, basically in upbringing, lies with morals. In reference we look to the ABZ of Love by Inge and Sten Hegeler, who note: … (morals are) a set of rules for human relations. Now and then people will talk of sexual morals, by which they mean a special set of rules for sexual relations.

This is an extremely difficult question and one on which learned persons find it hard to' agree. It demands not only knowledge but also the ability to put aside one's own prejudices and standards.

Let us start by agreeing that there, must be rules In any society. There is furthermore not much point if we have to weigh up in our minds whether something is right or wrong before each act. It is more practical if we automatically look to our left before crossing the road. But this is not to say that our national highway code should be regarded as something divinely infallible and irrevocable. Laws have a habit of lingering on 'in force even when they have become antiquated and pointless…

It is appropriate to cite here that the Hegelers regard moral codes as being definitely not either divine institutions or something inherent in man's composition, therefore not something that cannot be challenged or revised.

We notice that times are changing rather quickly today. What is true in one twenty-four hour period may not be true in the next. Morals, however, are such ironies that they are retained and imposed upon the majority by the minority.

To note still further the Hegelers' view:

The minority tries to impress its morbid attitude on as many sides of our lives as possible… There is a reason to believe that the current code of morals at any given time is always behind development, seldom dares to accept man as he is, often is opposed to pleasure, is always used by the older generation to keep the younger generation down, and is nearly always regarded as infallible and unalterable.

What we should endeavor, to eradicate are the superfluous, traditional restrictions that have outlived themselves and seized themselves a kind of unjustified absolute monarchy, a functional autonomy…

Regarding the voyeurism previously mentioned, we refer to Sigmund Freud who saw the viewing and the concept of looking as a necessary and important act to amuse sexual interest.

The same holds true in the end with looking, which is analogous to touching.

The manner in which the libidinous excitement is frequently awakened is by optical impressions, and selection takes account of this circumstance-if this teleological mode of thinking be permitted-by making the sexual object a thing of beauty. Covering of the body which keeps abreast with civilization, continually arouses sexual curiosity and serves to supplement the sexual object by uncovering the hidden parts.

This can be turned into the artistic if the interest is turned from the genitals to the form of the body. The tendency to linger at this intermediary, sexual aim of the sexually accentuated looking is found to a certain degree in most normal; indeed it gives them the possibility of directing a certain amount of their libido to a higher artistic aim. On the other hand, the desire for looking becomes a perversion (a) when it is exclusively limited to the genitals; (b) when it becomes connected with the overcoming of loathing (voyeurs and onlookers at the functions of excretion) and (c) when instead of preparing for the normal sexual aim, it suppresses it. The latter, if I may draw conclusions from a single analysis, is a most pronounced way true of exhibitionists, who expose their genitals with the idea of bringing into view the genitals of others…

We note here that members of Diew and Marge's neighborhood swap club have grabbed the life jacket of this Freudian concept and loudly proclaimed the wholesomeness of looking at and touching of many bodies-preferably nude and of the opposite sex.

Theodore Reik, in The Need to Be Loved, made a case in point that sex has very little to do with love and can therefore be enjoyed separately as well as together.

We continue now with the Chapter's narration:

"Hans's tongue settled on my clit and expertly flicked over it until I thought I was going to scream. Carefully, I brought my hands up to explore his peach-fuzzed thighs and smooth, coolly moist ass cheeks.

"He was still annoyingly arched away from my face in delicate pseudo-experimental fashion and I had only managed 'to keep the blood filled crown of his cock in my mouth by stretching upward. I thought he would have come down a bit when he got settled on my cunt-considering how rigidly 'poised his body felt-and when he didn't, I pulled him down!

"My sharp claw like fingernails quickly found soft pads of flesh to gouge into and I strained up at the same time that I tore down on his yielding flesh.

"My teeth parted just enough to allow room for the slender shaft to pass and even, when I felt the bulbous tip poking against the back of my head I wouldn't have been happy if I thought that there was still more to come. There wasn't, and I greedily swallowed what I had as I sucked joyfully on the adult version 'of a child's juicy popsicle.

"I felt his weighted balls cradling my nose and, I imagine, if I'd been able to see well close-up, I could have looked right into his tight little asshole. As it was, my eyes were merely narrowed slits that didn't show, me much of anything except a saturnalian montage created of personified smells and lusts.

"I spread my thighs as wide open as, I could, sometimes squeezing them tightly together if 1 wanted him to stay still for a moment. I felt the hardened and slightly calloused pads of his thick fingertips pawing at and' parting the hot velvety folds of my cunt and spread myself wider still so that the' mesh would part more easily.

"The bed waved gently and flagged the boiling passions in and near my twitching ass.

"Insanely turned on, I guided his hips up and down at a furious pace, pumping his gorgeous prick into my pursed lips. Now even the rather large mesh body-hose felt confining to me. Frantically and desperately I tugged at first 'one side then the other until I'd freed my bursting tits. I wriggled the suit down to my navel and arched my body so that our "flesh would meet,' then threw, my arms around his hips tightly so that I could really feel him.