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Upon reaching the Great Hall he begins to climb the fourteen steps to the ornate double doors at the top. Upon reaching the tenth step, two Mages of the Second Circle who are standing before the doors open them for the Lord High Magus. Once he and Aezyl pass through the doors, the Seconds close them with a resounding thud.

All the mages gathered within the Great Hall are dressed in ceremonial robes similar to his. Light from hundreds of candles illuminates the Great Hall. In the center of the rotunda lies the Great Seal of Power, upon which a pentagram glows darkly with power.

Moving to his place at the apex of the pentagram, Kerith-Ayxt readies himself. Coming to a stop, he faces the assembled mages and says, “Let us begin.”

Before they set out for the mine, James takes out his map of targets within the Empire that Lord Pytherian had supplied him with. Laying it out upon the table he indicates a town to the southwest. “Here is our next target. This town is used as a supply depot for the army,” he explains. “Food, goods and weapons are brought here from all over before being sent to the armies at the front. If we can take out the storehouses and goods, it could take them some time before supplies can be sent to the front.”

“Those will definitely be guarded,” Jared states.

“I realize that,” he says. “We’ll deal with that when we get there.” He then moves his finger along the road leaving that town to the west. “From there we high tail it west and cross the river here at Inziala.” He stops his finger over the river town. “Once across the river we work our way north until we rejoin Illan and the others.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem,” Jiron says. Jared gives him an odd look and he only grins in reply.

“Now, let’s go down to the stable and get going,” he says. “Bring everything. I seriously doubt if we will be coming back here.”

“You got that right,” agrees Jiron.

Leaving their room, they make it down to the stables. Outside is quite dark, the sun has been down for several hours now. Despite their attempt at being quiet, the stableboy wakes up and comes to help them in getting their horses ready for travel. When all is ready, James flips the boy another copper before they mount.

They leave the inn’s courtyard and make their way through town to the road leading up to the mine. The streets are dark with only the moon overhead lighting their way. Once on the road leading to the mine, they waste no time in hurrying along.

A cool wind blowing off the mountain feels good after the heat of the day. The sound of their horses’ hooves reverberates in the quiet as they proceed further up the mountain.

It doesn’t seem all that long before the wall enclosing the mine complex appears before them. Torches are spaced at twenty foot intervals along the top of the wall and several guards are visible in the light.

“That’s dumb,” comments Jiron.

“What?” James asks.

“With those torches up there they won’t be able to see much of what’s on the outside,” he explains. “Will ruin their night vision.”

“I doubt if their greatest concern is what’s on the outside,” James replies.

Jiron nods in agreement.

They pull off the road a ways and leave Jared with the horses while Jiron and James work their way closer to the wall. In the darkness they are able to come fairly close without fear of the guards seeing them.

“I think this will be close enough,” James says as he comes to a stop. The place he stops is a dozen or so yards from the wall and twice that from the gate. He settles down on the ground and Jiron comes to stand next to him.

At his belt is the pouch containing power crystals, similar to the ones he used when the enemy tried to locate him. He takes a few deep breaths to settle his nerves and then glances up to Jiron standing next to him. “Get me out of here if things go bad,” he says.

Jiron grins. He knows what he means by bad. “Don’t worry, I will,” he assures him. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s had to carry an unconscious James to safety after he expended himself doing magic. Fortunately though, those times are becoming fewer and fewer.

Closing his eyes, James brings forth the magic and sends his senses into the mine. The mine is on a single level that extends deep within the mountain. A moment’s hesitation comes when he finds slaves still within the mine, but not nearly the number that would be there during the day.

Jiron hears him sigh and asks, “What’s wrong?”

“There are still slaves within the mine,” he tells him.

“A lot?” he asks.

“No, just about a dozen or so,” he replies.

“That going to be a problem?” he asks, afraid of the answer.

James shakes his head and then returns to what he came for. He takes his time in examining the stone encompassing the mine. What he’s looking for are points where he can take advantage of unstable sections of rocks to collapse the mine.

As he searches, his mind keeps returning to the slaves still within the mine. It doesn’t look as if they are doing anything, might be sleeping. From what Miko had told him of his time as a mine slave, these slaves may be undergoing punishment for one thing or another and that’s why they are still in there.

Then an idea comes to him. Searching for just the right spot, he begins weakening support beams and widening cracks in an area further into the mine than where the slaves are. If he creates a cave-in, they may just run out.

After a few minutes, he can feel the rock above the tunnel shift and begin to rumble. Then suddenly, rock begins falling as the ceiling caves in. Moving his senses to the slaves, he’s relived to discover they are now further toward the entrance.

When Jiron initially had returned and described the box canyon, he thought about bringing the side of the mountain down to block the mine. But then when he came and saw the complex in his mirror, he realized that if he did it would bury the entire place and kill everyone. Sometimes he wishes he was a bit less concerned with the welfare of others, sure would make life easier. But he is, so now he’s trying to bring it down from the inside.

They begin to hear noise coming from the other side of the wall as the cave-in is reported. He realizes he has to work fast before more slaves and workers are sent in to clear it. Again sending his senses deep within the mountain, he works on reducing the strength of the stone.

Crews begin rushing into the mountain to begin clearing the cave-in as more tremors shake the mountain. James begins to sense sections of the mine beginning to collapse as the mountain gives out with a groan. The men who had so recently entered the mine to shore it up are now running back out.

Then what he had tried to avoid happens. A massive rumble courses through the earth as the side of the mountain gives way. With a roar like a thousand giants going into battle, rocks and trees begin to slide down the side.

Recognizing the sound from the last time James had brought the mountain down on the trail back from Saragon, he grabs him by the shoulder and jerks him to his feet. “Come on!” he yells. Propelling him before him, he gets him moving quickly back to where Jared waits with the horses.

“What’s going on?” Jared yells when he sees them running toward him.

“Avalanche!” James hollers over the roar. “We got to get out of here.”

Mounting quickly, they turn their horses toward the road leading down the mountain and ride like their lives depend on it.

From behind them, a belch of dust envelopes them and blinds them to the road. Coughing from the dust clouding the air, they continue racing blind down the road. A sudden flare of light and James’ orb appears overhead to help them keep to the road.

When the roar of the mountain falling behind them finally grinds to a halt, they slow only slightly to prevent an accidental misstep by their horses. “Go!” James yells when Jared begins slowing down even further. “We’ve got to get out of here, they know where I am and will be coming.”