"Stick it all in her, Frankie baby!' she barked as the whip went singing through the air and cracked on my left cheek. "Feel your balls seething up against her skin, baby, just feeeeeeell it!"
"Yesssss!' I mumbled dazedly. 'Yessss, Aggie, baby, I feel it now. I feel it!' "Oooohh, honey, your cock feels so good in my pussy!' Beverly moaned. 'Soooo good, I can't tell you!' "Don't tell him, baby!' Aggie 'cried. 'Show 'him how it feel, Bev. Turn on your milking machine and suck his bone until it's really dry!' "Aggie's words thickened and slurred and cracked in places. I could tell she was fingering herself all the time she was telling us what to do with our cock and cunt.
"The velvet thongs kissed the small star of my sphincter and snapped back for another and still another run! I hammered into Beverly's amazingly yielding pussy in reaction to the stinging whip. I would not have behaved that way otherwise. I was really pleased that she was so accommodating and, in fact, seemed to enjoy my increased violence almost as much as I enjoyed the, receiving and giving of such frenetic energy.
"Fuck her harder, Frankie! Harder, harder, harder, harder, harder!' Aggie screamed at the top of her air-filled lungs. 'Do it, baby, do it!' "'Ooooohh yesssss, Aggie!' Beverly hissed. 'Go on!! It's soo-ooo good!' "I would have thought I was dreaming if I didn't know better. The bed was threateningly squeaking and creaking in its irritation-it hadn't had that much exercise since the first week we had it-but I didn't even mind the usually annoying noise.
"I felt Beverly's legs wrapping around my hips in spite of my mighty efforts to shake them off.
"Don't!' she begged me desperately. 'I… I need to hold you like this! Frank … uh. 'don't ever stop!' "A final and walloping, whistling snap! of Aggie's favorite toy and I felt my balls sending flaming bits of shrapnel through my throbbing prick. I think Beverly felt it, too, because she floundered around the, bed like 'a fish out of water, though she never really let go of her hold on me.
"'Godddddd!' she wailed; then softer' still, 'Ooohh, God!' "I stayed in her until my erection had completely disappeared and was, as usual, rather embarrassed at the,'loud plop! noise when I completely pulled out.
"Aggie was behind us, sprawled in a chaise and frantically trying to relieve herself with an insane-looking combination of diddling her clit with one hand and operating the other hand as a plunger with which she repeatedly speared herself. I only watched her for a few minutes before she shuddered violently and let out a loud whoosh of air signaling her temporary satisfaction… "
Within this Chapter we have an older couple, claiming to be thirty-two years old, and a couple swinging with one of structured swappers' taboos: a hippie.
On the element involving the whip, the reader is referred to Devices of Pleasure and Pain, in which Have lock Eilis is quoted as saying (in regard to the flagellatory instinct):
No doubt it is often absent… but it is present so often, and quite apart from whether the child has had any actual experience of whipping, that (I see in it a) manifestation of the autoerotic impulse in childhood. I find it more common in girls than in boys and more common in inverted men than in normal men. In my observation, it is found 'so often that it is almost possible to give it the same position which used to be given to a homosexual strain in childhood One of the most frequent ways in which the idea of coitus first faintly glimmers before the infantile mind… is as a display of force, of aggression, of something resembling cruelty. Whipping is the most obvious form in which to the young mind this idea might be embodied The penis is the only organ of the body which in any degree resembles a whip.
The idea may be supported in the minds of some young boys, though this would not refer to girls, by the nature of the sensations experienced in the penis …
A pioneer in the study of Sadism, Krafft-Ebing was the first to point out that sadism assumes a long series of forms, beginning with capital crime and ending with paltry 'acts (i.e. the whipping in this Chapter) which merely afford symbolic satisfaction to the sadistic individual's desires. According to 'Ebing, there are three basic categories of sadistic acts:
1. Sadism practiced after the consummation of coitus, and providing a bit of additional satisfaction that the sexual act itself did not offer.
2. Sadism practiced before and during coitus, for the purpose of bolstering feeble virility…
3. Sadism practiced instead of coitus, with orgasm and ejaculation being experienced as a direct result •of the sadistic act itself.
Dr. L. T. Woodward, in his study titled Sadisin, notes Ebing's first category as a "sideline amusement." Category number two, he notes, is indicative of neurosis and inner distress. Medical and 'legal viewpoints contend the final category as being the most serious as it is said to be perverse. A perverse act is one that serves as a substitute for sexual intercourse between man and woman, which is arbitrarily taken as the norm.
Dr. Woodward also claims that: "the victim's emotional response to the pain inflicted is often the vital stimulus that spurs the sadist and where there is no reaction of this sort, the sadist frequently is unable to continue with his attack…
The velvet whip is a noted device of teasing as are vibrators, feathers, nylon stockings, furs, silks, broom straws, trained animals, etc. The nibbling, squeezing, pinching, and/or otherwise caressing the body that goes beyond the psychological methods of teasing, combined with the-various' devices mentioned, can be extremely stimulating to a pleasure-pain oriented person such as Frank in this Chapter.
Frank and Aggie are not an uncommon couple-they want a child. They are uncommon in that they do not want their own child, but would rather insert a third element into their union- common-law 'and by no means legal-and thus procreate an, image of themselves. Monetary rewards can be lesser than the relative enjoyment received, as in Beverly's case, but there are many such, young girls who can easily be "bought" for purposes of procreation of young.
Are girls such as these forerunners of some future age when certain women will be baby-makers and others will not be allowed to do the same? Can such a girl today be called a swinging prostitute? Would the- term harlot be at all appropriate? Can any of' these questions truly be answered in such a way as to appeal to the' majority of readers? To the latter, I would venture a guess of 'no.' I cannot conceive a true answer for the first question, yet to the second I would somehow answer in the negative.
There can be nothing morally nor legally wrong with a female who joins a barren couple and procreates a child for them. To prostitute, according to the oft-referred-to Noah Webster, is"… to sell the services of (oneself or of another), for sexual intercourse…" While this is, true in Beverly's case, 'perhaps the very definition now needs an amendment with today's swinging phenomenon.
We take point here to note that the reason for Beverly's introduction really lies with Aggie, the recently reconverted-from-homosexuality,, dominating femme in the household. It was her contention that she would not bear a child, and it seems this latter was mentioned only as.a lure for getting a young girl into the home for mutual pleasures.
Again, staying within the context of this volume, there is a bit of doubt as to this act's moral implications and the oft-asked questions of right and wrong on the moral ledger's debit and credit sheet. It is felt by some authorities that the matter of right and wrong ties within one's soul and is as individual' as the whorls of fingerprints that are never alike even in the matter of identical twins. There is, however, a cultural barrier which proclaims the "right" and "wrong" by setting standards, and these laws apply everywhere and to- everybody, though in unequal shares.