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Erika Thost MD




For all men and the women who love them


I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the people from whom I learned so much, even though they may not know me personally:

Pamela Madison

Joseph Kramer PhD

David Wise PhD and Rodney Anderson MD

Jack Morin PhD

Jeanette Potts MD

Charlie Glickman PhD

Susie Bright

Carol Queen PhD and Robert Lawrence DC, EdD

Charles Muir

Barbara Carrellas

Dr Patti Taylor

Steven Braveman LMFT

Human Awareness Institute

Body Electric School

Nicole Daedone, One Taste



This information is for information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical diagnosing nor treatment nor medical advice. Please do not consider anything in this book or website as medical advice.

While this information is as accurate as possible, there are no guarantees or warranties for the complete accuracy of this information. Please always check with your doctor before you rely on any of this information for yourself.

Every man should have a urologist and an internist and have his prostate health checked by them on a regular basis. Please consult your physician promptly if there are any questions about the suitability of any of this information for you and if you have any medical questions.

More information about this topic is in the chapter on safety.

Welcome to Prostate Massage

Welcome to the no-embarrassment guide to prostate massage. If you are a woman, you will learn how to massage your partner’s prostate for both pleasure and health and how to find great satisfaction in the role. If you’re a man, you will discover how prostate stimulation can make your orgasms both stronger and more profound. You’ll also discover how to achieve a very different kind of orgasm, a unique addition to male sexual pleasure.

Here, you’ll find out that the prostate is not just a mysterious appendage that sits there dormant until it begins to cause health problems late in life. It is actually an active sex organ, ready and willing to add new dimensions to your sex life.

For a woman, it can be fun to “do” your guy; to be in charge and give him lots of pleasure. What’s more, it is easy for you to do him: easy, as in “not hard work” and easy as in “not hard to learn.” And did I mention that the prostate or male G-spot is easy to find?

You may notice that this book is oriented towards straight couples. Of course, it can also work well for gay couples. However, in my experience, it is the straight men and the heterosexual couples who most need encouragement and information for exploring prostate pleasure. And there are few resources for them. So it is my mission to expand straight couples’ sexual repertoire, and improve prostate health in the process!

Many straight men◦— well, most, once they give it a try◦— love prostate stimulation. For a woman, it can be a huge thrill to have your finger on his prostate during his orgasm, a chance to share his pleasure as in no other way. And for the man, you haven’t lived if you haven’t had her finger on your prostate during orgasm.

Here is a miracle that almost no one knows about, not even most doctors: during orgasm the prostate puffs out and gets bigger and firmer, and then contracts back to normal.

This book will make you curious about exploring the prostate. It will also get you ready to relax and let the good things happen. To get the most out of this book, I suggest you read the whole thing, then go back and review the topics that grab your attention.

In the early chapters, you’ll find the practical information to start your prostate exploration, including how to prevent messiness. In the chapters following, the steps for prostate massage are clearly explained: how to get inside, how to avoid causing pain, how to touch the prostate itself.

Then we’ll put it all together: what a session of male G-spot play looks like from beginning to end. And last, I’ll throw in a few tips on how both of you can get the very most from the experience.

The Benefits of Prostate Massage

Some people wonder: since it all seems like a hassle, with opportunities galore for misunderstanding and embarrassment, why bother?

Most men, after all, have not been anticipating the experience all their lives. They haven’t missed what they haven’t ever known. And they don’t yearn for the chance to discover the male G-spot. So, why do it?

First and most important, this massage can make your orgasm deeper and somehow more complete. As one man in my workshop put it, “My orgasm is more draining, in a really good way.” Actually he’s right, literally as well as figuratively: orgasm accompanied by prostate massage can produce a greater volume of ejaculate and more intense contractions, prolonging the experience and making it more ecstatic.

The potential for these deeper experiences may build with recurring prostatic massage. So there is incentive to hang in there. Some men feel prostate pleasure right away. For others, it can take a little time and practice to get there.

Usually we assume that the male orgasm includes an ejaculation, and in this book I will assume that, too. However, men can have orgasms without ejaculation. Male G-spot massage is one way to learn about that other kind of orgasm. With a non-ejaculatory orgasm, you feel sensations in the whole body centering on the prostate. It is just a different◦— and, by all accounts, a pretty remarkable◦— sort of pleasure.

Don’t worry, these other orgasms will not ruin the ones you already know and love. Indeed, they will not change them or diminish them. You get to have a unique pleasure in addition to the pleasure that you have now. The yummy sensations from the prostate are a learned, new kind of sensation.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the learning experience parallels that of woman’s with the G-spot. Her G-spot may not feel good to her at first. Later as the sensations become more familiar, they become fun and orgasmic. And like women’s experience with the G-spot, the feelings for the man can be more “interesting” in nature, with more nuance than the explosive joy of a “regular” orgasm. The prostate produces a very different type of sensation than the penis, one with greater subtlety and a more enduring emotional experience.

However, to access that learned pleasure fully, one has to start and end with a penis made happy by genital massage. This way, the new prostate sensations are anchored to something that is a tried-and-true source of fun.

Do confess: you probably took my allusion to the health benefits of prostate massage with a grain of salt, a harmless crutch to get more timid readers past the guilt and/or embarrassment. In fact, there is pretty solid evidence supporting the cod liver oil aspect of prostatic massage.

Yes, it really is good for you. It can relieve the symptoms of chronic prostatitis and the less well understood sources of chronic pelvic pain. It can also reduce prostate enlargement, which causes problems with peeing and sexual function. At this point there is not much research on whether massage helps to prevent these conditions from developing. But I have spoken with many urologists who, based on their patients’ experience, have become advocates.

While we’re at it, let’s dispose of another myth. Contrary to what you may have been taught, there is a great deal of research that shows sex is good for your health. Just in case you need a little encouragement, several studies have shown that frequent enough ejaculations are associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. And the payoff may be even bigger: many studies show a correlation between more frequent sex and longer life.