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“Right,” Jiron replies. “Jorry, Uther you take that way,” he orders as he points up the street. “Scar, Potbelly down the other. The rest fan out and watch for any who may return.” Shorty appears and begins collecting his knives from the fallen thugs just as Aleya and Errin begin gathering what arrows weren’t damaged during the attack.

“Told you this was going to happen,” Illan says to James as he offers him a hand up.

Taking it, he replies, “I know. I had to try.”

”Oh I understand, just knew it wouldn’t work,” Illan says.

“We got company!” Scar hollers from his position down the street.

A squad of the city guard is coming down the road toward them. The last time he was here, James saw them with Orlander during his pursuit. He’s been fairly sure since then that they were in his pay. How they’ll react to his death is anyone’s guess.

As the guards approach, everyone moves a little closer together. Jiron and Miko stand before James as Shorty, Errin and Aleya position themselves behind him.

The officer in charge takes in the scene as they approach. A dozen people dead as well as Orlander’s corpse lying in the doorway. He motions for his men to stop as he comes forward the last couple feet. “What happened here?” he asks.

“Came to settle a few things with Orlander,” James replies. “Things sort of got out of hand.”

“Looks like murder if you ask me,” the officer says as he eyes James.

Before James can answer, two men approach out of the dark. “It wasn’t murder,” one says.

“That’s right,” the other affirms. “Heard Orlander order his men to kill him before the fighting started. Orlander started it.”

Around them a crowd of people has begun to form as the locals come to see what’s happened. Some, upon seeing Orlander’s dead body give a cheer.

“Good riddance,” one woman says.

“Streets will be safer without him around,” another states.

“So you see,” James says to the officer, “this was in self defense.”

The officer glances around from James to the others with him, as well as the crowd which seems to be for James. Turning his attention back to James he says, “Alright.” To his men he says, “Get a crew together and let’s clean this up.”

“Yes, sir,” one of his men says.

James bends over and retrieves the sack of gems and puts it into his shirt. The officer notices but says nothing. “Will there be anything more?” he asks.

The officer shakes his head. “No. Since you didn’t start it and witnesses say it was self defense, you can go.”

“Thank you,” he says and to Illan he nods for them to get moving. As James moves away from the building, one woman comes up to him and gives him a hug and kiss before hurrying away.

“Looks like everyone is quite happy Orlander is gone,” observes Jiron.

“I can understand why,” agrees James. They make their way back down the street the way they had come. Down a couple blocks they come across the men who are still surrounded by the shields, James cancels the spell. One of the men was leaning against the barrier when it disappeared and falls to the ground. Freed, they waste little time in getting as far away from James as possible.

Miko laughs at them as they race down the street.

On the other side of town, they meet up with Delia and the slingers who had stayed with the horses. Devin comes forward with James’ horse as they draw near.

“Everything go okay?” she asks.

“About as expected,” Jiron says.

“They won’t bother us any more,” Miko says as he makes a slashing motion across his throat indicating they’re all dead.

“Sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted,” Delia says.

“So am I,” states James, “at least he won’t bother me again and the town appears to be quite happy with the outcome.”

“Yeah, one girl came and hugged him,” Uther says with a guffaw.

“Better not let Meliana hear about that,” says Miko.

“I’m sure she would understand,” replies James. Meliana has been on his mind of late. Maybe after this business in Madoc is over he’ll be able to arrange a visit, either he go there or she here.

Mounting, he says, “Let’s head down the road a couple hours before we stop. Don’t want any of his men to seek vengeance for tonight’s affair.” Heading out, he takes the road leading eastward toward the Sea of the Gods. He plans to take the northern route around the Sea seeing as how the Empire controls the southern shore. With any luck, they should reach Pyrtlin by day after tomorrow. It’s a major town sitting on the northern shore and they should be able to resupply there.

Chapter Two

The road to Pyrtlin is a fairly straight shot from Illion, heading mostly due southeast. Traffic is heavy as most are fleeing to the safety of the northern kingdom. From what they’ve managed to learn, the Empire has made probing attacks on Madoc’s defenses, both around Lythylla that is situated to the east of the Sea, and the line to the west between the Silver Mountains and the Sea.

The mood of the people is one without hope for a future for their country. The southern half has already been swallowed by the Empire and by all accounts, they mean to take the rest by the time the snows come in winter.

“Think he made it?” Jiron asks James near the end of the first day after leaving Illion.

“Who?” he asks, not sure just who he’s talking about.

“Qyrll,” Jiron clarifies. Qyrll is a Parvati they met earlier in Cardri where Jiron saved him from an ignoble and dishonorable existence bound to one who used him as a fighter for sport. Though his people are part of the Empire, he and Jiron had become fast friends. Qyrll had decided to travel with them until he could repay the Shynti in kind.

During the battle for the Star in Ironhold, he saved Jiron’s life and considered the debt paid. Just before James and the others left for Madoc, he began heading back to his homeland, deep within the Empire.

“Don’t see why not,” James replies. “Cardri isn’t at war with the Empire, and though relations are strained, he isn’t considered an enemy. He should be able to just walk across the border with little problems.”

“I hope so,” he says. Jiron holds an odd position with the Parvatis. He is a Shynti, which is a rare designation they give to only the best and bravest of warriors. It basically makes him one of them.

“With what’s coming ahead, you know we are going to have to do battle with Parvatis at some point,” James reminds him. The last time they were at Lythylla, the Parvatis were a sizeable force within the Empire’s army.

“I know,” he replies. He hates to think they may kill friends and relatives of those they met while in the Parvati homeland, but such is the fortunes of war. Though the fact that he was a Shynti worked to their advantage the last time they were in Lythylla, he seriously doubts if it would have the same effect as before.

They ride on until close to dark before setting up camp. With this many, it takes some doing to get everyone in their proper position. Illan was most adamant that each of the groups set their tents together in the same area. But as the journey has progressed, so has the ease with which everyone finds their place. It’s almost reached the point of becoming routine.

In the hour before they stopped, they passed one of those traveler’s stopovers with an inn. Though most were hoping for the comfort of a bed, it was decided to pass it by. James doesn’t want to let on, but he’s afraid one might talk while among other people. He would like to minimize their contact until the battle is joined. Less chance of a spy or rumor alerting the enemy of their intentions.

A quick meal and then right to sleep, with sentries posted. James, Illan and Delia are no longer part of the sentry routine, they have plenty of others for that role. Mainly it’s been the recruits with the old timers here and there keeping an eye on them.

Early the next morning before the sun has even crested the horizon, they’re preparing to get underway. By the time the sun shows itself, they are already a mile further down the road.