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3 Quoted in Charles Nicholclass="underline" A Cup of News: The Life of Thomas Nashe, page 61.

4 Quoted in F.S. Boas: Christopher Marlowe, page 241.

5 Quoted in Nicholclass="underline" The Reckoning, page 242.

6 ibid., page 474.

Chapter Twenty-seven

1 Quoted in G.L. Hosking: The Life and Times of Edward Alleyn, page 36.

2 See E.A.J. Honigmann: Shakespeare: The “Lost Years,” page 109.

3 E.B. Everitt: The Young Shakespeare, page 61.

Chapter Twenty-eight

1 Quoted in Eric Sams: The Real Shakespeare, page 163.

2 ibid., page 66.

3 ibid., page 67.

4 ibid.

Chapter Twenty-nine

1 The most notable defender is Eric Sams, in Shakespeare’s Lost Play: Edmund Ironside.

2 I am indebted for these observations to Eric Sams.

3 Quoted in Charles Praetorius (ed.): The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, page xvi.

Chapter Thirty

1 Quoted in Bate (ed.): The Romantics on Shakespeare, page 543.

Chapter Thirty-one

1 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 305.

2 Quoted in E.A.J. Honigmann (ed.): King John, pages xlviii-xlix (London, 1954).

Chapter Thirty-two

1 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 306.

2 ibid., page 298.

3 ibid.

4 Quoted in David George: “Shakespeare and Pembroke’s Men,” page 312.

Chapter Thirty-three

1 Quoted in George: “Shakespeare and Pembroke’s Men,” page 307.

2 Quoted in Gross (ed.): After Shakespeare, page 23.

3 Quoted in Bate (ed.): The Romantics on Shakespeare, page 279.

Chapter Thirty-four

1 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume Two, page 831.

2 Quoted in Nungezer: A Dictionary of Actors, page 78.

3 ibid., page 72.

4 Quoted in C.T. Onions and S. Lee (eds): Shakespeare’s England, Volume One, page 301.

5 ibid., page 304.

Chapter Thirty-five

1 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 347.

2 Quoted in A. Freeman: Thomas Kyd, page 25.

3 The best analysis of the whole episode is to be found in Charles Nicholl’s masterly The Reckoning.

4 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 369.

5 Quoted in G.P.V Akrigg: Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton, page 182.

6 Quoted in C.C. Stopes: The Life of Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, page 56.

7 Quoted in Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton, page 197.

8 ibid.

9 Quoted in Drake: Shakespeare and His Times, Volume Two, page 12.

Chapter Thirty-six

1 Richard Wilson: Secret Shakespeare, page 134.

2 Quoted in F. Yates: John Florio, page 127.

3 See in particular Stewart Trotter: Love’s Labour’s Found.

4 Translation by H.T. Lowe-Parker.

5 ibid.

Chapter Thirty-eight

1 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 207.

2 Quoted in Nungezer: A Dictionary of Actors, page 219.

3 Quoted in M.C. Bradbrook: The Rise of the Common Player, page 72.

4 Quoted in Irwin Smith: Shakespeare’s Blackfriars Playhouse, page 258.

Chapter Thirty-nine

1 Quoted in M. Hattaway: Elizabethan Popular Theatre, page 72.

2 Quoted in Joseph: Elizabethan Acting, page 149.

3 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page214.

4 ibid.

5 Quoted by Daniel Seltzer: “Elizabethan Acting in Othello,” Shakespeare Quarterly, 10 (1959).

6 Quoted in M. White: Renaissance Drama in Action, page 59.

7 Quoted in Joseph: Elizabethan Acting, page 17.

Chapter Forty

1 Quoted in Joseph: Elizabethan Acting, page 9.

2 Quoted in P. Thomson: Shakespeare’s Theatre, page 110.

3 Fynes Moryson: Itinerary (London, 1617), page 476.

4 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 278.

5 John Southworth: Shakespeare the Player, page 173.

6 Quoted in J.B. Matthews: Molière: His Life and Works, page 39.

7 Quoted in Shakespeare Survey, 17, page 197.

8 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume One, page 84.

9 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 262.

10 ibid., page 190.

11 Quoted in Michael Wood: In Search of Shakespeare, page 146.

12 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 191.

Chapter Forty-one

1 Quoted in Gross (ed.): After Shakespeare, page 24.

2 Quoted in Schoenbaum: Shakespeare: A Documentary Life, page 133.

3 I am indebted for these suggestions to Rolf Soellner’s essay, “Shakespeare’s Lucrece and the Garnier — Pembroke Connection,” Shakespeare Studies XV (1982).

4 Quoted in Halliwell-Phillips: Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, page 119.

5 Quoted in Chambers: Shakespeare: Facts and Problems, Volume Two, page 197.

6 John Donne: letter to Sir Henry Goodere in Letters to Severall Persons of Honour (1651).

Chapter Forty-two

1 Quoted in R. Fraser: Shakespeare: The Later Years, page 9.

2 Quoted in R.A. Foakes (ed.): The Comedy of Errors, Arden edition (London, 1962), pages 116-7.

3 Quoted in Picard: Elizabeth’s London, page 206.

4 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 255.

5 Quoted in W. Nicholas Knight: Shakespeare’s Hidden Life, page 159.

6 Quoted in Fripp: Shakespeare: Man and Artist, Volume One, page 255.