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Evans, Craig A. Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies. AGJU 25. Leiden: Brill, 1995.

Jesus and the Ossuaries: What Jewish Burial Practices Reveal About the Beginning of Christianity. Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press, 2003.

Green, Joel В., Scot McKnight and I.Howard Marshall, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Downers Grove, I11.: InterVarsity Press, 1992. (Русское издание: Иисус и евангелия. Словаре. М., 2003.)

Komoszewski, J.Ed, M.James Sawyer and Daniel B.Wallace. Reinventing Jesus. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2006.

Stein, Robert H. Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ. Downers Grove, I11.: InterVarsity Press, 1996.

The Method and Message of Jesus' Teaching. Rev. ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1994.

Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001.

Wilkins, Michael J., and J. P. Moreland, eds. Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Witherington, Ben, III. The Christology of Jesus. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990.

The Jesus Quest: The Third Search jot the Jew of Nazareth. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, I11.: InterVarsity Press, 1997.

What Have They Done with Jesus? San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, 2006.

Wright, N.T. The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is. Downers Grove, I11.: InterVarsity Press, 1999.

Jesus and the Victory of God. Christian Origins and the Question of God 2. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1996. (Русское издание: Иисус и победа Бога. М., 2004.)

The Resurrection of the Son of God. Christian Origins and the Question of God 3. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003. (Готовится к изданию на русском языке. — Прим. Ред.)

Указатель Библейских ссылок

Ветхий Завет

Книга Бытия

1 27,28

2 27,28

15:6 238,239

22 239

32:10 129

38:18 129

49:10 130

Книга Исхода

4:4 129

7–8 174

7:9 129

8:18–19 174

21:18 161

31:12–17 145

31:14 145

Книга Левит

19:18 131, 145, 239


6:4 239

6:4–5 145

6:5 239

6:7 45

11:19 45

32:9 162

Книга Иисуса Навина

4 206

4:3 144

4:20–21 144

Первая книга Царств

21:1–6 37, 145

22:6–23 37

Вторая книга Царств

5:17–21 269

5:22–25 269

7:14 273

Третья книга Царств

1:38–40 272

17:1–16 269

Четвертая книга Царств

5:1–14 269

Первая книга Паралипоменон

14:13–16 269

29:23 273


2:7 25, 55, 273

22:1 308

106:23–29 181

107 181

107:9 54

110:1 272

117 165

117:22 87

117:22–23 87, 154, 156, 157, 159, 163

131:15 54

145 54

145:6 54

145:7 54

145:8 54

Книга Притчей Соломоновых

19:21 161

Книга пророка Исайи

5 87, 165

5:1–2 153, 154

5:1–7 87, 146, 156, 157, 159

5:7 161

6:5–7 181

11:2 54

11:4 130

26:19 54, 55, 177

28 269

28:21 269

29:13 107

35:5 55, 177

35:5–6 55,272

35:6 177

40:3 316

49:6 283

61 177

61:1 54, 55, 177, 228

61:1–2 269,272

Книга пророка Иеремии

7 279

7:11 213

7:21–26 145

7:34 212,213

Книга Плач Иеремии

4:8 251

Книга пророка Иезекииля

19:14 130

Книга пророка Даниила

7 56, 179, 180, 302

7:9 275

7:13–14 180

Книга пророка Осии

6:6 145

Книга пророка Амоса

5:21–24 145

Книга пророка Михея

6:6–8 145

Книга пророка Захарии

9:9 272

Книга премудрости Иисуса, сына Сирахова

35:12 146

Первая книга Маккавейская

1:56–57 48

Вторая книга Маккавейская

6–7 232

6:18–20 139

7:1–2 139

7:4 147

Новый Завет

Евангелие от Матфея

1:21 229

3:1 195

3:8–9 195

3:9 32, 144

3:15 32

3:20–35 317

5:3 92, 177

5–7 150

5:10 84

5:14 84, 137

5:15 60

5:16 128

5:17 128

5:20–22 32

5:21–48 268

5:23–24 145,267

5:25–28 32

6:1–18 86,267

6:2 133

6:2–4 84

6:3 84

6:5 133

6:6 134

6:7–15 267

6:8 134

6:9–13 52, 150

6:14–15 132,276

6:16 133

6:18 134

6:25–34 82

6:28–33 131

6:33 286

7:6 84, 285

7:7–11 80

7:14–20 171

7:15 109

7:16 109

7:19 109

7:20 109

7:21 108

7:24 108

7:29 184

8:1–4 170

8:2а 106

8:2 107

8:4 106, 107

8:5–13 168, 170

8:14–15 171

8:19 301

8:23–27 171

8:28–34 171

9:1–8 171

9:8 184

9:8–19 171

9:10–13 277

9:11 301

9:20–22 171

9:23–26 171

9:27–31 171

9:32–34 171

10:1 172

10:5–8 172

10:8 314

10:9–10 129, 132

10:16 84

10:17 151

10:26 60

10:34 91

10:34b 91

10:34–39 86

10:37 86

11:2–6 60, 146, 176,272,314

11:3 55

11:4–6 55

11:5 271

11:20–24 270,277

11:21–23 314

11:30 85

12:3 47

12:9–14 171

12:22–37 171

12:27 168

12:38 301

12:39 60

12:39–40 277

12:42 184

12:43–45 314

12:50 86