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James and Miko make their way to him and James asks, “What’s wrong?”

When he nears them he comes to a stop. In a voice quivering in rage, he says, “My wife is dead.”

“What?” exclaims Miko.

“How?” asks James. He glances over his shoulder and sees Devin already has his tent ready for him. Turning back to Illan he says, “Let’s go to my tent and you can explain.”

Illan nods and stalks forward toward James’ tent. On the way James catches Jiron and Delia’s eye and indicates for them to come along as well.

Devin comes forward, sees the expression on Illan’s face and stops in his tracks. His heart begins beating again when he realizes it’s not directed at him. He glances to James who says, “Make sure we’re not disturbed for anything.”

Nodding silently, Devin moves to the tent flap and holds it open for them to enter. Once they’re all in, he closes it and takes position outside.

“What’s going on?” Delia asks as she looks to James.

He nods to Illan and remains silent. All eyes turn to Illan as he stands there in silence for a full minute. Then in a voice cracking with sorrow and anger, he explains. “My wife is dead. Our son and his family taken. Everything my family has is gone!”

Delia gasps and Miko asks, “How?”

Illan turns his gaze to James and says, “Things have gone ill in Seastar.”

Seastar. The last time they were in Seastar, they had freed a captain from jail in order to reach the far side of the Sea in short order. “It’s not because of the captain is it?” he asks.

Nodding, Illan replies, “Yes it is. Remember that man whom the captain hit, Lord Faetherton?” When James nods, he continues. “Seems he found out who it was that took the captain from the jail, nothing stays hidden in a small town. From what my friend said, it didn’t take him long to extract his revenge on the only ones available.”

“Your family,” says James in sorrow.

Illan nods. “That’s right. Through means legal and foul, he ousted Harlan from the Magistrate’s office and basically took over the town. From then it was fairly easy for him to jail my wife, my son and his family. He then took our lands and all our possessions as reparations for taking the captain.”

“How could he get away with all this?” Jiron asks, not believing what he’s hearing. “Shouldn’t the guards or even the townsfolk have done something?”

“With the war going on, all able bodied men are down south,” he explains. “There was no one left to stand against him but old men and young boys. He’s acquired a score or so of toughs who keep the people in line and none now dare gainsay his wishes.”

“Did he kill your wife?” Delia asks.

“Not directly, no,” he replies. “She languished in jail, as has my whole family, through the winter. She caught pneumonia and died. My son and his family are still being held.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” announces Jiron. Everyone turns to look at the murder in his eyes. “Seems we have some justice to dispense!”

“I agree,” says James, Delia and Miko both nod in agreement. “We can’t let this continue.” To Illan he says, “We’re with you, just tell us what you want to do.”

“I thank you all,” he says and then marches from the tent. “Jorry! Uther!” he hollers in the tone of voice all have come to know and at times fear.

“Yes, sir?” Jorry replies as he and Uther come running. The others move closer to see what’s going on.

“I’ve got some work for you two,” he says.

Late the following afternoon, Illan along with everyone else but Jorry and Uther, approach the outskirts of Seastar. The mood of the group is somber, the story of what happened to his family has been told to each and every member of their group. They are saddened by his loss while at the same time angered at the man who is behind it.

Jorry and Uther were sent ahead last night to scout the town. They were supposed to have met them on the road this morning but have yet to make an appearance.

“Do you think anything happened to them?” Jiron asks.

“Hope not,” replies Illan. He thought he would be feeling anger and rage at this point, but all that goes through his mind are the memories of his Alaina. They first met when he was but a lad and had just entered service with Madoc’s army. He was on leave and had journeyed to Seastar for no better reason than that he had never been there.

Riding through town, he saw a flash of auburn hair and a friendly smile and was smitten forevermore. Their son arrived three years after their wedding, the only child to have survived. There were two other pregnancies after that but one had been stillborn and the last, a girl, had died before reaching a year.

Memories of their time together wash over him as he passes through the first of the buildings. People upon the street see him riding into town and stop in their tracks. Several call to him but he ignores everyone, intent on his memories.

He leads the group through town and at first James thought he was heading for the magistrate’s office. But instead, leads them through town to the north and into the hills. Not far out of town an estate appears ahead of them, a grand estate with a large stone fence surrounding it. The manor house in the distance stands three stories tall and the road leading through the front gate to the house is cobblestone.

“Is this where you live?” Miko asks once it’s become clear he means to go there.

Illan nods, “My family has lived here for six generations.”

Half a mile from the gates of the estate, two men emerge from the surrounding trees. James sees it’s Jorry and Uther.

“Well?” Illan asks once they’ve come near.

“Two guards stand at the gates,” Uther tells him.

“Not sure how many are inside but we’ve seen four men enter and two leave,” Jorry explains.

”Grab your horses,” Illan says and kicks his horse to move toward the gate. They hurry into the trees and reemerge shortly riding their horses, then fall in line with the others.

He rides without hesitation and is shortly approaching the gate. The two men standing guard move to stand before the gate and one steps forward. Holding his hand up indicating for them to stop, he says, “No one is allowed to enter.”

“On whose authority?” Illan asks, bringing his horse to a stop, scant inches from the man.

“By authority of Lord Faetherton,” he replies.

Illan glares down at the man and asks, “Is this Faetherton here?”

“ Lord Faetherton is currently in town,” the man explains.

Illan glances to Jiron next to him and says, “Open the gate for me.”

“Sure,” Jiron replies. Hoping down from his horse, he moves toward the gate.

The man steps in front of him and actually puts his hand on Jiron’s chest. “I said, no one is allowed to enter.”

Jiron pauses only a moment before his takes the man’s wrist and twists it painfully. With his other hand, he grabs the man by the back of the neck and throws him out of his way. He resumes his progress toward the gate and the other guard draws his sword, moving to bar his way.

“I wouldn’t do that,” a woman’s voice says in the stillness. The guard glances to the others and sees Aleya with arrow knocked and aimed straight at him.

Jiron comes to him and takes his sword.

“Scar, Shorty,” Illan says, “tie them up please.” They immediately dismount and remove rope from their saddle bags.

Outnumbered, the guards remain docile while they’re being tied. “How many more of you are there?” Illan asks.

One guard remains stoically silent but the other says, “Five.”

“Shut up!” the other guard orders.

“What should we do with them?” James asks.

Illan glances at him and says, “No reason to kill them. It’s not with them that I have a quarrel.” He glances at the two men sitting on the ground and adds, “At least not yet.” To Scar and Shorty he says, “You two stay here and keep an eye on them. Let us know if anyone comes.”