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“What are they?” she asks.

“Similar to the ones I used to breach the walls,” he explains. To Illan he says, “You can use them to blow any bridges you come across on your way north too.”

Nodding, Illan grins and says, “We’ll do that.”

“But won’t that make it hard for you to get out of the Empire?” Miko asks, worried.

“We’ll be returning another way,” he replies. “With any luck we’ll meet up with you by the time you reach the border.”

“Still an army or two between us and Madoc,” Ceadric interjects.

“True,” replies Illan. “But with any luck, Lord Pytherian and the Alliance will have softened them up some before we encounter them.”

“Maybe catch them between our force and his?” offers Ceadric.

“That’s the plan,” Illan says.

“Where are you planning on going?” Delia asks.

James looks to her for a moment and says, “Oh, just some places south of here that the Empire would hate to lose.” Then to Illan he adds, “On your way north, free as many slaves as you can. They may not be able to fight well, but every bit helps.”

Illan stands up and says, “We all have things to see to before we leave in the morning. I suggest we get to them.” And with that the meeting breaks up. Ceadric heads out to find Nerun and have him close down the northward migration of civilians. James takes Delia to the pack horses where he separates the crystals he’s planning on taking with those he’s leaving for her.

Jiron on the other hand has something else on his mind. It doesn’t take him long to locate Aleya, she’s with other archers working to fletch arrows damaged during the battle. It took them some time but they managed to retrieve a good portion of those used.

As he approaches, the talking ceases as she and the others turn toward him. “Uh…” he begins then stops.

“Yes?” she asks when he fails to continue to talk.

“Can I see you a moment?” he asks. When she nods he adds, “In private?”

An arrow lies in her lap, the arrowhead slightly skewed from where it had struck armor. “Give me a sec,” she says.

He waits patiently while she works on the arrow. Once the arrowhead is again secured firmly in the correct position, she puts it in her quiver which is propped against the pack lying next to her. As she comes to her feet, Jiron leads her away to a spot of relative privacy away from the hustle and bustle of the camp.

Coming to a halt, he turns to her and says quietly, “James and I are leaving this evening.”

“What?” she asks. “I thought we were all going together?”

He takes her by the hand. “So did I,” he replies. “I’m not sure exactly where James is leading us but I do know it’s further into the Empire. You and the others are going to begin the journey back to Madoc.”

Sadness comes to her eyes as she gazes into his. “I understand,” she assures him. “You be careful.”

Giving her a crooked smile he says, “I will.” Pulling her close he wraps his arms around her and happily feels hers wrap around him. “I love you, you know,” he whispers into her ear.

“I do know,” she replies with an emotional catch in her voice. “I love you too.”

Their embrace lasts for several minutes until the stillness of the moment is disturbed by James clearing his throat. They both turn to see him there a few feet away, a slightly embarrassed look upon his face. “I hate to break this up,” he says, “but the sun is almost down.” He glances from Aleya to Jiron and says, “We need to get ready.”

Jiron nods his head. Then to Aleya he says, “Would you mind helping me?”

“Not at all,” she replies. Arm in arm they walk over and begin getting Jiron’s equipment ready for travel.

He, James and Jared assemble their equipment for travel and for the time being leave it inside James’ tent. They will wait for the protective cover of night before they transfer their things to their horses, in case anyone is watching. Once everything is ready, they get something to eat. Jiron and Aleya go off away from the others to have some privacy while they share their meal.

“Just when things between them are improving, they are thrust apart again,” comments Delia as she takes a seat on the ground near James.

“Parting is such sweet sorrow,” James says dramatically.

“What?” she asks.

He grins and looks at her. “The drama club at school put on a play and that was one of the lines that sort of stuck with me.”

“Oh,” she says in that slightly confused manner that they all have when he talks about things from his past. Never quite understanding just what he’s talking about. During the meal, he uses his mirror before it gets too dark to see if any hostile forces are on the way. Other than some patrols and scouts keeping an eye on them, there’s nothing out there of any size. Illan glances at him when he’s through and James gives him a shake of his head. Illan nods understanding and returns to his meal.

The sun finally sinks below the horizon before they finish their meal. Those from The Ranch gather together around the fire to have one last social time before James and the others take off. Jorry and Uther begin another of their tales. It must be the fact that James and Jiron will be heading into danger that keeps Scar and Potbelly from picking the story apart as they usually do.

When the story, which was a doozy about some underworld figure they ran afoul of and got the best of, finally ends, the stars begin to come out. “It’s time,” James announces as he gets to his feet.

Devin and Moyil move to help him transfer his equipment to his horse and Terrance helps Jiron. By the time they have changed into native attire and are ready, a similarly dressed Jared joins them with his horse all set for travel. James mounts and waits while Jiron says goodbye to Aleya.

A tight embrace, then a quick kiss before he swings into the saddle. “You come back to me,” she tells him.

“I will,” he assures her as he looks down into her eyes. “You just stay alive until I return.”

“Until we meet again,” Illan says as he comes forth. “Good luck.”

“You too,” James replies.

“Give ‘em hell!” Scar says from where he and Potbelly stand with the rest of those from The Ranch.

James gives Scar a quick nod and then pats his pocket wherein two glowing crystals lie. For what he’s about to do, he may need the added power. “You ready?” he asks Jiron and Jared.

Jared gives him a nod and Jiron says, “Yes.”

“Alright then.” Summoning the power, he casts a spell which should render him undetectable by magical means just as he had with the Fire. This was one reason that he decided to leave at night. In the event someone is keeping an eye on him, it may not be readily noticeable that he left the main force. But when they do, they will try to break through the spell shielding him, just as they had with the Fire.

He waits a moment to see if anything develops. When nothing does, he nudges his horse forward and turns to the south, Jiron and Jared follow.

“Good luck!” Delia hollers as they begin to move away from the camp.

Angling away from the walls to prevent their leaving from being noticed, they stay off the main southern road that runs along the large lake to the west. Tears of the Empress it’s called and the reflection of the moon overhead off its water gives them a guide in the dark.

Jiron moves ahead of James and Jared and keeps alert for any scouts or sentries that may be in the area. James keeps just within visual range of him and slows down when he sees him come to a stop.

“What’s going on?” asks Jared quietly.

“Shhh!” James says as he watches Jiron dismount from his horse. Moving further ahead, he disappears in the dark. Sitting there anxiously for several minutes, James begins to grow worried until he sees Jiron reappear in the moonlight. Mounting his horse again Jiron glances back at them, waves for them to follow, and then resumes moving ahead.

Jared glances questioningly at James but remains silent. When they reach the area just past where Jiron had stopped, they find a riderless horse standing by a motionless form on the ground. “He’s good,” Jared mumbles.