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“She’s entitled,” Jon said. “She’s doing both their work.”

“Do you want to fight about Ruby?” Lisa asked. “Or do you want to hear what I found out?”

“Ruby can wait,” Jon said. “Do you know who has the baby?”

Lisa nodded. “Only one family requested a wet nurse and a nanny in the past month. Both of whom started working on Saturday.”

“That’s great,” Jon said. “Who are they?”

“It’s better if you don’t know until we have a plan,” Lisa replied. “You probably won’t know them by name anyway. But they’re very powerful.”

“We knew they would be,” Jon said.

“I didn’t realize how powerful,” Lisa said. “Powerful enough to have a private guard service twenty-four hours a day. We can’t put a ladder to the nursery window and steal the baby.”

“They’re the ones who stole the baby,” Jon said.

“That’s not the point and you know it,” Lisa said.

“All right,” Jon said. “You have the name and we need a plan. Anything else?”

Lisa scowled. “My assistant saw me going through the green files,” she said. “When we get the baby, they’ll trace it back to me.”

“Miranda and Alex are going to have to leave anyway,” Jon said. “We’ll go with them.”

“How?” Lisa asked. “It’s one thing to say we have to leave. It’s a whole other thing to do it.”

Jon grinned. “Sarah and I figured that part out,” he said. “Alex is driving Sarah to Virginia on Monday. If anyone stops them, Miranda’s there as her grub. Then Alex drops Miranda and the baby off at Matt’s and takes Sarah to Virginia. They can figure out where to go after he gets back.”

Lisa fell silent, thinking things over. Jon waited for her to speak.

“They can take Gabe with them,” she said.

“Sure,” Jon said. “You and Gabe and me. We’re clavers. Sarah’s travel pass will cover us.”

“What time is she leaving?” Lisa asked.

“Early Monday,” Jon replied. “That’s all I know.”

“The earlier the better,” she said. “There’s a two a.m. grubber bus to Sexton. Alex and Miranda will need special curfew passes. I’ll tell Dr. Goldman to arrange it for them. We get in the car, grab the baby, and get out of Dodge.”

“Where’s Dodge?” Jon asked.

Lisa laughed. “It’s an old expression,” she said. “Jon, are you sure Sarah’s agreed to all this? What we’re doing is dangerous and illegal.”

“She wants to help,” Jon said. “But I’ll explain the risks to her.”

“We shouldn’t tell her father,” Lisa said. “Or Alex or Miranda, and certainly not Ruby. The only chance we have is if we keep things absolutely quiet.”

“Sarah’s coming over tomorrow evening,” Jon said. “We’ll go to the garage. No one can hear us there. We’ll talk everything out. After we’ve been there a couple of hours, you’ll come out to chase Sarah home. We’ll tell you what we’ve decided then.”

“I’d better go downstairs,” Lisa said. “Ruby’s probably suspicious already.”

“It’s going to work,” Jon said. “It has to.”

Lisa nodded. “It has to,” she said. “We’ll make it work.”

Thursday, July 23

“Sarah, it’s time for you to go home,” Lisa said, knocking loudly on the closed garage door.

Jon opened the door for her.

“Jon’s talked to you?” Lisa whispered as Jon closed the door.

“We have it all figured out,” Sarah replied. “I’m a little worried about Daddy, but my uncle can get him out of Sexton if he has to.”

“You can take Gabe?” Lisa asked.

“And you and Jon,” Sarah said. “Nobody’s going to care how many clavers are in the car.”

“We can’t risk Gabe waking up until we’re out of Sexton,” Jon said. “Sarah’s going to get a sedative at the clinic and give Gabe a quarter of it if that’s okay with you.”

“I’ll give Ruby the rest,” Lisa said. “We don’t want her waking up and asking questions.”

“That’s a good idea,” Jon said. “I should have thought of it.”

“Sarah, do you understand what you’re doing?” Lisa asked. “The house is under armed guard. You won’t be able to walk in and take the baby.”

Sarah grinned. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” she said. “Let me tell you the plan.”

Sunday, July 26

The Sexton clavers beat the Winston grubs 13–2.

Jon scored five goals. He figured it was the last time he’d be playing for Coach. He might as well leave him happy.

Monday, July 27

“They’re going to be here in a few minutes,” Jon said early that morning. “Lisa, why aren’t you ready?”

“I am ready,” she said. “Gabe’s sound asleep. When they come, you take him and go.”

“You’re going with us,” Jon said.

Lisa shook her head. “Jon, I can’t,” she said. “What if they blame my assistant? She’s a grub, Jon. You know what they could do to her?”

“They could put you in prison,” Jon said. “They could kill you. Is your assistant’s life that important?”

“It’s not just her life,” Lisa said. “They could go after Carrie if they think she was involved. They could go after Ruby. I have a responsibility to all of them, Jon. I have to protect them.”

“I still think you should come with us,” Jon said. “For Gabe’s sake.”

Lisa shook her head. “I’ve made enough mistakes,” she said. “I’m not going to have innocent blood on my hands. Matt and Syl will look after Gabe. They promised your father and me they would if anything ever happened.” She took Jon in her arms, holding him tightly. “I love you,” she said. “Get Gabe. I want to kiss him good-bye.”

Jon went upstairs and took Gabe out of his bed. “You have a wonderful mother,” he whispered, carrying the sleeping boy downstairs. Lisa walked over to them and kissed her son.

“Keep him safe,” she said.

“I promise,” Jon replied. “I hear the car, Lisa. We’ve got to go.”

Lisa went to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. “Gabe’s trucks are in there,” she said. “His clothes. Some of yours.” She kissed Jon and Gabe. “Go,” she said. “I love you both.”

Jon cradled Gabe in his left arm while holding on to the suitcase. Alex had the car running but the lights off. Miranda sat by his side, Sarah in the back.

“Put the suitcase in the front with me,” Alex said. “We can’t slam the trunk.”

Jon did as Alex said. Then he put Gabe in the back seat and sat down next to him. “Start driving, Alex. Make a left at the stop sign. Sarah’ll give you the directions from there.”

“I don’t understand,” Miranda said. “I thought we were stopping at Lisa’s so you could say good-bye to Jon. What’s Gabe doing here? Does Lisa know you’ve taken him?”

“Lisa knows,” Jon said. “She’s not coming.”

“Why not?” Sarah asked. “Alex, at the next stop sign make a right.”

“She’ll get to Matt’s on her own,” Jon said, hoping that was true.

“What about Matt?” Miranda asked. “Alex, is this the way out of town?”

“Not that I know of,” Alex replied. “You’d better tell me what’s going on, Jon. If this is some kind of elopement, I’ll put a stop to it right now.”

“It’s nothing like that,” Jon said. “I have something to tell you, both of you, but you can’t react. No screaming, no crying. We can’t risk Gabe waking up.”

“We promise, Jon,” Miranda said. “Just tell us.”