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“Good point,” says Jiron.

“So what do you plan to do?” Miko asks.

“Play it by ear,” he tells them. “As a wise man once said, ‘No battle plan ever lasts past the first fall of the sword.’ Already the plans I’ve made are undergoing change.” He glances over to the dozen or so men beginning to set up camp on Illan’s front lawn. “More men can’t be a bad thing, can it?”

Jiron laughs, “Hardly. Have you actually looked at these guys? They’re battle hardened veterans who are no strangers to war. A better bunch of men you couldn’t ask for. True, they’re getting on in age, but not so much that it will hinder them.”

Nodding, James says, “Perhaps you’re right.” Already, plans and strategies for how he’ll use these men in the upcoming battles are beginning to take shape. “Yes, perhaps you are right.” Smiling, he takes them back to the manor house.

Chapter Six

The following morning, Illan takes his leave of Alric and his family. He and his son were up talking through the night about his wife, their future and more inconsequential matters. He offered to leave some men behind for protection, but Alric assured him that with Lord Faetherton out of the picture, he had little to fear.

Alric had been surprised when he learned of Illan’s past, that his father was the feared and renowned Black Hawk of legend. In a way hurt that his father never entrusted that knowledge with him, but understanding the motivations behind it. All Illan had to say was that it was his mother’s wish he was never to learn, told him all he needed to know.

James and the others, including Ceadric and his men, wait on horseback out front while he finishes his goodbyes. Moyil stands holding the reins to his horse until he appears. At last, he comes through the door, his two grandkids holding onto him, begging him not to go. In the short time he’s known them, they grew awfully fond of him. Alric’s wife finally has to take charge and disengage them from him.

“You be careful now,” his son cautions.

Taking the reins from Moyil, Illan mounts and then turns toward his son. “I will. You take care of my grandkids and I’ll be back when I can.”

“I will father,” he says. His wife stands there with a sad smile as she holds onto the kids to prevent them from charging forward.

He gives her a wave and salutes his grandkids, which gets them even more excited. Then he turns and begins making his way down the lane to the gate. “Goodbye grampa,” the boy hollers. He turns in his saddle and waves one more time before turning back.

As they leave the gate and the manor house behind, Illan rides in silence. Memories come to him unbidden of his life here and the family he has left. He glances over to Ceadric and sees him smiling. “What are you smiling about?” he asks.

Ceadric grins at him and says, “I never in my life thought the ruthless Black Hawk would ever be called ‘grampa’.” At that he chuckles as does many of the others who overheard the exchange.

“We all get old,” he replies, “if we’re lucky.”

In the fore of the column ride James and Illan with Ceadric and Jiron just behind them. The rest follow along at the rear. They ride toward town and when they get there, James is surprised at how many of the townsfolk have turned out. Seems rumors have been circulating about the events of the night before, that Illan is actually Black Hawk and that he’s going to thump the Empire just as he did before.

“Illan!” he hears from those in the street. “Is it true you’re going to take on the Empire again?”

“Looks that way,” he replies.

“Give ‘em hell!” another shouts out.

“That’s the plan,” he exclaims and a cheer erupts from the onlookers.

They work their way through town and the people steadily fall behind until finally dropping out of sight. He takes them along a dirt road which he says will lead to Brook’s Hollow. Before they even get there, the smell of wood smoke reaches them.

Along the way, several riders come up from behind, those just now arriving in answer to Illan’s call. When they reach the group, they fall in behind with the rest of Black Hawk’s men.

What awaits them at Brook’s Hollow is even more than what Illan expected. Five hundred men at least await them there. The majority are those who served with him before, but many brought their sons along to follow his banner. The banner bearing Black Hawk’s insignia stands proudly in the center of the assembled men, blowing proudly in the breeze.

“I didn’t realize there were that many left,” Illan says in amazement.

Ceadric comes up next to him. “More may be on the way, it’s hard to know for sure.”

James looks out over the mass of men and can only look on in awe. Never had he thought he would have such a force of men for what he plans to do. This may work out after all.

A tall rider, well over six feet tall with gray peppering his black hair, comes forward from the men awaiting them and comes to a stop before Illan. “Sir!” he says with a salute. After Illan returns the salute, the man says, “All are ready. Each has three days of supplies and is eager to go.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Illan tells him. To those riding with him, he says, “Stay here a moment.” Moving forward alone, he addresses those in the Hollow. Raising his voice to carry to the farthest man he says, “Madoc has been victimized again by the Empire. Again, Black Hawk’s Raiders are summoned to show them the error of their ways.”

A whoop and holler erupts from the men and he’s forced to pause a moment until they’ve quieted back down enough so they’ll be able to hear him. “Our goal is simple. Drive them out or die to the last man!” Again, a cheer erupts, oaths are sworn and the men rattle their swords in their sheathes.

When again the Hollow is quiet, Illan hollers out, “This time, I do not lead.” A murmur runs through the men at that. He holds up his hand for quiet. When he has it, he motions James to come forward and stand next to him. Once he’s there, Illan turns back to the assembled men and says, “This is James, a mage of fearsome power who leads this company. I have sworn him my support for the trials ahead. If you follow me, you follow him.” He glances around at the assembled faces and then says, “What say you? Will you follow?”

To a man they yell, “Yes!” The sound of their voices rings out across the hills.

“Then, let’s go teach the Empire a lesson they’ll never forget!” he hollers and turns around to face the direction they just came from. To Ceadric he says, “Just as before, you’re my second. Keep the chain of command the same as it was before.”

“Aye sir,” he says and then moves toward those waiting in the Hollow.

“Inspiring,” James says as they get underway to return to town.

Illan gives him a grin and replies, “It’s expected. Something for them to tell their grandkids about.”

“I think some already have their grandkids with them,” Uther observes from behind.

“Well if you think about it,” Jorry begins, “that wouldn’t make them all that old even if they did. Suppose they had their first child when they were sixteen and then…”

All the way into town, they hear Uther and Jorry argue the possibilities and circumstances about age, grandkids and the men’s worthiness in battle. Finally, Illan turns on them and tells them to stop, that it was getting on his nerves. They actually had the temerity to look offended that he said what he did. In any event, it got them to stop.

Once they reach town, James thought they would have taken the road back the way they had come. But Illan instead takes them to the southeast, cross country. “Why are we going this way?” he asks him.

“The road adds another couple hours,” he explains. “This way we should reach the walls of Lythylla before night.”

Their column stretches back half a mile. At the fore ride Illan and James. Behind them rides Ceadric with a score of men as well as Jiron and Miko. The man who brought the Black Hawk banner rides within that group, the flag proudly flapping in the breeze.