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“Right. And two have stage shows. We could technically…”

I drift off after that. Because he never stops talking. The full hour of our meeting is all about the genius expansion plan of the Mountain Men Male Revue Show. There is no more mention of Fletcher Novak’s sexual escapades, disciplinary actions, or tardiness. Even Amy, who was clearly not on his side the last time we chatted before I came to the hotel to see for myself, is smitten with his plan.

“So what do you think?” he finally asks, turning his attention to me. “I’ve put together a business plan”—he rattles away on his keyboard for a moment—“and have just emailed it to Cole and your father for consideration.”

That two-timing swine! He went over my head! But I will be damned if I will give him the satisfaction of knowing how much that pisses me off. “Great.” I fake a look at my watch. “Well, I have another meeting at ten, so I’m going to move along. Thanks for your time, Amy.” I shake her hand as I try for a quick escape. “And I’ll be in touch, Mr. Novak.”

I cannot get out of that room fast enough. I smile brightly at the secretary, and then pull the outer door open and practically run down the hall to get away from that vile man with the sexy grin.

I hate him. I mean, I hated what he represented when I walked into that meeting. But now I just hate him in every way possible. He did all that to make me look bad. Make himself look so smart. Make me feel—

“Hey, Tiffy!”

Oh, no, he doesn’t. He does not get to embarrass me like that and then expect me to be civil in the fucking hallway. I make a beeline for the elevators and press the button. God loves me, because the doors open and there is no one inside. I rush in, hit the button for my floor, and then stand back against the mirrored walls.

But just as the doors are about to clang shut, a hand is there to ruin my escape.

“Hey,” Fletcher says, getting in with me. “Didn’t you hear me call your name?”

“I heard.”

“So you ignored me.”

“What do you want, Mr. Novak?”

“Well… I just… wanted to see if you liked that plan, that’s all. I really have been working on it in my spare time.”

“So you aspire to bigger things than taking your clothes off?” I wince, immediately regretting opening my mouth. Expect the unexpected, Tiffy. Isn’t that your motto? So why are you so pissed off that Fletcher Novak pulled the same stunt on you?

I just am. That’s all.

“Hmm,” is Fletcher’s only response to my outburst.

“I’m sorry,” I say, taking a deep breath. “That was not… appropriate.”

He’s silent for a moment. “That’s all right. At least you were honest.”

I roll my eyes before I can stop them.

“I try to be honest too.”

I huff out a laugh. “Right. You? Honest?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You, Fletcher Novak, are a player. You’re a bullshitter. You came into my meeting with your proposal when you knew damn well we were there to discuss you.”

“We did discuss me.”

“We were supposed to be discussing disciplinary actions! Not your dreams and aspirations.”

“What do you know about my dreams and aspirations?”

“You just laid them all out for me.”

“Now it’s my turn to laugh. I gave you a gift. A way to move this dinky little show forward.”

“And save your ass in the process,” I sneer.

“An entire business plan for exponential growth.”

“And I suppose you’d like to be one of the dancers who make it to Vegas? Right? You see your name in lights? You see money, and more slutty girls and one-night stands than you can count. That’s your dream, and I’ll tell you right now, my father might like your plan, but he will not like you.”

“Why not? What’ve I ever done to him?”

“You’re shady, and dishonest, and a cheat. He’s into integrity, Mr. Novak.” The doors open on my floor and I rush out, but Fletcher follows me. “What are you doing?” I say, whirling around to meet him face on.

“What’s your problem? Was it the kiss last night? Did you like it? Was it the fact that you grabbed my cock and realized you wanted it? And then you saw that I could have anyone and you felt insecure?”

“Ha! You wish. I’m so much better than you. Believe me, that kiss meant nothing. And your… your…”

“Cock,” he says with a smile and a wink.

“Was nothing…” And I run out of words because my mind is actually caught up in the size of his considerable… cock.

He laughs as the elevator doors close, leaving us in the hallway in front of my penthouse. He walks towards me, making me back up until my back is pressed against the door. “You liked it, Tiffy. You think I’m adorable.”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I think you’re a player. I think you lie to women, tell them what they want to hear to get your way. And it’s not going to work with me.”

“Lie to them? No. I don’t lie. I tell them nice things, sure. I make them feel special, yes. And you know why I do these things, Tiffy?”

“To get laid!”

“To make them feel special. To wipe away all the bullshit some other man has already put into their heads. To make them smile. What’s wrong with making them smile?”

“You lie. You say things you don’t mean as a means to an end.”

“I do not. I say things that are true. I just refrain from saying the things that will hurt them. That’s all. I tell them they’re pretty because they are. I tell them they make me feel good, because they do. I tell them things that make them happy. Every bit of it’s true.”

“I don’t believe you. What woman wants to be used for a night and thrown to the curb the next day?”

“The women who come to a strip show and then go home with a stripper.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“You like it though, don’t you.” He takes a few steps closer to me, making me feel trapped by his glare and his words. “Did someone hurt you, Tiffy? Did some big, bad man hurt your feelings? Tell you you’re fat? Tell you you’re stupid? Tell you you aren’t good enough?”

“Stay away from me, Fletcher, I’m warning you.”

“I’m not even touching you, Tiffy. But you want me to, don’t you?” He takes one final step until we are barely an inch apart. “If I took you home I’d wipe all that shit out of your mind. I’ll say you’re pretty because you are. I’d say you’re smart because you are. I’d say you’re better than me because no man worth anything would want anything else. And that’s all true, Tiffy. I’d leave out every negative thing about you. Is that telling you what you want to hear? Fine, maybe it is. But I like being nice. Sue me.”

“You like getting what you want.” He’s so close to me, I can see little flecks of green in his blue eyes.

“True,” he whispers. “I do. But I’m not out to hurt anyone in the process.”

“Tell that to the discarded women you leave behind.”

“They all know. Because I tell them. One night only. Take it or leave it.” He smirks at me, and then places his hands on either side of my head, boxing me in. He leans forward so far that his hair dangles down and flashes against my cheek, making me shiver. “They always take it.”

“They take it because they want you. No one wants a one-night stand.”

“Fuck,” he laughs, stepping back from me. The heat from his body disappears with him, and I have to take a deep breath to calm my heart. “I can’t win with you, can I?” His eyes are bright and his grin is real. He’s having fun right now.

I just stare at him.

And then his mouth is on mine. His hands are behind my head, pulling me towards him. His tongue does a little dance against my lips, begging me to open for him. I feel a rush of heat and a wave of dizziness as the moment captures me and holds me tight.

“Open your mouth,” he whispers. “I want to feel your tongue.”

“Stop,” I say weakly.

He does stop. But I’m sorry I said it, because I want more, not less.