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“Then what should we do?” he asks.

“Just as we are,” replies Illan. “Let them follow and think we are oblivious to the fact they are there.” Shrugging, he adds, “Nothing else to do I’m afraid.”

None like the fact of enemy soldiers following them, but as Illan said, what can they do about it? James keeps a watch on the pursuing force the rest of the day, worried they may try something. But his worries are for naught as the enemy force continues to maintain a discreet distance.

The sun droops to the horizon with the coming of night and James announces that other than the force following them, there are no others close enough to pose a threat. Illan calls a halt and they set up camp.

They keep a wary eye on the force behind them and through the mirror see that they too have set up camp. Once the tents are up and the fires built, James calls a meeting of the leaders to fill them in on just what they are planning to do.

Once they’ve gathered together, he says, “We’ve done well so far.” Glancing around the group, he can see their grins and nods of agreement. “Tomorrow we set a moderate pace somewhat directly toward Al-Zynn, continuing to act in the manner we have thus far, destroying caravans, attacking small forces should the opportunity present itself. Though since riders were dispatched by the force behind us and are now to the south of us, possible encounters we can win are going to disappear as word of our approach spreads.”

“But if we don’t set a fast pace aren’t we likely to face even more forces at Al-Zynn?” asks Brother Willim.

James turns to him with a grin and says, “We’re not going to Al-Zynn. We simply want them to believe that we are so they will move all their forces to its defense.”

He returns James’ gaze with a confused one of his own. “Then where are we going?” he asks.

“Korazan,” James replies. “From the intelligence gathered by Lord Pytherian’s agents, there’s a large stockpile of supplies and weapons there.”

“Not to mention hundreds if not thousands of possible recruits in the fight with the Empire,” states Miko from where he sits by the tent flap. When Brother Willim appears to not understand he says, “The slaves.”

His head nods as understanding dawns on him.

“We have never intended to face the brunt of their forces,” explains James. “We are simply here to create unrest, do some damage so they will pull their forces from Madoc in an attempt to get rid of us.”

“But there will be very few slaves who know how to fight,” Brother Willim says.

Miko nods his head and says, “True. But you don’t need much skill to wield a crossbow, the preferred weapon of slavers. You have a couple hundred bolts flying toward a mass of soldiers and no matter how inept the crossbowmen are, it’s bound to be devastating.”

“Korazan is a big city,” Illan says, drawing every eye to him. “We aren’t necessarily planning on taking it, just the slaver compound on the outskirts. If the opportunity presents itself, we may do more but that will be determined when we get there.”

Delia glances from Jiron and James. “You both have been planning this since we were last there haven’t you?” she asks.

“Slavery is abhorrent,” James replies. “And yes, when I first thought to enter the Empire to draw their forces back to the Empire, I wanted to make a stop there to free what slaves I could.”

“They deserve no mercy!” blurts out Miko who lived as a slave for a time. The horrors he witnessed during his slavery still haunt him at times.

“How can one who bears the Star say that?” questions Brother Willim. “We priests are here to serve men, not kill them.”

Miko turns his attention to him and says, “Be that as it may, no slaver should ever be allowed to live and propagate their trade.” He glares at Brother Willim a moment then continues. “Besides, I’m not a priest in the strictest sense of the word and I have no compunction whatsoever about the death of a slaver.” Ever since he first came to possess the Star, his vocabulary has changed slightly. Words he never before used have begun to creep in.

Brother Willim gazes into his eyes a moment and then shakes his head sadly.

“I concur,” adds Jiron. His sister Tersa had been a slave for a time and to him that deserves some payback.

“Where do we go after Korazan?” Delia asks.

James glances to Illan and then says, “Illan will take the slaves and his Raiders back to Madoc. The rest of us will proceed a little further into the Empire. With any luck we’ll draw all the magical types after us, leaving only the ordinary soldiery for Illan to contend with.”

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“I’ll tell you that once we split with Illan,” he says. “Too many things may happen between here and there and I wouldn’t want one of us to be captured and interrogated.” When he sees the worry in her eyes, he adds, “Don’t worry, that isn’t likely to happen.”

“I hope not,” she says, worried.

“The force behind us seems content merely to follow along behind us,” Illan states. Then to Ceadric he says, “Be sure to post extra sentries through the night. We don’t want to be taken by surprise.”

“Already done,” he replies.

“Good,” says Illan.

The meeting breaks up and they each file out of James’ tent to see about the respective men under their command. Delia hangs back, remaining inside after everyone else has left.

“Shouldn’t you go and see about your people?” James asks her.

“In a moment I will,” she replies. Standing there by the tent flap she can’t help but notice how much James has changed from the man whom she and the others first met after the fall of the City of Light. He’s so much more sure and confident of himself and his abilities.

“Are you sure going to Korazan is the smartest thing to do?” she asks.

“What?” he asks in reply.

“I mean, could this be simply a way to get back at the slavers for the part they played in the death of your friend Dave?”

Sitting down on the edge of his cot, he sighs and looks up at her. “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t. Yes, I want retribution. Yes, I blame them at least in part for what happened to Dave.”

Dave, his friend from back home who managed to follow him through to this world. Ravaged and tormented, soul twisted until he became the willing accomplice in the Empire’s attempt to steal the Star of Morcyth when James discovered it, only to be consumed when he laid hands upon it. Anger still smolders within him at those responsible.

“But there’s more to it than just that,” he continues after a brief pause. “The economy of the Empire is based on the slave trade. Striking a blow at a major slave marketplace such as Korazan can only weaken it. There may be no immediate results, but the long term effect could hurt them in some way.”

“I see,” she tells him, still not entirely believing his rationale. “Well, see you in the morning.”

“You too Delia,” he says as she lifts the tent flap and leaves.

Devin pokes his head in once she’s left and asks, “Anything else sir?”

“No, Devin,” he replies. “I’ll be fine. See you in the morning.”

Nodding, Devin backs out and closes the flap.

Getting ready to sleep, James thinks about what Delia had said. Their whole society is based on the slave trade and if it were to be in jeopardy, they would have to do something or face economic ruin. With any luck, they’ll recognize that.

Lying down, he goes over in his mind the plan for the days ahead and fervently hopes it will be enough to not only draw their forces out of Madoc but also to enable them to return to Madoc once it’s done. Eventually though, sleep wins out and he passes into unconsciousness.

“ Which one, which one?” he mumbles to himself as he glances around the midway. A single ticket is clutched in his hand and he wants to make sure he doesn’t waste it. Seeing a roller coaster off to one side, he makes his mind up and heads toward it.

As he makes his way through the various stalls and rides where the carnies are shouting out their various pitches to entice him to visit whatever they are in charge of, he has the feeling that he’s been here before.