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“You mean dating a normal guy rather than targeting rich men for sex?” I ask blandly, because I’m curious just how much they really know about their sister.

“Hey,” Brody growls as he opens the door. “Watch your fucking mouth about Casey.”

I actually cringe for a moment, not because I’m afraid of Brody or Hunter, but because of the way in which I just painted their little sister and the woman who I’m coming to fall for more each day. I can only chalk it up to all of the frustrations that Casey still presents for me.

“Look,” I say as I scrub my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry… that was uncalled for. And to answer your question, my intentions with her are completely on the up and up. I like your sister, even as maddening as she can be, and I’m really trying hard to build something with her, okay?”

Brody gives me a shove through the door even as he hands me a big grin. “Dude… you are preaching to the choir when you talk about how maddening our sister can be.”

Hunter walks through behind me and says, “In fact… I insist we do some serious drinking tonight and discuss her in detail. We’re feeling a little compelled to help you out all we can because we like the direction Casey is going.”

Shaking my head, I can’t do anything but follow Brody and Hunter back to the bar where they order more beer for me and Hunter, as well as a water for Brody. Then they lead me out past the pool tables toward the back deck. I cast a quick glance at Casey, whose lovely eyebrows raise in surprise, and then narrow back down in suspicion as she sees me walking out the door with her brothers. I merely shrug my shoulders and shoot her a confident wink, and I’m totally rewarded when she blows me a kiss across the bar.

“Christ, I’m drunk,” I mutter as Casey releases her hold around my waist and I fall down onto her bed.

“You are so drunk,” she says in agreement and starts working on my boots.

“I might need you to do all the work tonight, baby,” I slur at her with a sloppy grin as I raise my head off the mattress to look down at her. “You on top, but you can start by sucking my dick a little if you want.”

She snorts at me and gives a hard pull, taking one boot off my foot as my head falls back to the bed. “You’re too drunk to have sex.”

“I’m never too drunk to do that,” I maintain… also in a slurred voice. “In fact, I’m seeing three of you right now so that means three times as much beautiful Casey riding my cock tonight.”

Casey lets out a bark of a laugh as she pulls my other boot free. “You’re hilarious when you’re drunk.”

I smile… happy she finds me funny. Happy she likes drunk Tenn. Probably would be happier if she gave me a blow job, but happy nonetheless.

“At least you warmed up to me tonight,” I mutter as she crawls up onto the bed and lays her head on my chest. My arm comes around her waist, and I squeeze her into me.

“Warmed up to you?” she asks quizzically.

“Yeah… you were all aloof when we got there. Thought you were getting cold feet on me again, but then it didn’t take long and you were all over me, baby.”

Casey gives me a quick pat to my chest. “Honey… you were all over me. I was just accommodating you.”

“Yeah… that’s what I mean. You didn’t push me away. You actually embraced our ‘togetherness’ in front of all your friends.”

“Well, you are kind of charming. You’re also really hot and I was afraid if I didn’t stake my claim on you, some other floozy would move in on my territory.”

“So, you like me, huh?” I ask as the room starts to spin a little bit. I latch on to Casey a little tighter in an effort to stabilize.

“Just a little,” she says, affectionately rubbing her cheek on my chest. I’m drunk, but I fucking feel that touch down to my toes.

And because I’m drunk, I’ll probably be forgiven for anything I say right now.

And that makes me realize, I’m not so drunk that I can’t rationalize the fact my inebriation will give me a free pass with Casey if I say something to spook her.

Now my brain really starts working.

Going to go ahead and lay it out there… I can blame it on the alcohol later if I wig her out.

“So you like me a little?” I ask her, trying hard to annunciate clearly.

“A little,” she verifies.

“That’s good,” I say. “Because I like you too.”

“That’s sweet,” she says, and I can actually hear the smile in her voice.

“I mean… really, really like you.”

“Oh, well… in that case, I’ll admit it… I really, really like you too.”

I roll quickly onto my side, coming almost nose to nose with Casey as she lies beside me. “I’m just going to go ahead and say it while I got the drunken balls to do it… but I’m falling for you kind of hard, Goldie.”

And apparently, I’m not so drunk that I miss the very brief and momentary flash of panic in Casey’s eyes, but thankfully, it’s immediately replaced by warmth. She gives me a slow smile, leans in, and kisses my chin. “How much of this conversation are you going to remember tomorrow?”

“Probably not a word,” I answer honestly.

“Then I’ll also go ahead and admit to you… I’m sort of, kind of, possibly falling hard for you too.”

“You mean that, Goldie?” I ask as my eyes search hers… which thankfully, I’m only seeing two of right now.

“Yeah… for the first time in my life, I really mean it,” she whispers, and my drunken heart soars.

Reaching an arm out, I slip it around her waist and pull her back into me. Her face snuggles into the crook of my neck and her arm wraps around me.

“Christ… I really hope I remember this tomorrow,” I grunt before I close my eyes and pass out.

Chapter 15


I never imagined in my life that I would consider being a biker babe. Well, and really… I’m not even sure what that means, but I know I do love riding on Tenn’s motorcycle. I haven’t done the whole braless, Harley tank top thing yet, but I could be persuaded if Tenn thought it was hot.

Admittedly, I was nervous the first time I got on his bike but then I warmed up to it, and now I may possibly be addicted. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the powerful engine rumbling between my legs or the hot, muscled man that’s sitting in front of me.

I’m surprised Tenn is even up and about today. I didn’t expect him to get so drunk at Andrea’s party last night, and I blame that completely on my brothers. They fed him beer after beer and proceeded to tell him every embarrassing story they could think of about me. I’m not sure what they were hoping to accomplish, but I’m pretty sure telling him I had a lazy eye when I was six years old wasn’t helping.

And sometimes, alcohol can be a blessing or a curse when it comes to loosening inhibitions, and I’m still not quite sure how I feel about it loosening Tenn’s tongue last night. He was drunk, but I’m sure he was being completely straight up when he said he was falling hard for me.

He’s not the first man that has said words of that nature to me.

He is, however, the first man that I’ve kept around after saying those words, and I can only take that to mean that for some reason, my psyche simply accepts Tenn and what he’s telling me. I simply have to accept the fact that I’m changing and I’m becoming open to the possibility of actually having the first real relationship of my life with a man.

Let’s see… since meeting Tenn, I’ve gone out with a man that doesn’t have a lot of money, I’ve invited him into my home, I’ve slept in bed with him all night, and hell… I’ve even cuddled.