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Giving him a smile of my own, I take a deep breath. I let my fingers settle in over the tip of his cock, lightly stroking it. “Okay… so, this might not sound very sexy but the truth is… when I first opened your jeans up and saw your erection, my mouth actually watered.”

Tenn lets out a hum of approval and his eyes start to glitter.

“Truth is,” I say quietly. “I’ve never, ever had my mouth water for a man before. It was always just… an act. A way to control.”

“Casey,” Tenn whispers, and his fingers thread once again into my hair to cup my head.

“And I’m really, really dying to get a taste of you,” I say hesitantly, hoping that I’m doing this right. “I feel starved and the only way I can get filled up is by sucking your cock. Just your cock will do though.”

“Jesus,” Tenn mutters, his eyes sizzling now with lust. “Now that may be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Joy courses through me because I hear the truth in his words. “Really?” I ask hopefully, not daring to believe it’s really so, because I thought I sounded awkward and amateurish.

“Goldie,” Tenn breathes out in a rush as his fingers tighten their hold on my head, “if you don’t get on your knees and put my dick in your mouth soon, I’m going to die here, okay?”

I grin at him, give him a wink for good measure, and say, “Okay. I’m on it, Chief.”

“That right there,” he mutters. “Not sexy.”

Chuckling, I slide my hands into the waistband of his boxers. I push them and his jeans down over his hips, gently freeing my target. Giving him a sly smile, I graze my fingers up his chest, flatten my palms there, and then push him backward until he falls down into the chair.

I step up confidently in between his legs, and this isn’t robot Casey talking, but the woman whose mouth is still watering for this man. “It’s better if you sit down for this. I wasn’t joking when I said it could bring you to your knees.”

Tenn laughs, his eyes squinting and bringing out thirty-three years of laugh lines at the corner. He stretches his legs out confidently, one on either side of me, and takes his cock in his hand. With a languid smile, he starts stroking himself, and I’m mesmerized to watch him do so. He’s so sexually confident in himself, which is something that I have absolutely no experience with. All the men I’ve been with have been so wrapped up in themselves that they would never think it would be sexy or pleasurable to me to watch a man masturbate.

But this… watching Tenn move his hand roughly as he jerks himself… I could get used to this.

“What you waiting for, Goldie?” he asks, now moving his other hand down to fondle his balls.

I blink hard and shake my head. “Sorry, but damn… that’s really hot watching you doing that.”

“Get on your knees, baby,” Tenn commands, although I can see the amusement in his eyes over my admission. “Let me see what you’ve got.”

I drop to my knees and as my hands reach toward him, his own drop away to give me access. I take him firmly by the base, my hand coming nowhere close to even being able to wrap fully around him. His skin is so warm and soft, yet when I contract my fingers, he’s as hard as concrete underneath.

Leaning forward and dipping my chin, I run my tongue up the base of his cock, wiggling it back and forth under the sensitive tip. Tenn hisses in pleasure.

So velvety soft. Warm. Salty.

“You’re delicious,” I whisper reverently and then I lick him around the tip, lapping at the wetness seeping out. Tenn grunts and both hands come up to fist my hair, one at the side of my head, the other at the back.

“Suck it,” Tenn groans as his hands push down on my head. “You’re driving me fucking nuts, Goldie.”

“Don’t want that,” I murmur as I graze my lips down the side of his shaft.

“Casey,” Tenn murmurs, and it’s my name said as a prayer as much as it is a plea.

No man has ever said my name like that before… with such raw need.

I lean up on my knees and bend my head further, taking him from the top and pulling him all the way back into my mouth. What part of his cock I can’t fit in my mouth, I make up for with strong strokes of my hand. I hollow my cheeks and suck just as he told me to do.

“Fuck. Christ. Fuck,” Tenn groans as his hands tighten on me hard and his hips start thrusting upward. “Going to come in that hot, sweet mouth of yours, Goldie.”

I moan my agreement and move over him faster, jerking at him roughly from the bottom. Tenn’s hips move in shallow thrusts, and I’m not sure who’s fucking who at this point but knowing that I’m driving him this crazy causes that space between my legs to clench hard. God, I’m so turned on right now by what I’m doing to him that I drop my free hand to my shorts and slip my fingers into the waistband. Straight into my panties. Right down between my legs where I start to rub at myself.

Tenn shifts, I hear him groan, and then he says, “Holy fuck. Are you fingering yourself?”

On an upstroke, I raise my eyes to peek up at him and see he’s leaning over the side of the chair to get a look at what I’m doing. His pupils are dilated and his irises are so dark, they’re almost the color of denim.

“Yes, baby,” Tenn murmurs urgently while he stares at my hand working in between my legs. “Make yourself come.”

Oh, my God, that’s so freakin’ sexy that I falter. His cock slips free of my mouth, and my fingers go still against my wet flesh. Tenn drags his fevered eyes slowly over to my face and blinks at me hard.

A slow smile creeps over those lips, and Tenn gently pushes on my head. “Get those lips back on my cock, Goldie.”

What? Oh, yeah… stellar blow job in progress. I grin at him and start to bend back over his lap when he pulls on my hair to stop me. As I raise my eyes back up, his eyes cut downward. “And get those fingers moving again. I want to watch you make yourself come while you blow me.”

Oh, God. Oh, God.

He’s a master at dirty talk. A complete genius. I’m truly humbled by his greatness.

I swallow Tenn’s dick back down—he groans loudly—and my fingers start to circle and rub. I’m so wet right now that my fingers glide sinuously over my clit, making it over-sensitized.

My fingers fly, Tenn’s hips buck his cock to the back of my throat, and the room is filled with lust and heavy breathing.

A soft chant starts from Tenn. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

My blood rages through my veins, and my spine starts to tingle with an orgasm. I rub harder against my clit and wrap my lips tight around his shaft as I suck.

With a massive push upward, Tenn surges into me, then he goes absolutely still while he roars out, “Oh God.”

Just as he starts coming in my mouth, my own orgasm breaks free and I whimper against the warm, salty fluid that I drink down as soon as he gives it to me. My body shudders, I give another strong pull against his cock with my mouth, which causes Tenn to groan again, and then I’m collapsing onto his lap.

I’m barely cognizant, depleted of strength and completely malleable. Tenn reaches down and gently pulls my own hand from my pants, causing another tiny whimper to escape me as my fingers graze over my clit. He lifts me up onto his lap, shifting me onto one leg so I don’t crush his half-hard dick, and presses my face into his chest. I try to raise my arms to loop around the back of his neck, but I don’t have the strength and they flop uselessly down to rest on the tops of my legs.

When our breathing evens out, Tenn grasps my chin with his hand, pushing me away from his chest just far enough to give him room to bend down to kiss me. His lips are soft, his tongue taking a gentle swipe at mine before he pulls away.

“You okay, Goldie?” he murmurs through a knowing smile.

“Never better,” I mutter with a dopey smile of my own.

He chuckles and kisses me again… swiftly this time. When he pulls away, his eyes are serious. “I have to leave day after tomorrow to head back to Raleigh. I’m going to see Zoey for a few days, and then I have to head up to New Jersey to visit a buddy of mine.”