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“Could just be rumors,” says Illan. “Such always happens during a siege.”

“Possibly,” Lord Pytherian replies, though his expression tells he doesn’t believe that.

James then begins to relate the layout of the enemy forces as had been seen by himself and Delia’s group. He also tells him of the warrior priest he encountered during his parley. When he tells of the subsequent battle and the killing of the mage, Lord Pytherian strikes the table and with a grin exclaims, “Good!”

“But the warrior priest is still out there,” he explains. “Not sure how that will affect tomorrow’s battle.”

“What do you plan to do?” he asks.

James then gives a brief rundown on what he plans. When he’s done, he asks, “Will you and your men be willing to back us up?”

“Plans are already being set in motion to do just that,” he answers.

“Excellent,” says Illan.

“Once the battle is over,” James tells him, “we’re going to push into Madoc.”

“With any luck we’ll draw elements of the various armies currently occupying Madoc into following,” Illan says. “If they do, you must be prepared to take advantage of that and press those that remain hard.” James and Illan then begin to give him a rundown of their plan once they begin moving into the Empire.

Throughout their narration Lord Pytherian sits and listens occasionally nodding his head at one point or another. When they’re finished laying it down, he says, “I may be able to help you with what you plan.”

“How?” James asks.

“By the time you’re ready to leave, I’ll give you a map detailing where various weapon storehouses and other vital complexes to their war effort are located.”

“That would prove most beneficial milord,” Illan says.

“Any mines located in their northern territory would be helpful too,” adds James. When Lord Pytherian glances at him questioningly, he explains. “May be able to collapse them and render them useless for years.”

“I’ll see what we can do,” he says.

“Whatever happened with Councilman Rillian?” asks James.

“He stepped down from the council,” Lord Pytherian replies. “Seems those he represents felt that with all the controversy surrounding him it would be best for another to lead.” He gives them a grin, “He wasn’t too happy about the situation let me tell you. The man who replaced him has so far conducted himself properly. We do have agents on him just in case though.”

“That would be a reasonable precaution,” agrees James.

“You needn’t worry about the former Councilman Rillian,” he tells them. “He left when most of the population fled Lythylla some time ago, as did the Council. It would be bad enough to lose Lythylla, but to lose the Council would be disastrous. The people need something to rally around in times such as these.”

“So the civilians who are left…?” prompts James.

“Are here to take care of the military,” he explains. “Or those just too stubborn to leave despite what may happen. Others are family members of the soldiers who chose to stay rather than be separated.”

“I see,” James says.

For the next hour they work out the finer points of the battle plan for the morning. Once all is in readiness, Illan and James take their leave. With only a few hours before dawn, they’re not going to get much sleep.

On the way back, they find the streets much more deserted than they were before, the people having finally returned to their homes. At the plaza which currently houses their people, James and Illan say their goodnights and each head to their tents. There are a couple of Ceadric’s men on guard duty stationed about the area and they nod or salute when they take notice of James or Illan.

His tent stands dark and lonely, Devin having long since turned in as he told Delia to have him do. Opening the tent flap, he enters and lets the flap swing closed behind him. Exhausted beyond measure, he doesn’t even undress just collapses on his cot. No sooner does his head hit the pillow than he falls asleep.

Chapter Ten

“Sir?” When no answer is forthcoming, Devin pokes his head in the tent and finds James lying there on his cot sound asleep. “Sir?” he says again, this time a little louder hoping to wake him without startling him. It’s said that to startle a mage out of sleep is fraught with perils.

When he still doesn’t respond, Devin moves inside and comes over next to his cot. Placing his hand on James’ chest, he says softly while giving a small shake, “James, wake up.”

James sits up abruptly and Devin jumps backward in shock at the unexpected movement.

Bloodshot eyes opening, he glances around the tent and sees Devin off to one side, staring at him. “What?” he asks in a voice still sluggish from sleep.

“Illan says sunrise is approaching,” he tells him.

Groaning, James lies back down on his cot and places an arm across his face. “Go away,” he says. It feels like he just closed his eyes after he returned from the meeting with Lord Pytherian.

“Yes, sir,” Devin says and backs out of the tent.

He lies there in silence for several minutes and is about ready to slip back to sleep when the tent flap opens again. “Go away Devin,” he says, arm still over his face.

When Devin doesn’t answer he turns his head toward the tent flap and opens an eye just in time to see a bucket’s worth of water come flying through the air toward him. Eyes flying open, he freezes in startlement as the cold water hits him.

“Ahhh!” he cries as he sits up, drenched with water.

“Time to wake up sleepyhead,” Jiron says with a chuckle.

James glances toward the flap and sees him there with an empty bucket in his hand. “What did you do that for?” he says accusingly.

“You did tell me to make sure everyone was up by dawn,” he explains.

“I did not!” he replies.

“Yes, you did. Now get changed,” he insists before leaving the tent.

Clothes soaked and beginning to shiver from the cold water, he gets up and changes into a dry set of clothes. Once he’s changed, he takes out his shaving kit and removes what stubble has grown since the last time he shaved. Leaving the old wet clothes on the floor of the tent, he makes his way outside.

The plaza is a flurry of activity as everyone hurries to make ready for the upcoming battle. Food is being prepared, swords sharpened and armor is mended as best it can. Devin comes to him with a bowl of food and a mug of water.

“Thanks,” he says with a yawn as he takes it.

“You’re welcome,” he replies. Off to one side he sees Illan in his full Black Hawk regalia talking to Henri. Eating his food while he walks, James makes his way over.

“…as if they’re fortifying their position,” Henri is saying.

Illan turns at his approach and says, “The enemy is digging in. Scouts report that more troops have arrived during the night.”

“Possibly another couple thousand,” Henri interjects. “Lord Pytherian thinks they may have already been on the way before your attack last night and not a response to it.”

He looks to Illan and asks, “Will this change our plans any?”

Shaking his head, he replies, “I doubt it. Just make things more interesting.”

Henri glances to James and says, “Hope you can pull this off.”

“Me too,” he agrees. “How far away is dawn?”

“An hour or so,” he replies.

“Have Delia meet me over by the baggage once everyone’s done eating,” he says.

“Very well,” replies Illan. Then to Henri he says, “Tell Lord Pytherian we’ll be ready at the appointed time.”

“Yes, sir, Black Hawk,” Henri replies. Giving Illan a salute, he turns and makes his way from the plaza back toward the castle.

James runs through in his mind the various preparations he’s done in anticipation of the upcoming battle. He fervently hopes the items he brought from The Ranch will work the way he anticipates.

After everyone’s finished eating, he meets with the slingers by the tent where his ‘special’ baggage is being stored during their stay. Usually there’s a guard standing out front to keep everyone away, it wouldn’t do to have someone meddle in an area that could kill everyone. Today Terrance has that duty.