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Seeing the signal, Jiron lashes out with his fist and connects with the side of the man’s head knocking him unconscious. As the man begins to fall, Jiron grabs him and quickly pulls him to the side of the alley.

James scans the alley for anyone who may have witnessed it and finds the alley empty. He then looks to Jared for an explanation.

Taking his eyes from the unconscious man on the ground, he looks at James and says, “He asked what business you had here in Ki and why he wasn’t told of your coming. When I tried to respond, he stopped me. He wanted to hear it from you.”

“You did the right thing,” states Jiron. “Now, what are we to do with him?” He glances to James and asks, “Kill him?”

“Must we?” responds James. “After tonight they’ll know where I am anyway.”

“If he’s discovered it’s what he may do before tonight that I’m worried about,” argues Jiron.

“He’s right,” adds Jared. “He’s the enemy and I think is of some importance.”

Jiron begins going through his pockets and pulls out a rolled letter secured with a piece of string. Removing the string he opens it up and after a brief glance hands it to James.

James takes the letter. Unable to decipher the writing, he scans to the bottom and to the symbol inscribed there, three dots forming a pyramid with lines running between them yet not touching them.

Sighing, he hands the letter to Jared and asks, “Can you read this?”

Taking the letter, Jared looks at it and shakes his head. “No, I can only speak the language,” he replies. Then his eyes widen when he see the symbol at the bottom. Looking up at James he says, “This…”

“Is the symbol of the warrior priest,” he finishes. Pointing to the man on the ground he adds, “Whoever that is either is one, or works for one.”

“Most likely an agent,” guesses Jiron. “Never would have taken an actual warrior priest out so easily.” Pulling a knife, he looks to James. He can see the warring emotions play across his face at the thought of killing the defenseless man.

James turns his back on Jiron and begins walking down the alley away from them. He takes four steps before hearing the man grunt as Jiron’s knife sinks into his chest, puncturing his heart.

Jared helps Jiron to hide the body in a trash heap further into the alley. With any luck the body won’t be discovered until they have done what they came here for and are long gone. When they are satisfied it’s hidden as well as they can make it, they hurry to catch up with James.

As they reach him, Jiron pats him on the shoulder. He knows how hard it is for him when something like that has to happen, even though he understands the necessity. “Let’s get to the mine and have a look around,” he says. James gives him a nod and then they reach the end of the alleyway. Turning onto the street, they walk a short distance before reaching the road that will take them up into the mountains.

The road is deserted. Just as Jiron had said, there isn’t much more than scrub brush and small trees, nothing in which to conceal themselves should someone approach.

“It’s only about two miles or so,” Jared tells him. They follow the road as it winds its way through the hills until the wall of the mine complex comes into view.

On either side of the mine, the mountains rise sheer and tall. Unlikely that anyone, especially James, would be able to scale them to enter. Off to one side lies a pile of stone from where the mountain had given away at some point in the past. James points over to it and says, “Those rocks would give us some cover while we’re here.” Moving over to them, they settle in behind.

While Jiron keeps an eye on the gate leading into the compound, James pulls out his mirror and brings the view of the other side of the wall into focus. Guards patrol the wall as well as the inner compound. Slaves move to and fro as they go about their duties. Many buildings, similar to those found in the complex where they rescued Miko are positioned off to one side.

At the base of the mountain at the end of the box canyon lays the mine entrance. A hundred feet wide, there are two sets of ore cart tracks upon which mule drawn ore carts are brought out of the mine. From the looks of it, one is for ore carts coming out and the other is for them to return.

The contents of one ore cart are currently being transferred by slaves into a waiting wagon. Several other empty wagons wait in line for their turn. While the ore cart is being unloaded, the mules are unhitched and then rehitched to the other side. Once the cart is empty, a switch is thrown and the tracks shift allowing the mules to pull the cart to the other track, the one upon which the carts return to the mine. Once past, the switch is thrown again and the next cart waiting in line is pulled forward.

James works the image to move into the mine but is unable to see clearly due to the lack of sufficient light. Having seen all he needs to, he puts away his mirror.

“So,” begins Jiron, “will we need to get in there?”

Shaking his head, James replies, “I don’t think so. Give me a minute while I check out something.” Jiron nods his head as James’ eyes close.

“What’s he doing now?” Jared whispers to Jiron.

“I don’t know,” he replies. “Maybe taking a look inside the mine.”

Just then the gate begins to swing open and four ore filled wagons roll through. When the last wagon passes through the gate, it again swings shut. Each wagon has a driver and a guard, neither look to be too worried about attack. By the time the wagons have rolled out of sight down the road, James comes back to them.

“There are fissures all in that mountain,” he tells them. “We’ll come back tonight and collapse the mine.”

“Why not do it now?” Jared asks.

Before James has a chance to answer, Jiron says, “Because the mine is full of slaves and they would all be killed. At night they are taken out, makes them last longer.”

“Right,” agrees James.

Moving quickly they return to the road and in no time are on the outskirts of Ki. Wary at first in case the dead man has been discovered, they approach the town slowly. But when they see the people moving about in a normal manner, they relax. Going directly to the inn, they are soon back in their rooms.

“We’ll leave shortly before midnight,” James tells them. “Get what rest you can for it may be the last for awhile.” They have a quick lunch before they turn in for a nap. James sits on the side of his bed as he gazes down at the sack of crystals he brought. Within are several more of the power crystals as well as others that have a more specific purpose. He wonders if the power stored within will be enough to enable him to maintain the spell that prevents anyone from finding him magically. When the mine goes, they’ll know precisely where he is and all their power will come to bear until they find him.


The tolling of the bell announces it’s time for the Assembly of Masters to gather in the Great Hall. Kerith-Ayxt sits at the table in the secret room going over for the last time the spells needed to bind Aekion to his will. A day’s rest has restored much of his strength, he will need it for what is to come.

When the bell tolls for the last time he closes the book and comes to his feet. As he leaves the secret room he says the word of power and the wall once again seals shut. He dons his ceremonial robe and then leaves his room.

Aezyl, Mage of the Third Circle, awaits him outside and walks with him as he takes the stairs down to the bottom. “Everything is ready milord,” he says.

“Excellent Aezyl,” he replies. In the courtyard outside the Tower of the Magi, all those not included within the Assembly of Masters have gathered, even the novices who have yet to achieve the rank of the First Circle.

As he exits the tower the assembled mages part for him, creating a way to the Great Hall. A hushed murmur runs through them as he makes his way through their ranks, for though they may not know exactly what will happen, they know it’s something monumental.