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“Nah,” I tell her, more for my benefit than hers. I’m very much looking forward to that skirt hiked up a bit and miles of glorious, bare leg draped over the horse. “I’ll put a blanket under you though. I don’t want anything rubbing the insides of your thighs raw but the beard on my face.”

“Dirty man,” she says with a low, sexy laugh.

It’s not easy mounting two people into a western saddle. Ordinarily, I’d plunk her on the back behind the saddle, but I know she won’t feel as secure and I don’t want her scared. So I use a mounting block to haul her up onto my lap, positioning an extra saddle blanket underneath her legs. As expected, her dress does indeed ride up but it’s so loose that it only comes to mid-thigh, which is fortuitous because there are tons of other ranch hands milling about and I don’t want them ogling my woman.

With an arm around her waist and the other holding the reins loosely, I let Whiskey walk slowly away from the barn and direct him over to one of the riding trails. With thousands and thousands of acres available, we have dozens of places we can go, but I decide to head toward a small lake we have on the property about two miles away. It’s private and secluded and this is the first time I’ve had a chance to be alone with Casey other than when we have fallen asleep at night in each other’s arms.

We ride in silence as Casey’s head roves back and forth to take in the scenery. She starts out sitting stiff but eventually the gentle rocking of Whiskey’s slow gait gets her to relax and she starts melting back into me. Her ass on my lap isn’t exactly helping me to relax though as she rubs against my half-hard cock.

“Are you nervous about the meeting tomorrow?” Casey asks out of the blue.

“Little bit,” I tell her honestly.

And I am, because tomorrow we meet with Dad’s attorneys and financial advisors to begin discussions on what will be needed from Woolf and I to help manage the Jennings’ estate. The formal reading of the will won’t be for another few weeks but we all know he’s left everything to his sons. Dad was always transparent about that because he wanted to impress upon us our duty to our heritage. And already, the attorneys have been making it clear that Woolf and I have a shit ton of stuff that needs handled immediately. Very important decisions need to be made, most importantly, my dad’s position as CEO needs filled. The attorneys look at me directly every time they mention this, and it makes my stomach cramp with dread. Every minute that passes, I can feel the proverbial noose start to tighten.

“You know,” Casey says hesitantly. “It might not be so bad… you staying here. I mean… this place is so beautiful. You have such history and Tenn… honestly… you on a horse riding the open range in tight jeans is way hotter than you on a motorcycle I’m sorry to say.”

I chuckle and squeeze my hold around her waist. “Nice thought, Goldie, but if I stay, I wouldn’t be riding the range. I’d be in a business suit attending meetings, entertaining political big wigs, and schmoozing business associates. I’d probably have to shave my fucking goatee so I’d look presentable.”

“Oh,” she says softly and after a moment of reflection, she says, “But still… maybe this is what you’re supposed to do with your life.”

Her words slice into me, because while I don’t have a fucking clue as to what I’m really supposed to do, I had always sort of thought Casey would be my voice of reason. She’d be the one that would keep reminding me to follow my real dreams, which of course, include her.

I’m not sure what to say to her because I can see she’s speaking to me from a place deep within her heart that is trying to help me figure out what is best. She’s forcing me to look at all angles.

“Tenn?” she whispers, one of her hands releasing the death grip she has on the pommel to come up and drape over my arm that’s around her waist.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I love you,” she says.

She says it firmly, without a shred of doubt in her voice. She says it as if it’s a truth she’s known all along.

She fucking owns those words.

My entire body freezes, and I pull on the reins to bring Whiskey to a halt. I lean to the side and then forward a bit to get a look at her face. She turns so her eyes can meet mine, and I’m thunderstruck over the intensity of feeling she’s emanating in her gaze.

“I love you, Tenn,” she says again with a clear voice, her eyes pinning me hard. “And if you love me, and you want me to, I’ll stay here with you if this is where you’re meant to be.”

I can’t explain the feeling that starts to overwhelm me because it’s something I’ve never experienced before, and I don’t know that mere words could ever do it justice. But in just the space of a sharp inhale of air into my lungs, my entire world becomes complete. In just that moment, I know, without a doubt, that my life will never be more perfect than it is in this moment.

For the first time ever, I have the love of a woman that is more precious to me than the oxygen that sustains me. More important than my dreams to open a custom motorcycle shop. More essential to my way of living than anything else.

At this moment, Casey takes up one half of my heart while Zoey takes up the other, and because it’s so fucking full, nothing else really matters.

And with such an epiphany glowing within me, I realize in this moment that I want Casey more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I draw her into me, pressing my face forward to capture her lips. Our hats bump against each other and immediately fall backward off our heads, tumbling to the ground, but that only makes the sun feel that much better upon me.

Casey turns in the saddle slightly, causing the leather to creak. Whiskey, being the good gelding that he is, just stands placidly as Casey’s hands release the pommel completely and clutch at my shirt.

While my mouth claims hers, the arm around her waist loosens, and my hand drops automatically between her legs, the need to touch her as intimately as possibly completely overwhelming me. My fingers snake under the hem of her dress and pull it up high. I pull back from her lips briefly and angle my head down, looking at the tiny scrap of white lace between her legs with my fingers hovering just over it.

I glance back up at her briefly, rocked by the love and desire in her eyes, and my fingers dive under the elastic edge of her panties. Shifting my leg, which spreads her open a little further, I slide a finger deep inside her pussy. She groans and her head falls back against my shoulder.

So wet and warm.

My finger works her lazily, and her breath starts to hitch. Her hips gyrate, grinding against my cock, which is now painfully hard.

“Ever fucked on a horse?” I murmur just before I nip at her ear.

She shakes her head frantically, and then bucks against me when I start to circle her clit.

“Me either,” I tell her. “But I’m about to.”

“Tenn,” she says shakily as her hands grab onto my wrist, attempting to halt my ministrations. “I don’t want to fall off.”

“Shhh,” I gentle her. “Whiskey’s a good horse. And I’m not about to let you fall.”

“Okay,” she says with a moan as I continue to pluck at her with my fingers.

I’ve never done this before but in my mind, I know exactly how it needs to work. I’ve been riding horses since I was three years old and feel as comfortable in the saddle as I do lying on a mattress. After looping the reins around the pommel and scooting back to the edge of the saddle, I easily pick Casey up and turn her around to face me, and because she’s so lithe, she easily is able to make the adjustment by cocking her leg up high and squeezing it between us until we are adjusted face to face.

Whiskey takes a few slow, side steps as we adjust in the saddle, but that’s more about him accommodating the new change in weight distribution and I don’t give it another thought.

My only thought is my hands going under Casey’s ass and using the strength in my arms alone to lift her up several inches. “Open my jeans,” I tell her urgently.