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George V, king of Great Britain

George VI, king of Great Britain

Godfrey, Colonel Charles

Goncourt, Jules de

Grafton, duke of

Great Fire of London

Guibord, abbé de

Guise, Madame de

Guise, princess de

Guise family

Guzman, Leonor de

Gwynn, Nell

Haakon, crown prince of Norway

Hall, Jacob

Hamilton, duke of

Hamilton, George

Harald, king of Norway

Harry, Prince of Wales

Hausset, Madame du

Henrietta, mistress of Augustus the Strong

Henrietta, Princess

Henri II, king of France

Henri III, king of France

Henri IV, king of France

Henri of Navarre see also Henri IV, king of France

Henry II, king of England

Henry VIII, king of England

Hérouard, Dr.

Hervey, Lady

Hervey, Lord

Hitler, Adolf

Hoiby, Mette-Marit Tjessem

Hôtel de Soubise

Howard, Harriet

Howard, Henrietta

Howard, Mr.

Hoym, Madame


Hungerford, Sir Edward


inbreeding, royal


Isabella the Insane

James, duke of Monmouth

James II, king of England

Jermyn, Harry

Johan, king of Sweden

Johanna de Medici

Johanna of Austria

John, king of England

Johnson, Brimley

John the Imbecile

John V, king of Portugal

Jordan, Dorothy

Josepha, Princess

Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor

Josephine, empress of France

Juana the Mad

Juan of Austria, Don


Karin, queen of Spain

Keppel, Alice

Kéroualle, Louise de see also Portsmouth, duchess of

Kielmansegge, Sophia Charlotte

kings death of miserliness of queens and see also specific kings

Kiss, Nicholas von

Königsmarck, Aurora von

Koninklijk Museum

Lady of Beauty. See Sorel, Agnes

La Fare, marquis de

La Ferté-Imbault, Madame de

La Fontaine, Jean de

Laking, Sir Francis


Landsfeld, countess of see also Montez, Lola

Langtry, Edward

Langtry, Lillie

La Tournelle, Madame de see also Châteauroux, Madame de

Lauragais, Madame de

La Vallière, Louise de

La Voisin


Leczinska, Marie

legitimatization of children

Leopold II, king of Belgium

Le Parc aux Cerfs

letter writing

Lichtenau, Countess see also Rietz, Wilhelmine


Lorraine, chevalier de

Louise-Françoise, Mademoiselle de Nantes

Louis XI, king of France

Louis XIV, king of France on adultery Charles II and children of Choin and on death Fontanges and Kéroualle and La Vallière and libido of Ludres and Maintenon and Marie-Thérèse and Montespan and Philippe, duc d’Orléans and sister-in-law of Soubise and Visconti and

Louis XV, king of France Charlotte-Rosalie and children of du Barry and Mailly sisters and Marie and Pompadour and

Louis XVI, king of France

Louvois, minister of France

Lubomirski, Madame

Lucia, mother of Antonio de Medici

Ludres, Madame de

Ludwig I, king of Bavaria

Ludwig II, king of Bavaria

Luyne, duc de

Lytton, First Earl of

Mailly, comte de

Mailly, Madame de see also Mailly-Nesle, Louise-Julie de

Mailly, Marie-Anne

Mailly, Pauline-Félicité de see also Ventimille, Madame de

Mailly-Nesle, Louise-Julie de see also Mailly, Madame de

Mailly-Nesle, Marie-Anne

Maine, duc du

Maintenon, Madame de

maîtresse-en-titre of Charles II discomforts of of François I of Louis XIV of Louis XV of Louis XVI maintaining the position of necessity of nobles on noblewomen as other mistresses and qualities of see also specific maîtresses-en-titre

Malmesbury, Lord

Malta, order of

Mancini, Hortense

Mansdotter, Karin

Mantua, duke of

Marguerite de Valois, queen of France

Maria, queen of Castile

Maria Anna Christina, princess of Bavaria

Maria Louisa, empress of France

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria-Hungary

Marie, queen of France (m. Charles VII)

Marie, queen of France (m. LouisXV)

Marie Antoinette, queen of France

Marie de Medici, queen of France

Marie-Thérèse, queen of France

Marlborough, duke of


marriage, royal

Mary I, Tudor, queen of England and Ireland

Mary II, queen of Britain and Ireland

Mashin, Draga

Maurepas, comte de

Maurice, Count de Saxe

Maximilian II, king of Bavaria

Mayenne, duc de

Mazarin, duc de

Mazarin, duchess of


Medici, House of

Medici, Marie de


Mercoeur, duc de

Mercoeur, duchesse de

Metternich, Princess

Mirapoix, Madame de

mistresses Catholic Church and children of deaths of duties and hardships of husbands of on king’s death married to monarchs necessity of perks of poverty of power and political aspirations of public contempt for see also maîtresse-en-titre; specific mistresses

Modena, Mary of


Monaco, Princesse de

Monceaux, marquise de see also Estrées, Gabrielle d’

Mons, Anna

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

Montespan, Athénaïs de

Montespan, marquis de

Montez, Lola

Montijo, Eugénie de

Montmorency, Charlotte de

Montmorency, duc de

Montmorency, Françoise de “Fosseuse,”

Montpensier, Anne-Marie de

Mortemart, Athénaïs see also Montespan, Athénaïs de

Munk, Kirsten

Nancy, bishop of

Napoleon I, emperor of France

Napoleon III, emperor of France

Nemours, duchesse de

Normandy, duke of

Noyer, Madame de

O’Murphy, Louise

Orkney, duchess of

Orkney, earl of

Orléans, Philippe d’

Ormonde, duke of

Ornano, Philippe Antoine d’

Palmer, Anne

Palmer, Barbara

Palmer, Roger

Parabère, Marie-Madeleine de

Parabère, Monsieur de

Parker-Bowles, Andrew

Parker-Bowles, Camilla

Pedro, king of Portugal see also Pedro, prince of Portugal

Pedro, prince of Portugal see also Pedro, king of Portugal

Pembroke, marchioness of see also Boleyn, Anne

Pepys, Samuel

Perrers, Alice

Petersfield, Baroness see also Kéroualle, Louise de

Peter the Great, czar of Russia

Philip II, king of Spain

Philip III, king of Spain

Philip IV, king of Spain

Philippe, duc d’Orléans

Pitt, William

Plantagenet, Geoffrey

Poisson, Jeanne see also Pompadour, marquise de

Poitiers, Diane de

Pöllnitz, Karl von, count of Saxony

Pompadour, marquise de see also Etioles, Jeanne-Antoinette d’

Pope, Alexander

Portsmouth, duchess of see also Kéroualle, Louise de