Toni couldn't stop herself at that moment if her life or Lisa's depended on it, and since that wasn't the case there was no reason to even consider the thought. Toni had the stamina of a work horse when it came to sex and being able to give Lisa this much pleasure was something that she wouldn't trade for the world. She reached down and ran her hands roughly through Lisa's hair and pulled her head up off the bed as her hips bucked and fucked away at this blonde Amazon.
She knew that Lisa liked it a little rough at moments like this and there was no reason to hold back. She reached for and found the rubber bulb that would detonate the flow of milk into Lisa's asshole when the moment was right. "Christ you're driving me fucking nuts!" Lisa growled and sputtered as Toni wailed away at her backside and tugged her blonde mane. "Harder, Toni harderI"
Toni was doing it as hard as she could now but that didn't seem to be good enough for Lisa who was clutching the bedspread in a grip of steel and trying to force her ass into some kind of counter movement to Toni's frenetic reaming without accomplishing a thing. Big bad Lisa was getting screwed blue. "I love it!" she hurled over her shoulder, sweat forming a band across her forehead, "I fucking love it!"
As the first wave of hot milk spilled into her cavernous asshole Lisa's stomach contracted with unbearable pleasure. It felt to her like the entire lining of her intestines would collapse from the sheer force of her own orgasm as the warm liquid continued to gush upwards filling her to bursting. The last thing she remembered hearing was Toni muttering, "Christ this bed's a fucking mess!"
Chapter 1
"How long's your vacation Toni?"
"My time's my own."
"Do you feel like hanging out here for awhile with me?"
"As long as you can stand having me around."
"Great! More coffee?"
After breakfast Lisa and Toni anointed each other with the required coat of suntan oil and proceeded to sprawl a bit wantonly on towels by the edge of die swimming pool as the solar rays went to work on them. The previous nights' rain had washed the sky an immaculate unreal blue; it was like a Technicolor canvas that did not allow for any intrusions of imperfection to mar the purity of design.
Both womens' loins still vibrated pleasantly from their nocturnal, sexual bout; Lisa's asshole tingled just a little more than usual from the massive reaming she had received from Toni's manipulation of the dildo they had both hailed as a work of art. It occurred to Lisa, lying — there with the first points of perspiration dotting her upper lip, that a person could pass a lifetime like this without very much effort; sex and sun-the perfect formula for peace of mind.
As if reading her brain waves Toni tilted her head slightly and from the corner of her mouth said, "This is the life, huh babe?"
Lisa ran her hand across the hollow of her abdomen and told her, "I can't think of a better one really, can you?"
"Not much better. I mean I really dig what I'm into in San Francisco but at heart I'm just a beach bum and I don't even need the beach to feel that way."
"I know what you mean. The thing that's really amazing is that we both managed to get a good number going for ourselves. For two such lazy cunts we certainly outsmarted the competition. I often get to wondering what ever happened to all the other girls."
"Me too, but I try not to think about it that much 'cause it's kind of depressing when you just know that most of them fizzled and faded fast after that brief burst of glory we all had. Somehow with all we had going for us it was like there was something in the cards that said, 'You're in for a bad trip'. Didn't you ever feel that way in those days?" "Yeah."
"It was like there was this dark cloud looming on the horizon all the time with big black letters that spelled out 'Old Age'. That was the big one, growing old and losing your looks, as if that's all there was to life."
"That's because we were fed that line of bullshit and we bit onto it hook, line and sinker-at least for a while. Either you became fanatical about getting your shit
together and holding it together like we did or you just sort of fell apart and lived from day to day hoping to meet some guy who would give a wave of his hand and make it all go away. Shit! For all the fucking we did there sure wasn't much at the end of those cocks that was worth anything. It was in Vegas that I finally lost all my romantic notions about men, love and the good life surrounded by that secure, white picket fence."
"Umm… "
"I wonder if it was just the place or us or what." "How many times was it you were engaged?" "Four, five, I lost count."
"Me too."
"At least we were hip enough to weasel out at the last minute. Fuck! Can you imagine getting hooked up in a marriage with those guys we had eyes for at the time! I'd say nine out of ten of the girls who got married were divorced within a year and had to start all over again."
"That's because most of them married for the wrong reasons." "Well it makes you wonder what the right ones are." "Obviously a. bank account and a Thunderbird isn't enough." "Remember Sharon Gravanites?"
"That blonde chick that married that dealer, what was his name?"
"Yeah. Well after they were married and he got caught stealing from the house and had himself worked over and wound up in the hospital they moved to Reno to start things over. Anyway she went on dancing and if you'll remember she was a good little dancer too, made Line Captain in just about every show she worked, Lenny just got into this thing where he couldn't keep his hands out of the pot. I mean it was lucky that he was able to get a fob sweeping floors in the state of Nevada after the first time let alone getting a job dealing again. Of course he got caught after a bit and he was bounced, this time for good-black balled in every casino in town. So he gets this job as a bartender in that place where the Silver Concho used to be, remember that place, it was where that Mafia guy had that ice pick shoved through his brain?"
"So he straightens out for a bit but then he gets back into his sticky fingers routine again and like a schmuck he's caught and gets sacked. Sharon's dancing her buns off and doing really good. She got this great offer to go back to Vegas in the Lido Revue, but she turns it down because Lenny can't go back to Vegas or says he can't or doesn't want to and then things really start going downhill. Now he's not working at all and he starts in dropping all kinds of pills and smoking a lot of shit and drinking and lying around the apartment all day while she's out working as a waitress in the afternoon and getting fallen arches at night so that they can someday have that little dream house somewhere over the rainbow. Then he starts beating up on her. He suddenly becomes Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. All that crap he's pouring into himself mixed with all that undiluted sun warps his mind until he's completely around the twist. He starts dropping in where she's waitressing and harasses the customers and sounds her out, calls her a rotten cunt and a stupid bitch and so naturally the boss says later with your husband baby' and they bounce him out on his ass which of course only makes him crazier. She gets home that afternoon to change for work and grab a bite to eat and he belts the shit out of her. Whacks her with a strap on the ass and thighs until she's got welts like tire tracks. She poured the body makeup on good and thick but it didn't help in the slightest. When she arrives for work that night they take one look at her and say 'Hey Sharon you can't go on looking like that.' So she's out of the line for a week before the black and blues go away. And of course after that scene in the restaurant the boss is a bit edgy about her old man because he's seen that thing happen before and he's just waiting for the next time the guy gets pilled and insane and decides to drop in and pull the same number all over again. Sure enough he does. The boss is out making the afternoons deposit at the bank and when he gets back there's poor Sharon in tears and the place just empty, people got up and left what they were eating and drinking and split. The joint looked like an air raid had been called for real and no one was wasting anytime in diving for cover, I mean he was that kind of crazy."