"Expertly, she twined her quivering thighs around my hips and held onto me tightly as we came to one another in the boiling heat of come meeting come.
"I don't know how Claudia stood the pain. The next morning when I had occasion to notice her backside, there were rather large blisters where the small rash of them had been. These did not seem to disturb her in the least. She poutingly brought out the piddle and begged me to spank her again. I accommodated, wincing as I did when the blisters popped and spewed their juices in rivulets along the lines of her fleshy cheeks.
"Myron was not the only visitor-she tired of him the second evening-for we eventually recruited the newspaper boy, milkman and others. But Rose is still living with us and seeming to truly enjoy our variety, of guests and partners.
She, in fact, has developed a considerable repertoire of technique since she has been with me."
Chapter 6
We herein capsulize the dissertative elements of this text with its many facets and equally numerous areas still left hidden in the moss and weed jungle that is the societal code. In the Prologue, we presented Bartell's definition of wife swapping as being the popular term that has been used by the press and by those who do not participate. The swappers themselves call it 'swinging.' It has also been called what we believe to be more appropriate: group sex. Group sex is a more flexible term and it is more descriptive because it does not restrict itself to the married couple." and Dr. Ner Littner's definition which contends that the wife-swapper is a person who is unable to maintain an intimate and truly (warm) relationship with his partner and builds into his marriage a distancing device. Wife-swapping is a safety valve that keeps intimacy between the two at a level each can tolerate." and still other viewpoints which depict the wife-swapper as a pathetic and ridiculous creature, a Don Quixote who is trying to have his cake and eat it, too-i.e., keep a house, family, and job, while searching, sometimes fruitlessly, for pleasures and all of the things associated with youth and good looks.
We made mention of Bartell's contention that swingers are constantly on the lookout for new partners as the typical couple swings with another couple just once. We find it here necessary to disagree with this last contention on the basis that there can hardly be a "typical swinger" as there can hardly be a "typical human specimen." Evaluations and studies enumerate people and attempt to categorize them, but to place certain values and styles of life upon an individual and consider such individual a "typical" anything is, we must add, in gross error.
Taboos of swinging were mentioned as being long hair and beards, hippie types, blacks, and poor people who see such behavior patterns as unconventional to the. extreme.
The reasons given for male and female swinging, as given by Dr. Bartell, are: '… The bulk of our work will support the thesis that white middle-class males involve themselves and their partners in swinging to act out male sexual needs that are largely based on fantasies retained from adolescence… For the female, swinging represents the fulfillment of the social-romantic demands that she makes upon her mate. And for both it represents a compromise that has become available within the American culture.
To reiterate a dissertative portion of Chapter One with a quotation from Theodore Reik's expressed theory in The Need to Be Loved:
Psychology and biology are still occupied with solving the problem of love. It seems to me that the problem of sexual attraction, which is independent from that of love, is more urgent and deserves more of our attention. Those electric affinities of which Goethe speaks in his novel are much more intimately connected with sensuality than with affection or tenderness. We psychoanalysts should be more interested in the question of what makes a person desire a member of the opposite sex than in what makes him love her. This desired individual is often not loved at all, but often even detested and despised.
Nevertheless he or she is sexually irresistible and his or her power over the other person is all-consuming and imperative.
Desire, not tender affection, often governs the vicissitudes of male and female relationships. The ruling force is not that which according to the poet moved the sun and the planets, but the much more profane passion that causes the blood to coalesce in the genitals.
Indeed, here is one of the still inexplicable and flagrant contradictions of human nature. What is it that gives the desired person that power, that awakens his or her image even during sexual intercourse with another person? Is it something biochemical, is it some quality of the skin, or is it a memory, which, after many years, is still much more capable of arousing sexually than that of another woman with whom the man has had sexual intercourse a few hours ago. It can happen that this actual sexual intercourse whets the appetite for the other person-if it does this at all-but it never satisfies this longing.
Once aroused, such desire can be appeased and gratified only by this other person. The "femme fatale" is not the woman who is loved, but the one who is sexually desired…
In the text we have covered, the novice swinger as well as the "grizzly old veteran" display little difference with the exception of experience. Rather than point at all the case history material which reads like a movie script, we have herein attempted to present diversification and something "more" for the readers.
Sadism and masochism were lightly discussed, as were bestiality and analism.
Voyeurism and various "cultures" of swinging were briefly mentioned in passing reference to the chapter's material.
We can only say now that the swinging phenomenon is not typical of anything seen before en masse scale.. We do not sit in judgment of its normality or abnormality, but we are rather definite in our contention that the search for another's love-hoping to find within these loves the lost youth, zeal, warmth, etc. that each of us miss-may and does often in this day and age lead one down the swingers' garden path. Nor do we feel that this is necessarily a perversion.
It is the human condition to seek love and. shelter. At this time in our culture and process of enculturation, everything is moving quickly and peaking and ebbing quite rapidly. People have not changed, the times have, and the search has become more frenetic and therefore closer to the surface and able to be scrutinized as a full-scale phenomenon rather than as an infectious process of individuation that is practiced by many who are searching for the same peace as well.