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“Exactly the same,” he replies.

“They could have wiped out everyone before they were noticed,” Delia says from where she joins the group.

Nodding, James replies, “Definitely a good portion if that had been their goal. But they were after me.” And that’s what worries him. He feels a hand on his shoulder and turns to find Brother Willim there.

“Don’t worry,” Brother Willim says. “Now that we know what we’re up against, they’ll not so easily get that close to you again.”

“That’s right,” another of the Hand offers.

“Thank you,” he says.

“We still have several hours until dawn,” Illan states. “I suggest we all try to get what sleep we can.” He’s talking to everyone but his gaze is on James.

“Wylick!” Illan hollers.

“Yes, sir,” comes the reply as the tall captain approaches.

“Get a party of men and bury the dead,” he says.

“Yes, sir,” the captain replies as he begins organizing the burial detail.

Nodding, James returns to his blankets, though after such a close call he doubts if he’ll be able to sleep. Captain Wylick and his men get busy carry the dead out of camp and gather them in one area. Then they begin digging a large grave for all of them.

Brother Willim and another of the Hand remain up and as the lights from the lanterns and torches wink out, a soft green glow can be seen emanating from them as they patrol the camp. The glow gives comfort, allowing the mind to rest and sleep to come.

Chapter Sixteen

In the early light of dawn, they make ready to get underway for their assault on Korazan. James takes out his mirror and checks on the force trailing them. Still over half a day behind, they shouldn’t pose a threat. Then over to the west he brings Korazan into view. The gates of the city remain shut, a line of civilians stands outside waiting to enter.

Scrolling to the south, the road there leading to Korazan has minimal traffic, none of which is military in nature. To the north he finds two riders, each trailing a mount as they ride hell bent for Korazan.

“Illan!” James exclaims.

Coming to his side, Illan looks at the image in the mirror of the two riders. “They’re going to alert Korazan of our approach. How close are they?” Widening the image, James is able to determine they are less than a half hour away from the city. “No way to catch them before they get there.”

“At least they’ll have little warning,” offers James.

Illan nods. “There is that,” he says. The two men sent into Korazan the day before have yet to report back which worries him. “Ceadric, get the men moving.”

“Yes, sir,” he replies. “Mount up!” he hollers and the men start climbing into the saddle. When everyone is mounted and ready, he turns back to Illan and says, “Ready.”

“Move ‘em out,” Illan says as he nudges the sides of his horse to get going. James does the same and as soon as they have taken their place at the fore, Ceadric calls for the rest to follow.

They steadily pick up the pace until the entire company is galloping toward Korazan in the hopes of arriving shortly after the ones riding to warn them. A half hour into the ride, they meet up with the two men who had gone to gather information the day before. Illan calls a brief halt while they report.

“All they have is a skeletal garrison,” one man reports. “Word is the rest left several days ago and headed east.”

Illan nods in understanding as the second rider adds, “A couple hundred men at arms and maybe fifty crossbowmen is all we’ll have to deal with.”

“Any mages?” James asks.

Shaking his head, the first rider says, “Not that we heard.”

“There was one there that left with the others,” the second rider explains. “But word on the street is that there isn’t one now.”

James glances to Illan and says, “That’s good news.”

“Appears your plan worked,” comments Jiron. “Most likely the mage they’re talking about lies dead on the road behind us.”

“Let’s hope so,” agrees James.

“Any word about reinforcements heading to Korazan?” asks Illan.

“No,” the second rider replies.

“Very good,” says Illan to the two spies. “Grab a quick bite to eat, we’re leaving shortly.” They both give him a salute and then move back toward where the pack animals are held to get some food.

Turning back to James, Illan says, “By the time we get there, they will have little time to do more than man the walls and shut the gates.”

“I’m sure they will send out riders requesting reinforcements from the nearby garrisons,” Ceadric adds. “Not that they will get there in time.”

“Probably,” agrees Illan. “It’s what I would do.”

James takes out his mirror again and they gather round as he brings Korazan into focus. “The riders have arrived,” he says when they find the gates closed, soldiers lining the wall facing their approach and all signs of civilians outside the walls gone.

“So it would seem,” breathes Illan. They take a few moments to size up the enemy’s forces as well as the slaver compound just within the eastern wall. When they are through, James puts the mirror away and they get going once again. In less than an hour the walls of Korazan come into view.

When they reach about a hundred yards from the walls, James brings them to a stop. Illan arranges their forces for the coming assault while James moves back to the pack horses and finds the bag with the crystals he needs for the attack. Removing the bag, he attaches it to his belt and returns to the front line. Dismounting, he hands the reins to Devin who stands there with spear in hand, the same spear James had given him during his first time in Trendle.

“You ready?” he asks Illan as he rejoins him at the front.

Illan nods and replies, “All set.” He motions for one of the Raiders standing behind him to come forward. To James he says, “Jared can speak the Empire’s tongue well.”

“Alright then,” he replies with a nod to Jared, “let’s go.” With that he and Jared step forward and begin making their way to the walls, if he figured it correctly, the slaver compound should be on the other side. As they draw closer to the walls, a shimmering field springs up around the pair. “Whatever you do, stay close,” says James.

“I will,” Jared assures him.

Several bolts are loosed at them before a command is hollered by someone on the wall. The bolts arc toward them and are deflected by the barrier. James hears Jared sigh with relief when the bolts fail to find their mark. “Nothing can get through to us in here,” he says.

“Yeah,” replies Jared, “I saw that during the battle at Lythylla. It’s just unnerving seeing them flying toward you.”

James brings them to a halt when they are within a dozen feet of the wall. Still no tingling indicating a mage is working magic, perhaps what the spies had said was in fact true, no mage is within the walls.

Jeers reach them from those manning the walls. The men up there see the numbers arrayed against them and know that such a force will stand little chance in breaching their defenses. James glances up at them just as a wad of spittle flies toward them and hits the barrier. “What are they saying?” he asks Jared.

“That we should go away and not to waste our lives,” he says, though from the redness of his face James doubts if they’re using those exact words.

“Tell them this,” James says as he gazes up toward the battlements. “They are to release all the slaves in the city. Send them to us and we will leave them be.”

Jared’s bass voice booms forth with the message to those within the city. The men atop the battlements quiet down as the words roll forth. When he’s done, there’s a quiet hush for a moment before the jeering continues.

A command is given and a great vat of oil empties its contents over the side and pours over the barrier, behind it falls a flaming brand. James notices Jared about to bolt when he sees the torch falling to ignite the oil. Laying a hand on his arm, he says, “We’ll be alright.”