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Me… Casey Markham. A cuddler.

I’ve also shared something with him that I haven’t even shared with my best friend. Or my family for that matter. Tenn Jennings is the only person on this earth that has somewhat of an understanding of why I did the things I did when it came to men. He may not know it all, but he at least knows more than anyone else, and that right there tells me something.

It tells me I was being truthful when I told him last night that I was falling for him.

Because I am so fucking falling for him.

We cruise down the main drag on the way to my house. Tenn had picked me up after work, having spent part of the afternoon looking at the garage that was for sale after I’d put him in contact with a commercial realtor I knew. He offered to take me out for dinner, but because Zoey is coming tomorrow, I want to make sure to get the house absolutely cleaned and the guest bedroom made up. For some reason I don’t even want to fathom, Zoey’s mother insisted on bringing her, so that should be oodles of joy meeting Tenn’s fruity ex-wife.

I look at the grocery store as we slide by, thankful that I did my grocery shopping this morning. The parking lot is absolutely packed but Saturdays on the beach are big grilling and party days. Just as I start to turn my gaze back to the road, I catch a glimpse of a familiar face walking into the store, and my blood fires up nuclear hot from a surge of anger.

Jeff Parkhurst.

Without thinking, I tap Tenn on the shoulder and yell at him above the wind. “Turn around and go to the grocery store. I forgot to pick up something.”

He nods and gets us turned around, the sound of the engine barking loud at such a slow idle as we pull into the lot. “Just drop me off at the front door and I’ll run in really quick,” I tell him, and a spark of guilt fires up that I’m not being honest with Tenn as to why I’m here.

But fuck… I don’t know why I’m here. I just saw Jeff, got swamped with fury, and now feel the unmistakable need to confront this douche.

I get off the bike when he brings it to a stop, quickly take off my helmet, and hand it to him. “You need anything?”

“I’m good,” he says with a smile, but then asks, “What are you getting? You had me lug up about forty bags of groceries to your house this morning.”

“Um… milk,” I say and start to turn away.

“You got milk,” he says, and I turn back to look at him impatiently. “Yeah… but I only got skim and I like whole milk with my coffee.”

And damn… more guilt with how easily that lie came out of my mouth.

“Gotcha,” he says with a nod toward the rear of the lot. “I’m going to go find a spot to park over there.”

“Okay,” I say, and then I spin toward the automatic glass doors. They swish open, and a blast of icy air conditioning hits me. I’m not sure if it’s the chilled air or the ice in my veins, but I rub my arms a bit to warm them up.

I immediately start walking across the front of the store, looking down each aisle as I go along. Finally, I see him… halfway down the beer and wine aisle, perusing the various microbrews for sale. Taking a deep breath, I push it out hard and start walking his way. I’m going to tell him off, and I’m not going to be quiet about it.

When I get up close to him, Jeff’s head turns my way, and for a brief moment, just the tiniest of blips really, I appreciate how good looking he is. But I know outer beauty doesn’t mean shit on the inside.

I’m a prime example of that.

Jeff’s eyes round wide with surprise, and he gives me a blinding smile. “Oh, my God. Casey Markham? Is that you?”

Suddenly, my mind goes blank and I can do nothing more than nod at him dumbly. He steps forward and wraps his arms around me, dragging me in for a hug. Weakly, my arms go around his neck as he pulls me in close and murmurs. “It’s so good to see you.”

When he releases me, I take a small step back. His gaze travels up and down my body, making absolutely no effort to hide the gleam of appreciation in his eyes. He even pulls his chin back and says, “Damn girl… you are still just as smokin’ hot as you were in high school.”

Greasy tremors race up my spine as his eyes linger on my breasts, and I have to resist the overwhelming urge to slap him across the face. So many things I want to say but again, he doesn’t give me a chance.

“Listen… I’m only in town for another few nights. Any chance you’d let me take you to dinner tonight?” He says this in a low, husky voice while still staring at my breasts. “You know… for old time’s sake?”

Of all the sleazy, scummy things that he could say to me, that is something I didn’t expect. But then again, Jeff has no clue the bitter feelings I’ve harbored for him for going on eight years. I should blast him out about it now, but when I see the hunger in his eyes and the way he is mentally undressing me… already figuring it’s a foregone conclusion he can take me out to dinner tonight and then talk me in to bed, I am struck with sudden brilliance.

I’m going to make him suffer far more than just a berating from me. I’m going to make him think he’s good enough to have me, and then I’m going to make sure he dies of blue balls when I refuse him.

I give him a bright smile, wrap my finger around my lock of my hair to twirl it all bimbo-style, and cock a hip out sexily. Then I start calculating how to make this all go down.

First, I need information though, because I want to know exactly how far I can make him fall. “So, are you married or seeing anyone?” I ask innocently. Of course, I know the answer to this because Gabby told me he has a fiancée.

And even though I really expected no different, my stomach recoils when he shakes his head and says, “Nope. Absolutely single.”

Liar! What a fucking liar and my anger starts surging again.

“What about you?” he asks as he glances down at my left hand.

I’m sorry, Tenn, I think to myself. “Nope. Single and free.”

“So… how about dinner? And then maybe after, we could um… figure out something fun to do,” he says as he dips his head lower toward me. I actually have to lock my knees to stop myself from inadvertently bolting away from him.

“Dinner sounds fabulous,” I purr at him even as I push past my nausea. “And I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of ‘fun’ we could have after dinner.”

“Eight o’clock? La Papillon,” he says lecherously, and really… I’m surprised he’s even offering me dinner based on the way his eyes continually rove over me. I expect at any moment he’s going to throw me down on the grocery store floor and start humping my leg or something.

“Eight sounds perfect. Gives me just enough time to get home and get showered,” I say, and then reach into my purse for a pen. I click it on and then take his hand in mine, turning his palm up. “Here’s my address.”

I take my time writing my address and even put a little heart beneath it, quelling my urge to vomit over the ludicrous act I’m putting on. I wonder what the maître’d will think seeing me in there again. I’m sure he’ll remember me from the way Tenn pulled me out of there.

Jeff glances down at the writing on his palm and then back up at me with glittering eyes. I think it’s the first time he’s looked at my face since the hug.

Movement at the end of the aisle catches my attention and I look past Jeff’s shoulder to see Tenn standing there looking at me curiously. I hold up a finger to him to wait, turning back to Jeff to whisper. “Can’t wait to see you tonight.”

“And I can’t wait to see you… all of you tonight,” he says almost on a half moan that gives me the freakin’ willies. I give him a smile, hope he can’t see the distaste in my eyes, and scoot past him.

When I reach the end of the aisle, I turn toward the front door as Tenn walks behind me. “What about the milk, Casey?”

“I decided to stick to skim,” I say offhandedly as we make it back through the automatic doors. I don’t want Jeff to see me with Tenn. I don’t want anything to happen that will thwart my plan for revenge tonight.