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As soon as I’m done packing, I place a quick call to Hunter. He had already heard what happened from Brody and told me not to worry about my shifts and that they’d cover for me as long as I needed to be in Wyoming with Tenn. That was so sweet, and the perfect example of why I love my brothers, but I didn’t think I’d be there long. I wanted to help Tenn get through the funeral, but then I knew I’d have to return to my life. I just wasn’t sure if Tenn would be returning with me.

After I hang up with Hunter, I pull the large suitcase I have filled with mine and Tenn’s clothing off the bed and roll it over to the wall so it’s out of the way. I cautiously walk back into my living room, and I don’t hear Tenn talking anymore. I find him at my table, with my laptop open, leaning forward to peer at the screen.

He doesn’t look up to acknowledge my presence but says, “I’m looking at flights. You sure you want to go with me?”

I walk up behind him, curl my arms around his chest, lean in, and give him a tight hug. “Totally sure.”

“Well, it looks like there’s actually an early flight out of New Bern that heads to Detroit, and then in to Jackson. It’s the fastest,” he says as he continues to scroll through the choices.

“What about Zoey?” I ask tentatively.

“Brianna wants to bring her,” Tenn says, his words flat but accepting. “And that’s fine… I mean… she loved my dad too in her own weird way. She can get compassionate time off from her job.”

“How is Zoey taking this?”

Tenn takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, his hand falling away from the laptop. He places his palms over my forearms that are crossed over his chest and grips tightly as he eases his head back to rest against me. “She’s devastated,” he says, and his voice cracks.

I squeeze on to him hard, trying to suck the pain away from him that I know he’s suffering not only because his own father is dead, but also because he’s a father to a child who is suffering. I know Tenn… he’ll put aside his own misery to take on every bit of Zoey’s.

He lets me hold him for a few moments, even sighs when I lean to the side and press my lips to his cheek. I nuzzle against his skin and feel him melt just a tiny bit as he accepts my sympathy.

But then he’s pushing out of my hold and reaching into his back pocket. As he pulls his wallet out, he says, “Are you sure you can take the time to go with me?”

“Absolutely,” I tell him as I turn to grab my own purse so I can get my credit card out. “Hunter told me to take all the time I need.”

“That means a lot, Goldie,” Tenn says quietly, and shivers race up my spine over the gratitude I hear in his voice. It feels good… knowing I’m doing something that he really needs right now.

I turn and hold out my credit card to find Tenn already filling in information on the computer screen to book the flights. “Here… to purchase my ticket.”

He just shakes his head. “I got it.”

“No way,” I insist. “You are not paying for my plane ticket.”

“Back off, Goldie,” he says in a low warning. “I’m not in the mood to argue with you.”

I heed his voice, dropping my outstretched hand. He needs to be in charge now, and this is not the time to try to assert my independence with him. For the time being, I’ll let Tenn do the things he needs to do, and I just need to be there to support him.

Because we didn’t eat, I head into the kitchen and find a few cans of soup I can heat up. I work on getting them opened and started on a low simmer on the stove while Tenn finishes booking our flights. When he’s done, he pulls out his phone and sends a text to his brother with our arrival time, waits for his response, and then texts something back.

“Woolf will pick us up at the airport,” Tenn says absently as he pushes out of the chair.

I turn the stove off and open the cupboard to the right to get some bowls. “Let’s get some food in you and then we’ll get a good night’s sleep since we—”

My words are cut off as Tenn steps up behind me, taking my wrist that is extended toward the cupboard. He pulls it away, drags it back toward my body, and then presses into my back. Wrapping both arms around me, he envelopes me in a warm hug that is full of thanks and then morphs into need. I know it’s need because I can feel him start to grow hard against my lower back.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I ask softly, holding my body still to see what he really wants.

“Yes,” he breathes in my ear, and then drops his hands down to my thighs where he skims his fingers over my skin, just under the hem of my sundress.

His unspoken words? I’m hungry for you.

Immediately turning in his arms, I press my breasts into his chest and dip my fingers into his waistband. I look up at him and my heart hurts over the pain I see there, but know that based on the need I see there too, that I can make him feel marginally better.

My hands work at his belt buckle and I quickly undo it, his button and zipper following quickly. He stares down at me with quiet interest, but when my hands start to push down at his jeans, he stills them with just one word. “Don’t,” he says quietly.

I press a quick kiss against his breastbone, and then tilt my head back to look at him. “But I want to take care of you.”

Tenn’s fingers drag upward, taking my skirt with his hands. He curls them around to the back, squeezing my ass gently, leveling me with a heated stare. He shakes his head. “I need to drive.”

“Be in charge?” I ask gently, knowing damn well that’s what he means.

“Yeah… I need a bit of normalcy right now,” he admits as he slips his fingers under the back edge of my panties. “I honestly don’t think I can handle you taking care of me tonight.”

His words are rough and strained but rather than respond… to potentially cause him to break on me, I simply nod and lift my mouth to his. He takes it… gladly, and kisses me deep.

While his mouth moves against mine, causing me to start to fall into that deep abyss of pleasure, his hands grip hard on my ass and lift me up. My legs naturally wrap around his waist and our kiss never breaks. Deepens in fact.

When my core settles against him and I give a little grind, deep gratification rumbles in his chest and he turns to carry me to the bedroom. In just moments, he has me on the bed and stripped naked. He proceeds to remove his own clothing, not rushing and keeping his eyes pinned on my face while I in turn let my own eyes rove all over his body. I take in the planes and contours of his muscles, the vibrant ink on his arms and shoulders, the patch of hair just below his belly button that dives down into those pants and points me to my favorite part of his body.

My nerves hum and my blood sizzles.

It’s what always happens when I know that Tenn is going to touch me.

Taste me.

Fuck me.

I wait with nervous anticipation to see what he’ll do. Will it be an onslaught of lust? Or sweet touches to slowly build me up? He’s a master at both, and I don’t have a preference.

But he does neither.

Instead, he kneels on the bed between my legs and proceeds to run his hands over my skin. Everywhere. All over my entire body except my breasts and the money spot between my legs. He curves his hands around my ankles, digging his thumb deliciously into my instep. Spreads his fingers wide and palms my calves, squeezing them gently before smoothing upward to my thighs. Everywhere… hips, stomach, the inside of my elbows. He strokes my collarbone and my neck, running his fingers over my jawline.

After he has his fill, he finally brings his body down on top of mine, nestling his hard cock against me and kisses me. Leisurely and deep, not in a rush to do anything but savor.

He laces his fingers with mine, pulling our hands above our heads. He kisses me so sensually that I become immersed in a deep pool of feeling. I become so captivated by what his tongue does to mine that I really don’t even notice as he starts to shift his hips so his cock presses against my warm opening.