I squinted my eyes and tried to examine Bev's pussy in every detail, as if storing it in my memory bank for posterity. The lips were distended and a purplish red while the clit itself was a shiny hardness that demanded my utmost attention. I flexed my by now clammy fingers and feebly attempted to dry my sweaty palms before I touched her. Her skin was milk white, glistened even in the shadows, and was cool as a soothing summer breeze. Her pussy smelled like a clean pussy would, but, I also picked up a delicate blended fragrance of flowers and freshly mowed grass or hay of some kind-my favorite scents.
Tenderly, oh so tenderly, I laid my eager hands on this delectable and fragile-looking delight and held her still and poised over my face until I could stop the trembling of my own body. It wasn't until I heard Aggie's whimpering moans and sighs that I actually brought Bev's temple of natural womanhood down to meet my thirsting lips.
My lust rapidly gained uncontrollable dimensions and I felt every nerve ending in my five-foot-nine, one hundred sixty-pound frame go into convulsions as if I'd been plugged into a live socket without having been grounded first. Rather than slamming her pussy onto my face, I guided it gently and applied my tongue with feathery touches until I felt the muscles in her sculptured thighs rippling in their sheer animal excitement. I became more forceful, applying increasing amounts of pressure and taking long laps at the hair-fuzzed vagina.
Both girls were moaning loudly now and I was only sorry that my choice-the girl with the big knockers-couldn't be with us to take care of my lonely prick.
Without disturbing the girls scene, I managed to crawl out from under Beverly's straddling and clamping thighs and approach her from the rear, on all fours, of course. I gripped the fleshy sides of her small hips like handles and held her flagging ass steady before I began.
At first I burrowed my nose just inside the opening of her asshole, I had to clamp my thighs tightly together and concentrate just on the ass to keep from coming again. I had to save that come for more important things, I remembered, and then I calmly took a deep breath and renewed my attention on Beverly's anus.
I ran the tip of my tongue along the familiar path from slit to asshole and back again about five or six times before I was assured by Beverly's response that I was pleasing her as well as myself. To keep her completely happy with my treatment, I slid first two then three fingers up into her pussy and slowly pumped them in and out. Her reaction to this was magnificent! The globes of her smooth buttocks dimpled and relaxed spastically as she flagged her appealing asshole at my mouth. I drove my tongue in deeper and covered the whole of the opening with my lips, sucking it in all the time.
The preceding excerpts are samplers of edited transcriptions contained in this volume. As the title indicates, we are here dealing with the controversial subject of swapping. Who are the swappers? What do they do? etc.
Swapping as defined by Gilbert D. Bartell, Ph.D., in his volume Group Sex: "… is the popular term that has been used by the press and by those who do not participate. The swappers themselves call it 'swinging.' It has also been called what we believe to be more appropriate: group sex. Group sex is a more flexible term and it is more descriptive because it does not restrict itself to married couples…
This book, then, should be titled, Descriptive Group Sex.
Bartell also cites Dr. Ner Littner, medical director of the child-therapy program at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, for an additional definition of group sex. Dr. Littner, according to Bartell, concluded that the wife swapper is one who, unable to maintain an intimate relationship with his partner, "… builds into his marriage a distancing device. Wife-swapping is a safety valve that keeps intimacy between the two at a level each can tolerate."
Dissenting viewpoints see the wife-swapper as pathetic and ridiculous, a Don Quixote who is trying to have his cake and eat it too-i.e. keep a house, family, and job while searching, sometimes fruitlessly, for pleasures and all the things associated with youth and good looks.
Dr. Bartell's interview subjects defined "swinging" as having sexual relations as a couple with at least one other individual. In this definition, two swapping couples who meet and privately pair off with the member of the opposite sex are still swinging even though they are not having it "orgy style." He also notes, some-what strangely, that swingers are constantly looking for new partners because "the typical couple swings with another couple just once." We find this latter view credulous when allowing for the consideration that the swinging couple would not want a relationship to get "sticky" a la personal involvement.
Group Sex points out taboos in swinging as well. The main banned items mentioned include long hair and beards, hippie types, blacks, and, for the most part, poor people who somehow have not developed the palate for such unconventional behavior.
The subjects interviewed for this book range in age from nineteen to the late forties. These people are not, by any means, the norm of swingers. Rather they are those individuals who will not only swap partners, but will also talk about it to someone who is writing a book.
Contrary to our research, Dr. Bartell has found (mainly in the Chicago area) that "… swinging is essentially for couples, and, although there are, single male swingers and single female swingers, the fact that they are single puts them at a definite disadvantage." Two singles, on the other hand, can circumvent that minor difficulty by appearing at a swingers gathering and announcing themselves as man and wife.
William and Jerry Breedlove, in their book titled Swap Clubs, have estimated that there are approximately eight million swinging couples in America and that "nearly seventy thousand couples reply to or place ads as swinging couples in swingers' magazines annually. Los Angeles and San Francisco are said to have the largest concentration of swingers, with the New York area ranking second, the Chicago area third.
Also according to Dr. Bartell's extensive study of mate swappers, the majority of swingers were white. He did, of course, conduct a rather small-scale survey and this last point is contestable. And it is noted that age plays a very important role in the swinger's life. The same holds true for homosexuality.
According to the Bartell survey, the swinger has a leeway of ten years, one way or another, that is considered a "safe bet." "…Swingers tend to reject couples who are more than ten years older than themselves… "
Interestingly, we quote Dr. Bartell's reasons given for male and female swinging: "… The bulk of our work will support the thesis that white middle-class males involve themselves and their partners in swinging to act out male sexual needs that are largely based on fantasies retained from adolescence … For the female, swinging represents the fulfillment of the social-romantic demands that she makes upon her mate. And for both it represents a compromise that has become available within the American culture… "
According to the Journal of Sex Research (May 1970), many heterosexual mate-swapping activities end up with some sort of homosexual involvement, usually among the women involved. This phenomenon has been expressed by many authorities as occurring to relieve the female's continued sexual excitement as well as allowing the males time to rest. The hetero/homo-sexual instances will be described within the framework of this volume and perhaps serve to clarify even more the misty phenomenon wherein curiosity often gets the best of one.
Many authorities see the entire sub-culture of mate-swapping as a play-an acting out of fantasies by both partners. Whether or not this is neurotic or deviant has not yet been fully decided. Perhaps those dark questions will not ever be resolved for the public. Of those interviewed by this author, most, if not all, began swinging by going to bed with close friends within an arrangement mutually agreed upon or meeting a couple with a strong physical attraction and either seducing or being seduced by them.