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Therapeutic Prostatic Massage

When therapeutic prostatic massage◦— also called TPM◦— is done by a doctor or other medical professional, there is nothing sexual about it. It is a purely medical procedure.

Why would a man come to a medical professional for a TPM? The purpose is both to prevent prostate problems and to treat prostate problems, such as Chronic Prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.

TPM can help prevent prostate and pelvic problems since it promotes increased circulation and decreased muscle tension. TPM, just like prostate massage by partner, should not be done if there is any acute infection or any cancer.

There is a health issue that a few unlucky men have, called Chronic Prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome or Nonbacterial Prostatitis. This is pain in their pelvic area that does not resolve with antibiotics, like Acute Prostatitis does. Basically this is a general diagnosis for pain in the male pelvis that cannot be identified.

Chronic Prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain can be a really big problem in a man’s life. The pain can be severe and constant. It does not help that in our society there is little awareness of this health problem, and therefore little sympathy. He really cannot talk about it anywhere. And there are no real solutions. Typically the urologist has tried different antibiotics already, and the antibiotics are not helping.

One treatment for male chronic pelvic pain is TPM, either by itself or in combination with antibiotics. And many men also utilize it on a regular basis after they improve to prevent recurrence. With TPM there is draining of the ducts plus increased circulation in the prostate. Also there is attention to the surrounding muscles and tendons to reduce inflammation and to relax the tissues as well as to increase the circulation. This can help to break the vicious cycle of tension in the pelvis which leads to pain which leads to more tension. TPM can provide immediate improvement in the symptoms as well as healing of the tissues in the long term.

Many men in their middle age and beyond have symptoms of BPH or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy which is enlargement of the prostate, without cancer. These symptoms mainly are urinary difficulties such as weak stream, hesitancy, urgency, and frequency. It is also associated with erectile dysfunction, lower sexual desire and lower sexual satisfaction.

Typically men will see their urologist for BPH. There are several types of medication for it. One newly recommended medication for BPH is daily Cialis which is great because it helps with the symptoms and also helps increase sexual performance. TPM also helps with the symptoms of BPH to prevent them and improve them.

Just like a therapeutic body massage is non-sexual and makes you feel better, the therapeutic prostatic massage is non-sexual and makes the man feel better. It is so gratifying to see the patient walk out of the office with a lightness in his body and a spring in his step.

It takes place in a medical office, on an exam table, in a treatment room with bright lights and a clinical attitude. There is no touch at all to the genitals. And there is no erotic arousal.

However it is still always my goal to make TPM comfortable and pleasant.

And the practitioner may also add some treatment of the pelvic floor muscles and other pelvic structures, similar to some types of physical therapy. There can even be some mini-chiropractic work on the tail bone part of the spine, from the inside of the pelvis, that some men find beneficial.

If you think that TPM might be useful for you, you might want to investigate the possibility of receiving Therapeutic Prostatic Massage. There is more information on the website.


Thank you for reading Sexy Prostate! And thank you for being willing to take care of your prostate to keep it healthy, problem-free, and ready for pleasure!

If you are interested in medical care for any prostate symptoms or in medical therapeutic prostatic massage, please feel free to contact me via my websites DrErikaMD.com or SexyProstate.com. The previous chapter, Therapeutic Prostatic Massage, gives information about the completely non-sexual nature of this medical modality.

If you have any problems, however minor or major, that are related to prostate problems such as urinary and / or sexual function, please do not continue to suffer: there are ways for you to feel better. So do take action now so that you can enjoy life to the fullest! Don’t believe the myth that these issues automatically come with aging and that there is nothing you can do about them. Find the care that you need. Fight the good fight for yourself so that you can be at the top of your game and feel that you have your life back!

Important note: My practice does not include any prostate cancer care. For those problems please contact your urologist or read the websites that you get at the top of the list from an online search. My medical practice only covers prostate problems that are not related to cancer.

Here we are. We’ve gone through a lot of material in this course. I hope you’ve learned about the pleasures of prostate massage, as well as ways to deal with the potholes. About all the various places to massage ‘down there’ and about supplies and positions. Now there is nothing to it but to do it. Do whatever you both can manage. Do it gently and pay attention, and I just bet you’ll both be delighted. The biggest prizes go to those who are willing to experiment!

Erika Thost MD
Copyright 2016

Praise for Sexy Prostate

“This is a much needed and timely resource for couples’ sexual enhancement. The stigma of ‘prostate massage’ can take a back door, now that this information has been presented so well by Dr. Erika in this new guide.”

— Dr. Patti Britton, Clinical Sexologist, Co-Founder of SexCoachU.com, and host of over 40 couples’ sexual enhancement DVDs

“I found this book very engaging and accessible. If sex education and counseling, in general, could be addressed in such a natural and pragmatic way, I believe this world would be a better place and sex therapy would be rarely required. Dr Erika’s book satisfies a curiosity which frequently arises in clinical consultations. I will recommend her book to all the patients who (timidly) inquire about prostate sexual stimulation or to any couples asking to expand their repertoire and nurture or enhance their intimacy.”

—Jeannette Potts MD, Men’s Health Specialist. Editor / author of urological textbooks: Essential Urology, Genitourinary Pain and Inflammation, and Men’s Health.

“Dr. Thost takes the prostate out of the Dr.’s office and into the bedroom. She demystifies prostate health and pleasure in her playful and easily accessible style.”

—Jacqueline Richard, Psy.D., AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

“Loved it! Dr. Thost’s book, Sexy Prostate, is very well-written, educational and fun with specific information for both men and women on how to navigate a long overlooked arena in human sexuality — the pleasuring of the prostate. A definite breakthrough for heightening the sexual experience. A must read!”