Drymusa—a fortified town at the southern border of Hierosol
Eastmarch Academy—university, originally in old Eastmarch, relocated to Southmarch at the time of the last war with the Qar
Eion—the northern continent
Emberstone Reach—in the Funderling Depths
Esterian—city near Tessis
Fade, or “River Fade”—main watercourse in City of Sleep
Fael—a nation in the heartland of Eion
Firstdeeps—a place in Qar lands
Flower Meadow—biggest market in Tessis
Funderling Town—underground city of Funderlings, in Southmarch
Gremos Pitra—capitol of Jellon
Helobine—marshy country south of Brenland
Hierosol—once the reigning empire of the world, now much reduced; its symbol is the golden snail shell
Hive—a temple in Xis, home of the sacred bees of Nushash
House of Tears—dungeon in Broadhall Palace
J’ezh’kral Pit—a place out of Funderling myth
Jellon—kingdom, once part of Syannic Empire, now combined with Jael
Jurr—an ancient city-state in Xand
Kertewall—one of the March Kingdoms
Krace—a collection of city-states, once part of Hierosoline Empire
Landsend—part of Southmarch, Avin Brone’s fief, colors red and gold
Lantern Broad—main street in Tessis
Layandros—a city in the north of Syan
Limestone Gate—part of the route from the Southmarch mainland into the Funderling
Lord’s House—Kallikan name for Funderling Town
Marash—a Xandian province where peppers are grown
March Kingdoms—originally Northmarch, Southmarch, Eastmarch and Westmarch, but after the war with the Qar constituted by Southmarch and the Nine Nations (which include Summerfield and Blueshore)
Market Road—one of Southmarch’s main roads
Market Road Bridge—Bridge over the canal separating two lagoons in Southmarch
Market Square—main public space in Southmarch
Marrinswalk—one of the March Kingdoms
Maze—in the Funderling Depths
Midlan’s Mount—rock in Brenn’s Bay upon which Southmarch is built
Moonstone Hall—in the Funderling Depths
Mount Gowkha—burial place of old Xixian desert kings
Mount Xandos—mythical giant mountain that stood where Xand now lies
Northmarch Road—the old road between Southmarch and the north
Observatory House—Chaven’s residence
Old Quarry Way—road off the Copper Ring
Orms—city in Helobine country
Oscastle—a city in Marrinswalk
Pellos–a river in Silverside
Qul-na-Qar—ancient home of the Qar or Twilight People
Raven’s Gate—entrance to Southmarch Castle’s inner keep
Royal Highway—aka King Karal’s Road
Salt Pool—underground sea-pool in Funderling Town
Settland—small, mountainous country southwest of the March Kingdoms; ally of Southmarch
Shadowline, the—line of demarcation between lands of Qar and human lands
Sheeps Hill Road—along Sheeps Hill at the base of the New Walls in Southmarch
Shivering Plain—site of a great Qar battle
Siege of Always-Winter—a mythical castle
Silk Door—a place beneath Funderling Town
Silky Wood—a forest behind the Shadowline
Silvertrail—river on the Shivering Plain
Skimmer’s Lagoon—body of water inside Southmarch walls, connected to Brenn’s Bay
Southmarch—seat of the March Kings, sometimes called “Shadowmarch”
Staple Street—a street in Southmarch Castle’s outer keep
Stonebeneath—Funderling settlement under Hierosol
Summerfield Court—ducal seat of Gailon and the Tolly family
Syan—once-dominant empire, still a powerful kingdom in center of Eion
Templeyard—neighborhood in the southwest part of the Southmarch inner keep
Tessis—capitol city of Syan
The Whale Horse—a riverside tavern in Tessis
Three Gods—a triangular plaza in Southmarch; a populous district around that plaza
Tolos—a kingdom, now absorbed by Syan
Torvio—an island nation between Eion and Xand
Tribute Hall—hall outside Br iony’s bedroom passage (added rewrite)
Tuan—native country of Shaso and Dawet
Tufa’s Bag—cul-de-sac off Old Quarry Way
Ugenion—city in northern Syan
Underbridge—Funderling (Kallikan) city in Tessis
Wedge Road—Chert and Opal’s street
Well of Finneth—a holy site in Brenland
Westcliff—old Funderling city in Settland
Whitewood—a forest on the border between Silverside and Marrinswalk
Xand—the southern continent
Xis—largest kingdom of Xand; its master is the autarch (adjective, “Xixian”)
Yist—once a fairy city in Xand
A Country Priest’s Tale—a play
Aelian’s Fluxative—a poison
Annals of the War in Heaven—a lost and forbidden book
Antipolemarch—a high-ranking Xixian general
Astion—a Funderling symbol of authority
Badger’s Boots—a tavern in Southmarch
Basiphae—a name for the organism inside Vo
Blueroot—favorite Funderling tea-herb
Book of Regret—Qar sacred text
Book of the Trigon—a late-era adaptation of original texts about all three gods
Broadhall Palace—seat of King Enander of Syan
Chamber-shells—nautilus shells, symbol to Erivor priesthood
Copper Ring—a road around the perimeter of the Funderling Town roads
Crackbolt—Perin’s (Sky man’s) hammer
Day of First Delving—a Funderling religious holiday
Days of Cooling—legendary time in Funderling history and myth
Ever-Wounded Maid—a famous story
Feast of the Rising—Xixian festival at the end of the rainy season
Feast of Onir Zakkas—Trigonate holiday when people wear asphodel crowns
Great Death—plague that killed large part of Eion’s population
Guild Market—yearly gathering of Funderlings
Hartstangle—type of shadowland tree
Henbane Crown—autarch’s ceremonial headgear
Hierosoline—the language of Hierosol, found in many religious services and scientific books, etc.
Horns of Zmeos—a constellation, also called the Old Serpent
Ice Lily—a flower
Iktis—a f itch, a kind of small, burrowing animal in the weasel family
Lastday—end of the tennight
Laws of Shakh Xis—rules to govern second and third Xixian empire
Limestone Gate—a gate that used to be an entrance from the mainland to Funderling Town and its Mysteries
Lonely Ones—another name for Skrikers
Mantis—a priest, usually of the Trigon
Ninth Year War—a famous, watershed war in Xis
Onir Plessos—a temple in Summerfield
Optimarch—a military rank, approx. major
Pass-evil—hand sign made to avert bad luck
Pentecount—a troop, numbering fifty
Perin’s Eye—design on the throne room floor in Tessis
Procession of Penance–a holy festival
Quiller’s Mint—a tavern in Southmarch