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4 Stanley Wells: Shakespeare For All Time, page 14.

5 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 264.

6 Quoted in Joseph: Elizabethan Acting, page 11.

7 ibid., page 12.

8 Quoted in Andrew Gurr: Playgoing in Shakespeare’s London, page 80.

9 ibid., page 17.

10 Dennis Kay: Shakespeare: His Life, Work and Era, page 26.

11 Quoted in Mark Eccles: Shakespeare in Warwickshire, page 57.

Chapter Thirteen

1 Quoted in R. Savage (ed.): Minutes and Accounts of the Corporation of Stratford upon Avon, 1553–1620, Volume Two, page xlvii.

2 Nicholas Rowe: Some Account of the Life of Mr. William Shakespeare (London, 1848), page 17.

3 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 155.

Chapter Fourteen

1 Quoted in Jonathan Bate (ed.): The Romantics on Shakespeare, page 304.

2 Quoted in Katherine Duncan-Jones: Ungentle Shakespeare, page 14.

3 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, pages 252-3.

4 ibid., page 265.

5 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare: A Documentary Life, page 81.

6 ibid., page 80.

7 Quoted in C.C. Stopes: Shakespeare’s Warwickshire Contemporaries, page 23.

8 Fripp: Shakespeare’s Stratford, page 2.

9 Quoted in Stopes: Shakespeare’s Warwickshire Contemporaries, page 77.

Chapter Fifteen

1 T.W. Baldwin: William Shakespeare’s Small Latine and Lesse Greeke, Volume Two, page 672.

2 Quoted in E.K. Chambers: Shakespearean Gleanings, page 52.

3 Richard Wilson: Secret Shakespeare, page 57.

4 ibid., page 58.

5 Quoted in E.A.J. Honigmann: Shakespeare: The “Lost Years,” page 33.

6 A. Keen and R. Lubbock: The Annotator, page 9.

7 Quoted in Ivor Brown: How Shakespeare Spent the Day, page 167.

Chapter Sixteen

1 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 173.

2 Edmond Malone: The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, Volume Two, A Life of the Poet, page 108.

Chapter Seventeen

1 Quoted in Mark Eccles: Shakespeare in Warwickshire, page 66.

2 Quoted in Wells: Shakespeare For All Time, page 269.

3 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare: A Documentary Life, page 72.

4 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 191.

Chapter Eighteen

1 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 253.

2 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 195.

3 ibid., Volume Two, page 520.

Chapter Nineteen

1 Quoted in the introduction by E.I. Fripp to R. Savage (ed.): Minutes and Accounts of the Corporation of Stratford-upon-Avon, Volume Four, page xxi.

2 Quoted in Edwin Nungezer: A Dictionary of Actors, page 348.

3 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 206.

4 Quoted in Andrew Gurr: The Shakespearean Playing Companies, page 203.

Chapter Twenty

1 Quoted in J.O. Halliwell-Phillips: Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, page 79.

2 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare: A Documentary Life, page 101.

3 Quoted in Liza Picard: Elizabeth’s London, page 89.

Chapter Twenty-one

1 Timothy Mowclass="underline" Elizabethan and Jacobean Style, pages 13, 22 and 87.

2 Quoted in David Scott Kastan (ed.): A Companion to Shakespeare, page 43.

3 Quoted in Lawrence Manley: Literature and Culture in Early Modern London, page 431.

4 Quoted in Lawrence Manley (ed.): London in the Age of Shakespeare, page 106.

Chapter Twenty-two

1 Quoted in Lawrence Stone: The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500–1800, page 520.

2 Quoted in Duncan-Jones: Ungentle Shakespeare, page 81.

Chapter Twenty-three

1 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 253.

2 Quoted in John Gross (ed.): After Shakespeare, page 10.

3 Baldassare Castiglione: The Courtyer (London, 1928), page 33.

4 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 266.

5 Quoted in Gross (ed.), After Shakespeare, page 7.

Chapter Twenty-four

1 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 265.

2 Quoted in J.O. Halliwell-Phillips: Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, Volume Two, page 288.

3 ibid.

4 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 288.

5 ibid., page 296.

6 Quoted in Edward Burns (ed.): King Henry VI, Part One, the Arden edition (London, 2000), page 19.

7 Quoted in Charles Nicholclass="underline" The Reckoning, page 268.

Chapter Twenty-five

1 Quoted in Dennis Kay: Shakespeare, page 62.

2 Quoted in E.K. Chambers: The Elizabethan and Caroline Stage, Volume Four, page 123.

3 Quoted in Charles Knight: William Shakespeare: A Biography, page 310.

4 Quoted in Halliwell-Phillips, Volume Two, page 354.

5 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 386.

6 ibid., page 397.

7 Quoted in Halliwell-Phillips, Volume Two, pages 355-6.

8 ibid., page 363.

9 ibid.

10 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare: A Documentary Life, page 106.

11 Christine Eccles: The Rose Theatre, page 94.

12 Quoted in P. Whitfield White: Theatre and Reformation, page 49.

13 ibid., page 51.

Chapter Twenty-six

1 E.J.L. Scott (ed.): Letter Book of Gabriel Harvey (London, 1884), page 67.

2 Quoted in G.K. Hunter: John Lyly: The Humanist as Courtier, page 87.