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Placing my fingers at her jaw, I grip her firmly and ask, “Did you fuck him?”

She vehemently shakes her head. “No. It was our first date.”

“Have you fucked anyone else since you’ve been with me?” I ask her, my breath clogged in my lungs until I can hear the answer.

“No,” she whispers, and I hear the truth in her words. I have no clue what she was trying to accomplish tonight, but I know it didn’t involve sex with another man.

“Good,” I tell her and then lean in to bite her lower lip. “Because I need to fuck you right now.”

I bury my face in Casey’s neck and drop a hand down to pull the hemline up on the little black dress she’s wearing. My fingers immediately snake their way under the wet lace between her legs, and I groan my approval over how slick she is already.

I remove my hand and with jerky movements, pull her dress all the way up past her hips, and then dive into my back pocket for my wallet. My fingers fumble… grab onto the condom, and then drop the wallet to the pavement because it’s forgotten.

My button and zipper is opened in a flash, and I push my pants down my hips a bit until my cock is freed. I’m practically shaking with unbridled lust and a need to dominate Casey as I tear at the condom wrapper.

“What are you doing?” Casey asks breathlessly.

I glance up at her, and her eyes are pinned to my dick in fascination. “Getting ready to fuck you,” I tell her simply as I roll the condom on.

“Right now?” she asks in disbelief.

My hands go around to her ass where I squeeze the tight flesh a moment and then lift her up. “Right now,” I affirm. “Legs around me, baby.”

She wraps those long legs around my waist like a good girl even as she says, “But we’re in public.”

“Don’t care,” I say as I support her under the ass with one arm and reach my other hand down to grab my cock.

“We might be seen,” she says, not a real ounce of worry in her voice.

“Don’t care,” I tell her as I surge up into her body, and fuck… fuck that feels good.

Casey lets out a long, strangled moan and her legs squeeze me tight. “Someone might call the cops,” she breathes into my ear before she nips at it.

I pull out and slam back into her, causing Casey to give the most unladylike grunt I’ve ever heard.

“Oh, Tenn,” she whimpers. “We really, really should not be fucking in a back alley.”

“Shut up, Casey,” I mutter as I start thrusting into her frantically, pressing my cheek against hers. “I’m still mad at you.”

She’s silent a moment… well, unless you count the moaning and heavy breathing on her part. As for my part, I surge over and over again into her tight, wet pussy, trying to pound away every bit of anger and confusion this woman causes in me. Casey’s fingers dig into my shoulders and her hips gyrate against me.

She catches me totally off guard when she suddenly starts coming, and I know this by the way her muscles clamp down hard against my dick and she screams out into the night air. That fuels me on harder and I start thrusting faster into her, my entire body lurching upward in a vain attempt to catch up to her.

Always feels like I’m trying to catch up to her.

Casey’s hands come to my face, and she pushes slightly at me so she can look me in the eye. My pace falls a bit, but I still aim as deep as possible.

She leans in, gives me a light kiss on my lips as I press her body tight against the brick wall.

“I’m mad at you too,” she whispers and my body goes completely still, lodged deep inside of her. My heartbeat is pounding madly, my blood is still firing, and my chest clenches over the uncertainty I see in her eyes. Then she kills me when she says, “I’m mad at you because you make me feel things that scare the shit out of me, but I’m just really glad you came in there and got me, Tenn.”

Her words cause my pelvis to tilt and grind against her hard, and I immediately start coming inside of her. My head drops to her shoulder, and I see stars for a moment as I unload drop after hot drop.

Fuck. Goddamn. Fuck.

What this woman does to me.

What this fucking woman does to me.

Chapter 13


My insides are all twisted.

The more I learn about Tenn, the more I like him.

The more I like him, the more I have to start considering major changes in my life.

The more I consider major changes in my life, the more I might have to admit to myself that I’ve wasted a good portion of it.

All of this produces anxiety. All of this stresses me out. All of this makes me feel ashamed of my choices in life.

And yet… the view before me does tend to alleviate some of that anxiety. It tends to make me forget about stresses and poor choices.

Tenn Jennings.

Naked on my bed, the early morning sunlight pouring through the windows and bathing his skin golden. He’s sleeping on his stomach, tattooed arms in green, black, and red ink wrapped around a pillow with his face turned my way. One leg stretched out, so long his foot hangs off the end of my bed, the other bent at an angle that makes his ass look positively amazing.

With his eyes closed, I can see just how long his lashes are. Dark like his hair and just as thick. So thick it looks like he’s wearing eyeliner against those pale blue eyes. That goatee… I just want to lick at it, and I love the way it rubs against my skin when he’s going down on me.

He’s perfection. Simple male perfection.

Add on to that that he’s kind, unpretentious, and wise, which I respect immensely. Add on to that he’s also alpha and domineering, which strangely, I also like.

He’s the perfect blend of everything that could ever make me want to change my life and open up to a man. But I’m not about to go there. Not fully.

After Tenn fucked me against the back wall of La Papillon, he immediately ordered me to get into my Jeep and follow him back to my house. I didn’t think to argue… not with the way he was still looking like he wanted to wring my neck.

I know it was stupid to go out with that guy. It was stupid, reckless, and I knew it would probably hurt Tenn’s feelings if he found out about it. I certainly didn’t want to go out with that prick. He certainly wasn’t as self-absorbed as many men that I’d gone out with, but damn… he was so freakin’ boring that I almost fell asleep while he was talking.

No, I didn’t want to go out with him, but I made myself do it.

I made myself take an action that I knew would center me once again and would make me remember all the things about my dating lifestyle that were safe and secure. I did it not only because thinking about Jeff Parkhurst back in my home town conjured up some very bitter feelings, but I did it because I had to prove to myself that I was immune to men like Tenn.

Which… apparently… I’m not.

Reaching a finger out, I gently trace the edge of his lashes laying against the skin under his eye. The corner of Tenn’s mouth curves up, making me want to nuzzle along his goatee. Instead, I trace my finger over his cheekbone, down his neck, and over his shoulder. I push up on my elbow to get me closer to his body, and gently stroke my finger down his back.

“What are you doing?” Tenn mumbles sleepily.

“Touching you,” I say simply. “You can’t lay like that… all sexy in my bed, and expect me to keep my hands to myself.”

Tenn chuckles and buries his face deeper into the pillow. Moving my finger lower, I watch the muscles on his back jump under my touch. I cruise right down the middle of his spine, lightly run my finger through his ass cheeks, and then right down in between his legs, where I flutter my fingers against his balls that I have easy access to with his leg cocked up.