Matthews turned his head and glared at the tech-rep. "Put the gun down and hang on. This is going to be a rough ride into San Julian."
Simmons lowered the flare pistol slowly, then leaned back in his seat. He felt exhausted from the strain he had been under for the past three weeks.
"Yeah," Evans said, catching Matthews's eye before turning toward Simmons. "If we don't crater someone during the descent."
The darkened cockpit remained quiet as the bouncing, yawing bomber descended through 39,000 feet. The rough ride, punctuated with violent updrafts and downdrafts, was agonizing for Simmons.
Evans punched in a radio frequency for the Miami oceanic control area, listened to three airline pilots request deviations around intense rain cells, then checked the fuel exhaustion and time to destination readout.
"Chuck, we're behind the curve."
"I know," Matthews responded without taking his eyes off the instrument displays. "All I can do is keep it high, clean, and fast. We've only got one shot."
Simmons, bracing against the severe turbulence, had been watching the distance to destination wind down. Irina Rykhov and Gennadi Levchenko had instructed him to turn on all the Stealth's radars, along with energizing the primary transponder, at a point 135 nautical miles north of San Julian. That would be the edge of the Cuban air defense identification zone (ADIZ). The MiGs would be circling at 130 miles to rendezvous with the B-2 at 51,000 feet.
Simmons watched the mileage-137… 136… 135. "I'm turning on our radar and transponder," he announced, holding the flare gun chest high. "The MiGs have to find us to lead us to the airfield."
Matthews glanced out of his side window. His gaze met total darkness as the intense rain pounded the bomber. "Larry, we only have one try at this, so I have to improvise."
Simmons's neck tightened as he leaned forward between the pilots. "I have to follow the orders specifically, or they will not attempt to join us."
"Simmons," Evans exclaimed loudly, "you just don't get the picture, do you? We don't have the luxury of following your goddamned orders."
Matthews spoke before Simmons could answer. "Paul, I'm going to pass directly over the field at four thousand, then start a two-seventy to the right. That should give us good terrain clearance and put us into the wind on the east-west runway."
"Okay," Evans replied, tuning the San Julian radio beacon. "Standard altitude calls?"
"Sure," Matthews responded as he looked closely at the world aeronautical chart. "They've only got an eighty-five-hundred-foot runway, so I'll have to be right on the numbers."
Evans nodded in agreement, then half-turned to face the semiairsick tech-rep. "Hope your comrades have the lights turned up for us."
Simmons raised the shaking flare pistol, pointing it in the copilot's face. "Keep your mouth shut, major."
"Back off, Simmons!" Matthews snarled. "We can't go anywhere, so put down the gun!"
Simmons lowered the flare pistol and leaned back, frightened about the consequences of botching the hijacking. He rechecked the covert and phased-array radar units. If the MiGs could not locate the bomber, which was likely now, Simmons would have to rely on Matthews to get them down safely.
No one said a word as the Stealth descended through the torrential rain and jarring turbulence.
Evans peered out of his side window, then flinched. "We've got company. Looks like a Foxbat."
Matthews looked out to the left. He could barely make out the Cuban MiG-25 on his side. The three planes were bouncing all over the sky, making it impossible to hold any reasonable formation. Matthews quickly flipped on his navigation and formation lights.
"Yeah," Matthews replied. "I have one on this side. He has a flashlight… looks like he's signaling something."
"Same here," Evans responded, pressing his face closer to the window. "Looks like he's signaling to go down. Yeah, he wants us to descend."
"It's too early," Matthews said in exasperation. "We can't afford to waste the fuel." He turned slightly to see Simmons. "Is there any provision to talk to the MiGs or the San Julian tower?"
"No, colonel," the chalky-faced tech-rep answered. "They don't want any radio transmissions from the B-2."
Evans looked quickly at the fuel gauges and navigation readout, then back out of the side window. "Sorry, comrades, we can't let down just—"
The copilot's sentence was cut off by a burst of cannon fire from the MiG on the left side of the B-2. The bright red tracers lit up the night, slashing through the waterfall of rain.
"Ah… Christ," Matthews said in a resigned voice. "We're starting down."
Gennadi Dunayevich Levchenko, Stealth project officer and director of the renegade KGB operations at San Julian, paced nervously back and forth in the control tower. The portly, bushy-haired man was the Soviet Union's highest regarded field operative. He was a ruthless, driven agent who had fought his way politically to the top echelon of the world's largest spy and state-security machine.
Now, at age forty-six, Levchenko had been given the responsibility of stealing the American B-2 Stealth bomber. The Chief of the KGB, Vladimir Golodnikov, had withheld the fact that the Kremlin was unaware of the secret mission. Levchenko had been operating on the premise that the B-2 project was a Kremlin priority.
Levchenko had attended Syracuse University, sponsored by an international exchange scholarship, where he had graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. His minor had been international relations. After receiving his diploma, the future KGB agent had returned to his homeland to complete an advanced degree in international studies. He had not been aware that his activities were monitored closely while he was in the United States.
The KGB had been very pleased with Gennadi Levchenko's academic achievements while attending the American university.
They were particularly proud of his unwavering dedication to the Motherland.
Barely three months into his advanced studies, Levchenko had been approached by two persuasive recruiters from the KGB. The pair had been very friendly and had outlined an agency career with unlimited potential for an individual with his credentials. Levchenko had been euphoric but managed to quell his excitement so as not to appear too eager. He had wanted to be an officer in the KGB from the age of eleven and accepted the offer gladly.
Levchenko had distinguished himself at the KGB training academy, demonstrating many of the traits that would later propel him to the top of his profession. As a new KGB officer, he quickly developed a reputation for being ruthless in his quest for perfection and recognition.
His first assignment had been a plum. Levchenko had returned to the United States, where he had masqueraded as an assistant to the Soviet ambassador. He nurtured many friendships from his university days and courted influential politicos around the Washington beltway. Charming the power brokers in the nation's capital, he gathered every piece of classified intelligence he could grasp or buy. His career flourished for years, culminating in his present assignment.
Levchenko could barely make out the MiG-23s and -25s lined up on the tarmac directly below the San Julian tower. He silently cursed the driving rain and hurricane-force winds, then walked over to the tower chief. "How far out are they?" Levchenko asked the senior warrant officer.
Yevgeny I. Pogostyan looked at the radarscope. It was almost impossible to see the two MiG-25s in the pounding rain. The B-2, squawking the preplanned transponder code-4276—registered clearly on the brightly lighted radar screen.
"Ninety kilometers, comrade director," Pogostyan replied respectfully. "We have the runway lights at the highest intensity."