Shadow Bound

Shadow Bound
Любовно-фантастические романы
Автор: Kellison Erin
Серия: Shadow #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
Издатель: Dorchester
ISBN: 9781428508903
Добавил: Admin 21 Окт 13
Проверил: Admin 21 Окт 13
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Death... Some people will do anything to avoid it. Even trade their immortal souls for endless existence.
Wraiths... Secretly, inexorably, they are infiltrating our world, sucking the essence out of unsuspecting victims with their hideous parody of a kiss.
Segue... Adam Thorne founded the Institute to study and destroy his monster of a brother, but the key to its success is held in the pale, slender hand of a woman on the run. There is something hauntingly different about Talia O’Brien, her unknowing sensuality, her uncanny way of slipping into Shadow.
Twilight... This is the place between life and what comes after—a dark forest of fantasy, filled with beauty, peril, mystery. And Talia is about to open the door.

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