Again the girl shrugged and made a face that said, "What do you want me to do about it?" She started jerking at his cock with her hand with the best action she could work up under the circumstances. It looked like she had a red, sawed off eel in her hand.
"I'm gonna fuck you right now," he said suddenly, his cock giving no indication that he was in any condition to do that. He flailed at the pillows, his arms pumping spastically as he tried to lift the upper part of his body from the bed.
The girl sat back on her haunches and looked at him the smile on her face mixed with outright pity. She knew he was too drunk and fucked up to do her any harm. He swung his legs off the bed and sat still for a moment, his breath coming in alcoholic jabs from deep down inside him. His head lolled like a broken doll.
"Why. don't you have another drink?" the girl suggested lighting a Pall Mall for him and placing it between his moist lips.
"That's a good idea," he said and poured the cup full of Rye down his throat.
As it hit the lining of his stomach and backed up his tubes he expelled a loud, roaring belch that punctuated the silence of the room and made Toni and Lisa laugh until they had to grab their sides from the hilarity of it all.
"Now I'm gonna fuck you like you never been fucked," he said turning to the girl, lurching to his feet. She sat there very relaxed, with her pleasant, thin thighs spread wide open, leaning back with her head tilted up at him, surveying this specimen of human wreckage with a smile on her face. Her tits were perfectly round and tipped with gorgeous, pinkish nipples that stood straight out. His eyes focused on these luscious offerings and inspired him to attempt to move one foot in front of the other.
Just as he was upon her she threw out one leg that hit him squarely in the solar plexus with just enough weight behind it to send him sprawling backwards and around onto the bed. He bounced down like a bale of hay, his arms and legs twitching like an over turned tortoise, trying to hurl an obscenity at her. The girl broke into laughter, her face registering emotion, making her beautiful where only moments before she had been merely drugged and pleasant looking.
Toni and Lisa laughed along with her. As he lifted himself up and made a grab at her chest she poked him again with her foot in the stomach and managed to hold him down with little effort.
"Hey why don't you try and get some sleep," she said.
"Sleep? Sleep! I wanna fuck!" and then his head fell back and his mouth dropped open and almost immediately he began snoring, his lips mouthing some unheard, half finished thought.
The girl poked at his midsection a few times, testing the depth of his alcoholic stupor and then bounced from the bed into the bathroom. She sat on the pot for a long time pissing and then she washed her hands and face and threw the towels onto the floor. She came back into the room without looking at her flopped cut John snoring like a hog and stuck her head in the closet and looked through the drawers.
"Do you think she's going to rob him?" Toni demanded.
"Serves him right if she does, but if she tries it well nail her when she comes out. But I don't think she will because it looks like she came in his car and it's a long walk to town at this time of the day. We'll see."
The girl it appeared was looking for something to do rather than something to steal. But she was in a motel room on the outskirts of Reno with a drunken, passed out fat slob who was old enough to be her father and there was really nothing to do but take a shower and drink some more beer and watch television. That's what she did. She flipped on the color television and opened another bottle of beer and pulled up two chairs, one for her legs and sat back.
"Christ she's young," Toni said.
"They seem to be making them younger every clay. You should see some of the babies that roll in here with those schmucks like that. It makes you want to throw up sometimes and I never had too many scruples about much of anything."
"It's a living." "That's a cop-out."
"She's playing with herself," Toni noticed.
Her hand began working in little circles over her clit while she ran the wet and sweating beer bottle up and down her thigh. She peered down at her chest and then her stomach and arched her leg to see the line it made. Her face registered approval. Then she flexed her other leg.
"She's got those nice skinny thighs," Lisa said and Toni nodded silently. She kept swiveling her attention between her crotch and the television screen and when she noticed her bottle was empty she dropped it on the carpet and slid out of her chair to retrieve a fresh one.
"See what slobs people are," Lisa said.
She washed another Tuinol down with a mouthful of beer and inserted a finger up inside herself. As it went in her face began to soften beautifully. Her tits moved up and down on her chest bobbing provocatively. She took another long hit on her beer and then placed it carefully on the floor.
"She's getting into it now," said Lisa. She spread her legs and jacked the left one up and sunk two fingers inside her cunt while her right hand began playing with her left nipple.
She squeezed at it and twisted it between her fingers then brushed it with the palm of her hand very roughly. Her thumb passed over her clitoris while her other two occupied fingers turned the juice inside her around. Bela Lugosi screamed on the T.V. Her pants were becoming audible above the television set and the background snoring. Her mouth was open and her head was rolling from side to side and her stomach contracted as the effects of her manual manipulation took over.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" asked Toni. They watched in silence as the girl bent over double and crammed her fingers as far up inside herself as they would go. She tried to suck her nipple into her mouth but couldn't make it and settled for licking her chest, She had a very nice tongue.
Her body was twitching in the chair like she had been stabbed. She moved to the edge of it and snapped her legs wide open and dropped her head down, her hair brushing the floor.
"Looks like she's trying to eat herself," Lisa said. "I've tried it," Toni added.
"Who hasn't," Lisa smiled.
The girl pulled her hand out of her crotch for a second and licked at her moistened fingertips, sucking them into her mouth and then blowing them out again.
Then she leaned down and picked up the empty beer bottle and ripped the label that ringed the neck of the bottle off. She placed it between her legs and started to shove it up her cunt, grinding her pelvis down onto it. She gasped and then sighed as her head fell back. She was talking to herself and Lisa craned forward in her seat trying to lip read her words. No luck. She moved the bottle backwards and forwards now very slowly with her right hand while her left one alternated between her breasts and her clitoris. It looked like it was going in and out of her without any visible friction.
She closed her legs tightly and held the bottle like a cock inside her, squeezing hard. Then she grasped it at the base with both hands and snapped her hips against her wrist movement which was becoming progressively stronger, noticeably more aggressive. Her lips were culling and snarling as they latched themselves around a string of silent obscenities. She was having a fantasy that Lisa and Toni wished they could eavesdrop.
"She's going to hurt herself if she's not careful," Toni said. It looked that way. Her thrusts were becoming more savage as she moved closer to her climax. The girl's mouth started moving back and forth slowly, in contrast to the speed with which she was fucking herself, as she simulated a blow job.
"She's probably got a big, fat cunt that could take a whole case of beer," Lisa said.
The girl stuck her fingers in her mouth and rolled them around and then placed her wet fingers between her legs. She dropped to the floor with the bottle still up her cunt and started slicking down her asshole, resting her head on the chair she had used for her legs.