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Of course you do not want to ignore the scrotum. There, the preferred sensations vary a lot. Some actually like their testicles squeezed a bit; others, not at all.

Most men, however, do love the sensation of swirling strokes on the scrotum. They may even like the skin pulled a little bit or to have it tickled. Now, as you’ve probably already noticed, the testicles tend to retract closer to the body just before his ejaculatory orgasm. And that is very useful information for the masseuse.

One last way to thrill him: Make a ring out of your pointer finger and thumb that encircles the scrotum, so that the testicles are just outside and the skin of the scrotum is snug over the testicles. Then tickle them with very light finger tips.

To make him come, you can use more repetitive motions on the penis the way he likes it. But do keep in mind that the trip is more than half the fun. Don’t rush to the destination.

External Prostate Massage

Now for external prostate massage. This is a really important section, because your guy might say to you, “Yeah, I guess this prostate stuff is good for me, alright. So, you can do it. But just don’t go anywhere near my butt.” Lots of guys feel that way, especially, at the beginning of the exploration.

Internal and external massage are not really equivalent. First, for someone who is having medical symptoms of prostatitis, external massage is just not effective. Thus a physician will always use internal massage to get the desired results. Second, the sensations from external massage will not be nearly as intense as direct prostatic massage, and the quality of the sensation is different. So think about external massage as a way station to internal massage.

But happily, there is still quite a lot that you can do for your guy on the outside. And yes, there is a lot of pleasure to be had with external prostate massage. Plus, it is easy to locate the right spot and easy to do. The bottom line is that he tells you what he likes. Then you try different ways of touching while asking him, “Do you like that?”

Guys, don’t be shy (or disappointed) if you need to repeat that information for several sessions. It’s not because she doesn’t care, but because learning about you is so new to her.

The perineum, the sensitive spot, is located between the scrotum and the anus. It is a flat area between the thighs, sometimes referred to as the “taint” because “it ain’t” the front and “it ain’t” the back.

Women, as well as men, have a perineum. But the area is especially sensitive in men because the root of the penis continues there. You can feel it when the penis is erect. Remember to add the perineum to your genital massage repertory.

Here area some nice moves for the perineum: caress it lightly at first◦— just tickle it with your fingertips, with no lube. Start at the crack of the butt, ending with the scrotum. Then very slowly, progress to firmer pressure.

On the perineum, feel for the bony ‘V’ which points towards his front; it is right in the spot where the thighs meet the body. This is the location where firm touch can be felt in the prostate, although the latter is quite a way higher inside. Then, apply mild to medium pressure with a pad of a finger inside the tip of the ‘V’. You can pulse the touch, making small circles in the area. You can also use the entire length of two to three fingers to apply steady pressure over a larger area. Try mild-to-medium pressure that way, too.

This maneuver can feel really good to your guy during genital massage, and also during sexual intercourse and oral sex. It can also slow him down and help delay ejaculation.

You can massage the perineum with lube to create different sensations. Slowly caress the area with the pads of two or three fingers, very gently stretching the skin over the underlying tissues. Remember to vary mild to medium pressure, use small movements and go very slowly.

It feels good to him to pulse the perineum with the flat part of your fist or with the heel of your hand. Start with subtle vibrations, and then increase the intensity just a little at a time.

And do try a vibrator there◦— some guys go wild with that. Start with the lowest setting; if the vibrations are still too intense, use a fold or two of towel between the vibrator and the skin. And here is some motivation for the guy to keep experimenting: many men say that they can feel the exterior sensations more intensely and more pleasurably once they know the feelings from the interior prostatic massage.

External Anal Massage

Like it or not, your butt really is part of your life, actually a very important part of your life. Do you think we’re spending too much time talking about your butt? What’s the fuss?

Truth is, it’s the site of a lot of health problems. Many of my patients seek medical help for a host of conditions related to the anus. And just like the prostate, the butt appreciates loving care so pay some attention to it and keep it healthy.

But I’m getting off the track. We’re here to talk about orgasms, not illness. And for the adventurous, the anal area offers a lot to like. It does not take a lot of energy or exertion to produce a ton of pleasure. Remember, too, the butt is an equal opportunity area: the techniques are really nice on women, too.

However, from now on, you’ll need to keep your hands separate: one hand on the butt, one on the penis or on the vagina, so you don’t mix the germs. Moreover, it is better not to let your hands touch each other or a common surface. So if the penis hand picks up the lube bottle or pumps the handle, it’s hands off for the butt hand.

Again, when you start working on his anal area, keep the genital stimulation going with the other hand, or with your mouth.

If he does not want to do more involved anal play, you can always just offer a super-light touch to the buttock area and a nice bun massage. They feel so yummy and are a lot more comfortable to start with. Actually, this applies whether or not the game is to grow more intimate. So begin with a feathery touch, one so light there is almost no contact. Then proceed to a firmer touch.

The light caresses are most intense before there is any other sensation. Just play◦— there is no goal except your pleasure. And the light tickle is really, really fun at the very top of the ass crack on the tiny hairs there and also over the buns. Make sure you take a long time here, especially the first times and if there are hesitations about anal play.

Now onto the bun massage. Here you can use a fair amount of force, provided, of course, your partner approves. The gluteus muscles in the buns are big and strong, and are prone to holding tension. You can put your hands on either side of his hips and jiggle the buns back and forth, so they do the jello thing. You can make the buns jiggle in the same direction by holding on to the edges and wiggling them, or you can wiggle them in opposite directions so that they “kiss” over the anal opening. It looks really silly and feels really great.

Then you can just grab a bun in each hand◦— as much as you can hold◦— and squeeze, repeating in a slightly different place. You can also place one hand on each bun and knead in bread-dough fashion. Remember to watch your finger nails with all this.

Do all the bun stuff again using massage oil or lotion for totally different slippery sensations. Any of this bun play◦— the light caresses, the jiggling, the kneading◦— can be a great thing to do by itself, as a really good agenda for a quickie. And for an even quicker quickie, you can do it all with dry hands. Or you can start with dry hands and then use oil or lotion for the bun part.